My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 308 Intercepting the news

Chapter 308: Interception of the message

When she saw the news, Jian Ran was extremely shocked, and she felt a strong sense of unease in her shocked heart.

She ran to the study room to find Qin Yue for the first time, but Qin Yue was still busy with her work, with a calm expression on her face, as if this matter had long been expected by him.

Seeing Jianran's doubts, Qin Yue put down the mouse, looked at her, and said, "don't worry, I didn't do this."

"Did the old man do it?" It was an interrogative sentence, and Jian Ran said it with great certainty.

She believed that Qin Yue had sworn Xiao Ranran that he would never do anything to Jane Zhengtian.

"Well." Qin Yue nodded.

He won't turn his face and don't recognize people, but he won't protect Jane Zhengtian either.

He knew clearly that the crew was arranged by the old man, but he did not reveal it. Jane Zhengtian has done a lot of evil, so naturally someone will clean it up, and he doesn't need to do anything.

"Jian Zhengtian really died like this? Could it be just a trick? In fact, he was rescued by parachuting with the crew, but the old man kept this fact hidden?"

Having experienced too much, now Jian Ran has gradually learned to look at things without looking at the surface, and thinks more than ever before.

Qin Yue shook his head and said with a smile: "Based on what I know about the old man, it should be a gift from him that the person who betrayed him can die so easily. He wanted to get rid of Jian Zhengtian for a long time, how could it be? Give him a chance to be reborn."

Jian Ran didn't speak, but took a deep breath. The old man's methods were so cruel and ruthless, it might not be a good thing for her.

The old man regarded her as a thorn in the flesh, and could not wait to get rid of it. Maybe the reason he wanted to get rid of her was because he thought she had a secret in her hands.

That day, the old man of the Qin family and Assistant He looked for her and asked her to hand over the relics left to her by her father and mother.

Her mother did not give her anything important during her lifetime.

Just when Jian Ran was thinking about this, out of the corner of her eyes, she inadvertently glanced at the old-fashioned ring that Qin Yue was wearing on her middle finger.

The ring was left to her by her mother, and she had been instructed at the time that she must keep it well and give it to someone who could entrust it to her in the future.

So is it possible that the ring was left by the father to the mother, and the mother left it to her, so it was so important?

Even if it was given by the father to the mother, what secret could there be?

Such a small ring, even if you want to hide a secret, you may not be able to hide it.

Seeing that Jian Ran was distracted, Qin Yue got up and put her in his arms, rubbed her head, and said, "Jian Zhengtian's death a hundred times is not enough. Don't feel sorry for him."

"I won't feel sorry for him." It's not that Jian Ran has never seen what Jian Zhengtian did, so how could she feel sorry for him.

What she was worried about was that the old man of the Qin family was so cruel, and whether she would become the next Jane Zhengtian.

Three years ago, she escaped and survived. If Mr. Qin attacks her again in the future, will she still have to be slaughtered by him?

Jane took a breath quietly, bit her lip, and told herself in her heart.

In the future, she must become stronger, not only to protect herself, but also to protect Qin Yue and Xiao Ranran. She will never let anyone separate them.

Qin Yue said again: "it's getting late, you sleep with your child first, and I'll come to accompany you after I finish the work at hand."

Jian Ran nodded: "don't be too busy. Of course, you will feel distressed. "

Qin Yue chuckled: "does Da Ranran feel distressed, or does Xiao Ranran feel distressed?"

Jian Ran pursed her lips and said, "big or small, it will hurt."

Qin Yue held her in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her. After a long time, he said, "Good, I see."

Jian Ran: "..."


Watching Jian Ran leave the study, Qin Yue's gentle eyes instantly became extremely sharp, like a bloodthirsty Satan.

The reason why he did everything according to Jian Zhengtian's request was because he knew that the old man had sent someone to observe Jian Zhengtian secretly.

Jian Zhengtian's every move is under the control of the old man. Jian Zhengtian shakes out all the secrets he knows. How could the old man keep him alive.

Jian Zhengtian is dead, but Qin Yue still has many things to do.

Who was Xiao Yuanfeng's murderer?

When did the old man have such an important person by his side?

These are unknown to him at the moment, and he can only continue to investigate along the clues he already knows.

No matter what the reasons are for Jian Ran's crimes in the past three years, he will never let her suffer in vain, he will help her get justice.


A farm in Jiangbei.

With his vigorous skills, Zhan Nianbei sneaked into the farm quietly, without being noticed by the surrounding observers.

He crossed the yard and walked for a while before reaching the house where the old man of the Qin family lived.

Assistant He just helped the old man make tea and prepared two tea cups, which seemed to be prepared for Zhan Nianbei who had just arrived.

"Come on." After these days of being under house arrest, the old man's voice became much weaker, and he looked old.

"Well." Zhan Nianbei nodded, sat down opposite the old man, took a sip from the teacup unceremoniously, and said, "what are you looking for from me?"

The old man coughed suddenly, stopped after a while, and said slowly, "Jian Zhengtian is dead, how are things going on your side?"

"It's probably handled almost, but I'm not sure. That old man is too cunning and has prepared various methods to expose the incident. I intercepted some, but I can't guarantee that he has no other methods." Bei is also worried, and his voice is a little hoarse.

He didn't do anything these days. He spent all his time checking the possible exposure paths of Jian Zhengtian. He found fifteen ways of exposure, but he couldn't guarantee that he had checked all of them.

"Since you can't find it, then you have to find a way to minimize the damage. Let your people monitor the domestic network in all aspects. Once there is news, it will be cleared immediately. This matter must not be spread, otherwise Xiaobao... …”

Speaking of this, the old man was also a little weak, with tears flashing in his godless eyes. After a long time, he said, "Zhan Nianbei, you like Xiaobao, right?"

Zhan Nianbei narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't say a word, which was the default.

The old man added: "If you like her, do your best to protect her, and never let her be hurt a little more. She has lost too much, and what we can do for her is to make her worry-free forever. Live carefree."

Zhan Nianbei still didn't speak, but the two hands by his side were tightly clenched into fists, and the blue veins on the back of the hands bulged.

This feeling of powerlessness is the same as when I watched my father get sick, but I couldn't treat myself.

As if there were cliffs all around him, as long as he took a wrong step, he would fall into the abyss, and there was no way out.

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