My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 289: Wearing the Wedding Ring Again

Chapter 289: Wearing the Wedding Ring Again

Enjoy snow in winter and flowers in summer.

There is still an endless stream of tourists who come to Xishan to watch the crabapple flowers, and the crowds are no less than in winter.

I don't know if it's because Qin Yue's memory is particularly good, or because Jian Ran took him through this place, so he remembers it very clearly.

He only walked the road once, and when he came back a few years later, he could even remember where there was a hurdle and where there was a turn.

He took Jian Ran's hand and led her from the path she took him to the "sea of ​​love" where they had been before.

In summer, the ice and snow melt and there is a lot of rain. In winter, the small lake that freezes has long since thawed. The water in the lake is shining like a pearl in the mountains.

Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran, kissed her forehead, and said softly: "Jian Ran, do you like this place?"

"I like it." Jian Ran nodded vigorously, gave him a bright smile, and said softly, "I really like it! Thank you for bringing me to such a beautiful place."

Hearing what she said, Qin Yue smiled bitterly and rubbed her head.

She brought him to such a beautiful place, not him, but she couldn't remember it.

"It was you who brought me here that winter." Qin Yue led Jian Ran to the old tree, and said as he walked, "You also told me that this small lake is called [Love Sea]."

He knew she couldn't remember, he would tell her slowly, after listening, it didn't matter if she couldn't remember.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't remember the past between them, he will tell her one by one.

It turns out that this place is called Love Sea!

The lake is not big, and the water quality is crystal clear, just like love. True love can only accommodate two people, and it is as clear and sweet as spring water.

While speaking, Qin Yue had already led Jian Ran to the old tree, and pulled her to squat down together: "At that time, you dug out a ring here and gave it to me."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yue looked at Jian Ran quietly, hoping that she could respond to him and tell him that she remembered.

It was here, when the lake was still frozen, that she personally dug out the [treasure] buried with her mother and gave it to him.

Jian Ran is also working hard, thinking hard, thinking about it, she only thinks of some pictures, that is, burying a ring with her mother.

She looked at Qin Yue's left hand. He was wearing a ring on the middle finger of his left hand. It was a very old ring, which was buried here by her mother in her memory.

She still remembered what her mother said - let her meet someone she really loves, someone who wants to live a lifetime, then give him this ring.

Jian Ran can't remember that she gave the ring to Qin Yue, but since the ring is in Qin Yue's hand, it can be proved that when she gave the ring to him, she must have loved him.

I had doubts, apprehensions, and panic before. After these two days, all those emotions disappeared.

At this moment, Jian Ran only knew that Qin Yue was her husband, the father of her child, the man she loved before, and the man she fell in love with again in her life.

Love is really a wonderful thing, it does not disappear with the passage of time, but there is an invisible force that pulls each other tightly.

Jian Ran snuggled into Qin Yue's arms, reached out to hug his thin waist, and murmured: "Mr. Qin, I will hold you tightly in the future and never leave you again."

No matter who makes her lose her memory, no matter how terrifying the forces behind the scenes are, she will fight them to the end.

This time, she will hold Qin Yue's hand tightly and never leave him again.

"Mr. Qin will also hold on to Mrs. Qin tightly, and he will never let go of her hand again." Qin Yue said.

Qin Yue stretched out his hand and showed Jian Ran the old-style ring worn on his left middle finger that had never been taken off: "You said that I would be yours if I wore this, and I would never regret it for the rest of my life."

"I, did I really say that?" Jian Ran couldn't remember, did she really say such barbaric words? Or is Qin Yue making her happy again?

"You don't want to be responsible anymore?" Qin Yue raised his brows, as if she would jump into the nearby lake if she said yes.

"No." Didn't they even have Xiao Ranran? This responsibility will last her whole life. Can she go back on it?

Qin Yue grabbed Jian Ran's hand and kissed the back of her hand. Like magic, a ring suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Jian Ran, this is our wedding ring. Are you willing to wear it again for me?" Qin Yue asked very carefully, for fear that Jian Ran would refuse.

When he came back from a business trip, Jian Ran was gone, leaving behind Xiao Ranran, their wedding ring, and a box of ashes.

The ring that belongs to Jian Ran has a small [Yue] character engraved on it. Qin Yue wants to put it on for her again, but he doesn't know if she is willing or not.

"I am willing." Is there still a need to ask?

Qin Yue carefully put the ring on her right ring finger. She was a little thinner than three years ago, and the ring was a little loose.

Qin Yue said again: "This size is a little bigger, I'll take it back and ask someone to change it."

Jian Ran immediately held her hand, not letting him take the ring back: "This ring is mine now, you can't take it off at will."

It doesn't matter if she is a little older, she will eat more in the future and gain some weight. The most important thing is that she is superstitious. After putting on the wedding ring, he must never let him take it off again.

Jian Ran raised her hand to look at it, sighed, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "I feel like I'm going to marry again, but I'm still marrying the same man, it seems a bit reconciled."

What Jian Ran said was a joke, but Mr. Qin took her seriously, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her hard again.

He didn't let her go until he was out of breath, and said seriously: "In this life, you can't think about anyone else except me."

"So domineering!" Really domineering, but it seems that she likes him who is so domineering yet gentle.

While talking, Jian Ran suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed: "Qin Yue, what's the date today?"

"Number two."

"Number two?"

When she heard that it was number two, Jian Ran frowned, extremely annoyed.

It was agreed to accompany Xiao Ranran to celebrate Children's Day, but they came to Kyoto. The children had their parents to accompany them, but Xiao Ranran didn't. How sad she was.

"I believe that Xiao Ranran cares more about whether her mother is back than Children's Day." Having said this, Qin Yue hopes that Jian Ran will be brave and recognize Xiao Ranran.

But Jane is not ready yet.

Although she has a good relationship with Xiao Ranran, and Xiao Ranran also mentioned that she should be her mother, but the feeling is different.

Xiao Ranran is still young, and may not understand the difference between her own mother and stepmother.

She wanted Xiao Ranran to understand that she was Xiao Ranran's biological mother, not the stepmother her father found.

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