My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 311: Is the Ring a Clue?

Chapter 311: Is the Ring a Clue?

Jian Ran wanted to avenge her father with Xiao Qinghe, and of course she would not hide anything from him, and told Xiao Qinghe what she knew in detail.

After Xiao Qinghe heard it, his originally condescending expression became serious. After a long silence, he punched the coffee table in front of him and said angrily, "Does the old Qin family think that there are no men in our Xiao family?"

"Brother, don't get excited. It's already happened, and it won't help us to get angry again. We have to find a way to find evidence of his murder before we can avenge my father." She also wanted to avenge the hardships she suffered. Suffering from those tortures in vain.

"Of course, you... suffered." Xiao Qinghe squeezed out such a sentence through gritted teeth.

That old immortal from the Qin family, if he has the ability, will come to him to deal with a weak woman, which is a piece of shit. In vain he used to think that the old thing was highly respected, but he didn't expect it to be such a thing.

During this time, in order to help Jane recover her memory, Xiao Qinghe searched for information about the CR potion used by the military of country A against spies.

He saw that after those people were injected with medicine, the kind of miserable situation that life was worse than death, and those who survived, who did not turn around from the gate of hell.

The more he thinks about it, the more angry Xiao Qinghe becomes, but what's the use of being angry?

They are not the opponents of the old Qin family, so Jian Ran is right, ordinary people like them can only use ordinary people's solutions.

Find old man Qin's criminal evidence and make things bigger. At that time, even if their Qin family had the ability to reach the sky, they would not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

Xiao Qinghe turned around and went back to the room. When he came out again, there was an extra ring in his hand, a ring identical to Jian Ran's.

He said: "This ring was given to me by my father a few days before the accident. I was young at the time, and I don't know what he said. I just remember that he told me to keep this ring well."

"Brother..." Jane swallowed her saliva nervously, paused, and then said, "Can these two rings really help us find the truth about the murder of our father?"

Xiao Qinghe took the two rings together, looked inside and out, and they were so naked that they didn't even engrave a word.

He said, "Of course, think about it again. When auntie gave you the ring, did she say anything else besides asking you to give it to someone who can be entrusted to you for life?"

Jian Ran tried her best to recall the situation when her mother took her to bury the ring. After thinking about it, she could only remember those words.

Maybe she was shy at the time, thinking about what kind of man would come to marry her in the future, so she forgot the main point of what her mother said.

Xiao Qinghe added: "I thought about it again, but it's been too long. I didn't think that would be the last time my father spoke to me, so I didn't listen at all. When he asks me to keep the ring well."

Xiao Yuanfeng has been dead for more than 20 years. He gave the ring to Xiao Qinghe before he passed away. For more than 20 years, Xiao Qinghe still remembers what his father said.

However, Jane's ring was given to her by her mother after she grew up and remembered. It wasn't too long in the past, and she might still be able to think of some clues.

For more than 20 years, the two brothers and sisters were still young and did not participate in it.

The only clue that Jane can think of is the ring left by her mother. How can a small ring hide a secret?

Brother and sister, look at me, I look at you, and look at the ring at the same time. After staring at the ring for a while, the two suddenly realized at the same time.

Jian Ran: "brother, do you think it could be..."

Xiao Qinghe: "however, do you think it will... you say first. "

Jian Ran said: "You see that these two rings are obviously a couple's model, and they should be the token of their love. The mother holds the father's men's model, and the father holds the mother's women's model. Will these two rings be the same? pointing somewhere?"

"Yes, it should be." Xiao Qinghe thought for a while and said, "the two of them grew up together, childhood sweethearts, and their relationship is very good. I think they want to tell us to go to the place where they often dated before. The clues may be hiding there."

After they came to this conclusion, they were quickly overturned by themselves.

Kyoto is developing so fast that the place that was decades ago has been demolished long ago, where is it possible to find the place where they used to meet frequently.

Jian Ran picked up the two rings and looked at them again. They were two ordinary rings, and I really couldn't see anything special about them.

Xiao Qinghe added: "Jian Zhengtian said that he made a video of the chat with the old Qin family and sent it to his father. Twenty years ago, when Internet technology was not so developed, what method did he use to transmit the video to his father? What about your father's?"

Jian Ran said, "Brother, we have found the transmission method, and we have the direction to search."

Maybe if you find the video transmission method, you can find the video recording of that year. Is the direction pointed by the two rings just for them to find the video recording?

Thinking about it, Jian Ran only felt that her eyes were bright, and she said, "Brother, do you think these two rings are documents in themselves?"

Xiao Qinghe was startled, then clapped his palms excitedly: "maybe these two rings are special chips, we can just find a way to read the data."

Jian Ran nodded and said, "Father gave you the ring, and mother gave me the ring, and let us keep it separately. Even if one is stolen by the old Qin family, we can still have some clues."

Xiao Qinghe said: "then let's quickly find professionals in computer technology and let them help us see, maybe we can find the truth."

Jian Ran said, "No. Mr. Qin must still have someone beside us. If we look for someone, it is very likely that his only clue will be snatched away by him. "

Xiao Qinghe thought for a while and said, "then look for Qin Yue, who has so many capable men under his command. There is absolutely no problem in testing whether these two rings are made of precision chips."

Jian Ran shook her head and said, "Brother, I hope we can resolve this matter ourselves, not Qin Yue."

Don't look for Qin Yue?

Hearing Jianran's words, Xiao Qinghe was slightly startled, because Qin Yue is also Qin's family, so Jianran is unwilling to find Qin Yue?

However, Xiao Qinghe, a bystander, is very clear about Qin Yue's feelings for Jianran. Qin Yue should not do anything to hurt Jianran in order to cover up his grandfather.

However, in the face of interests and family affection, no one can tell which side Qin Yue will choose to stand on. Just in case, Jian Ran's decision not to find Qin Yue is correct.

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