Chapter 299: Arrive in time

"Young madam, the old man wants to see you, but he can't eat people. What are you afraid of?" Assistant He grabbed Jian Ran's wrist and clasped her hard, trying to force her back to the old man Qin's side.

Assistant He's voice pulled Jian Ran back from her long-standing thoughts. She bit her lip and raised her hand to swipe at Assistant He.

Her slap was quick and hard, completely beyond Assistant He's expectations. It wasn't until he received a hot slap on the face that he realized that he had been beaten by this woman.

"You—" He raised his hand and wanted to give Jian Ran a slap, but when he thought of his identity, he reluctantly retracted his hand.

Jian Ran gritted her teeth and tried her best to stabilize her trembling body. Soon her emotions were stabilized a lot. She glanced at Assistant He, then turned to Mr. Qin, just in time to meet Mr. Qin's inquiring eyes.

Mr. Qin's eyes were sinister and cold, as if he wanted to push her into a situation of doom, and then he would be satisfied.

The old man in front of him, the face that used to be full of love, is gone at this moment, because she is the only one here, so he doesn't have to pretend.

She had been plotted by them before, and Jian Ran knew how sinister the two people who hid their swords in their smiles.

It was they who made her lose her previous memory, they made her leave her husband, and they made her child born without a mother.

Thinking about the things these two people did before, Jian Ran wanted to cramp their muscles, peel them off, let them remake them, and let them learn how to be human beings.

But Jian Ran knew very well that there was no way to fight these two people with her own ability alone.

The servants at home should have been taken away by the old man. At this time, there are only three of them in the huge living room. If they do anything to her, she still has no power to resist.

Jian Ran suppressed the fear and fear in her heart and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. She couldn't fight hard, then she could only outsmart and find a way to send these two people away.

Assistant He added: "The old man is here today to discuss a deal with you."

"Talk about a deal with me?" Jian Ran smiled coldly and said, "I am a person who has no memory of the past. What else do you want from me?"

Assistant He said: "your mother should have left you one thing many years ago, it was left to her by your biological father, as long as you give it to us, how will you live in the future, no one will ever bother you again. "

"Just say what you want, don't play dumb puzzles with me here." Jian Ran's memory is still incomplete. She wants to think of something special her mother left her for a while, but she can't remember it at all.

In other words, even if she remembered it, it was a gift from her father to her mother. How could she give her mother's relics to others, especially the two people in front of her.

"The things that your mother gave you, the things that were specially instructed to you." Assistant He paid attention to Jian Ran's expression as he spoke, trying to find some clues in her eyes, but he was disappointed. In his eyes, he saw disgust as well as disgust.

Assistant He wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the old man. The old man stood up slowly, coughed lightly, and said in his loud and bell-like voice, "Jian Ran, don't worry, think slowly, and tell me when I think about it. us."

He still has the tone of elders talking to juniors. If people listen to them, they will not feel any difference.

But Jian Ran listened to another meaning. This old man was threatening her. As long as she handed over what they wanted, everyone would be better off. If she didn't hand it over, they would have time to waste time with her.

What's so special about the things that her mother left her? It's worth the Qin family's father to personally ask her to hand over the things?

Grandpa Qin got up and left, but as soon as he looked up, he saw Qin Yue who was standing at the door.

He is still the white and black pairing that he often wears in the past two years, a white shirt and black trousers, standing upright, just standing there and doing nothing, but his powerful aura will still be overwhelming. gas.

Qin Yue called the security personnel and instructed in a cold voice: "the old man is leaving, see off the guest. He is old and in bad health, so he will be raised in the farm in the future. If anyone is not well taken care of, I will ask him."

It is a set of official rhetoric that Qin Yue really wants someone to keep the old man under his watch, and he will not be released without his permission in the future.

If Grandpa Qin hadn't come to the house to trouble Jian Ran today, Qin Yue would not have used this trick.

Once this method is used, it will officially announce that the grandfather-grandfather love between him and Grandpa Qin has come to an end.

"Muzhi, do you want to control my actions?" The old man snorted coldly and said with a smile, "Don't forget, you were brought up by me and taught by me. I know exactly how you do things. Very. If you want to control my actions, wait another 20 years to see if you have that ability."

"Please go back, old man! Take a good look at me." Qin Yue didn't even look at the old man, he still said this briefly.

He has been in the business world since he was ten years old, and now it has been more than ten or twenty years, and he has become the most famous and youngest business legend in the world. Does his lovely grandfather think he will get Is such a high reputation just because he took over Shengtian?

"Okay, okay, you have grown up and your wings are hard, you can...cough..." Although it was not the first time that Qin Yue had turned against him for a woman, Grandpa Qin would still be angry.

Assistant He hurriedly supported the old man Qin and said worriedly: "old man, don't be angry, if you are really angry, you can only watch the Shengtian you worked so hard for fall into the hands of others."

Assistant He said this to Qin Yue, but Qin Yue turned a deaf ear and looked at them with cold and ruthless eyes.

It was not until Mr. Qin and the two were sent away that Qin Yue looked at Jian Ran, and his eyes became gentle like water in an instant.

He strode to Jian Ran's side, rubbed her into his arms, and said softly, "Jian Ran, don't be afraid, I'm here for everything."

Jian Ran rubbed hard in his arms, and then stretched out her arms to wrap tightly around his thin waist: "I'm not afraid. I'm very happy."

Qin Yue raised her jaw and asked softly, "Are you sure you're happy?"

Jian Ran pouted and said, "I'm not stupid, of course I know I'm happy."

Happy that Mr. Qin brought Assistant He to the door, and seeing their faces, she finally put together those fragmented memories.

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