My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 319 Forced into a dead end

Chapter 319: Into a dead end

Almost everything has surfaced. Now the only thing Qin Yue still has doubts about is why the old man is so cruel to Jian Ran?

If it was just because Xiao Yuanfeng indirectly killed someone who was very important to the old man, wouldn't it be better for the old man to seek revenge for Xiao Qinghe, the only son of the Xiao family?

Even with such a powerful and flexible brain as Qin Yue, when he encounters this matter, he still can't figure out why after thinking about it.

Just when he closed his eyes and thought, the driver had already driven to his second destination today, the farm where the old man of the Qin family lived temporarily.

At this time, the scorching sun is still high in the sky, but because the vegetation around the farm is very lush, blocking the sun, it is not as hot as the outside.

Mr. Qin has lived here for a while, and he lives about the same every day, drinking tea, growing flowers, and playing chess.

When Qin Yue arrived, the old man was sitting in the pavilion playing chess with his assistant Xiao He, and there were not many chess pieces left.

The old man's chess game has forced Xiao He into a dead end. If Xiao He does not take this step well, the old man can check him to death with another trick Haidilaoyue.

"Master, you are here." Seeing Qin Yue, Xiao He took the initiative to step aside, "How about you play two games with the old man."

Qin Yue didn't refuse, sat down at Xiao He's place, swept the chess game with sharp eyes, and took a move.

He just moved a chess piece, and the chess game that had just been decided as a losing game suddenly came to life. No matter how the old man moved, there was no way to check him to death.

After a few more rounds, the old man became more and more tired. He looked and looked, thought about it, and after the last move, the pieces fell, and watched his victory and defeat in a mess.

In the chess played by Xiao He just now, he only needs to take one more step to win a big victory. I don't know how Qin Yue turned defeat into victory?

The old man Qin rolled his eyes in dismay: "I'm already a lot of age. As a junior, you can't be merciful and force me to death?"

Qin Yue said lightly: "I never thought of killing you, but every step you take is a killer move. If I don't guard against you, then I will be the one who will die tragically in the end."

They seem to be talking about the chess game, but everyone knows that they are not just talking about the chess game, but the situation they are in right now.

Qin Yue wants the old man to understand that he will not take the initiative to attack, unless the old man pushes too hard, then in order to protect himself, he will also make moves.

However, the old man Qin is always his grandfather. It is impossible for him to make a killing move against the old man, but it is still possible to control his freedom like now.

The old man Qin said, "Xiao He, go get my best Pu'er, make us a new pot of tea, and ask the young master to taste it for me. Is it worth the price?"

"I'll go right now." Knowing that their grandparents and grandsons had something to say, Assistant He made an sensible excuse to leave after serving the tea.

As soon as Assistant He left, the old man suddenly sneered: "How come you are free? Are you here to see how long I can live?"

Qin Yue laid out the chess pieces calmly, took a few sips of tea, and said slowly: "you are so strong in your body and your words, you will definitely have no problem living for decades. I'm here today to accompany you. You play chess."

"No matter how good my health is, I will be pissed to death by you, an unfilial son." Mr. Qin swept away all the chess pieces that Qin Yue had placed on the ground, and said angrily, "You and I both know it well. , don't pretend in front of me."

"Master, if you are so direct, then I won't betray you." Qin Yue sat up straight, looked at Master Qin, and said, "Actually, I came to you just to confirm one thing with you."

"You thought I'd tell you?"

"you will."


"Because you love Xiaobao, you love Xiaobao, and you want her to live a carefree life like she does now."


Hearing Qin Yue's words, Mr. Qin was also very surprised. He didn't believe that Qin Yue could find Xiaobao so quickly without any clues.

But listening to Qin Yue's words just now, it showed that he knew that the matter had something to do with Xiaobao. The old man didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it.

Qin Yue said again, "it doesn't matter if you say it or not. I'm just here to tell you that I will always be Xiaobao's brother."

The implication is that he is Qin Xiaobao's brother, so he will naturally protect Qin Xiaobao as before and love her like his own sister.

But the old man's chilling behavior was that he did not regard him as a descendant of the Qin family.

Mr. Qin was stunned for a moment and said, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"It's alright." Leaving the words behind, Qin Yue got up and left, because he knew that he couldn't get any clues from the old man's mouth.

Before he came, he had some illusions, hoping that the old man would have an epiphany and repent, but now it seems that it is impossible.

"Mozhi, grandpa also asked you a question. You can only choose one between Jian Ran and the Qin family. Who do you choose?"

The old man's voice came from behind, but Qin Yue didn't look back.

The Qin family is his root, and Jian Ran is his wife. They are equally important to him, so it is impossible for him to give up one of them.

Watching Qin Yue get into the car, the car went away, and Xiao He came from a distance again, two cold eyes stared at Qin Yue's car until it disappeared, and then he took his eyes back.

He said, "Master, I have done as you ordered."

The old man nodded and said, "how is Jian Ran staring over there?"

Xiao He said: "for so many days, she hardly went out. The only time she went out was to go to Xiao Qinghe. She stayed at Xiao Qinghe's house for about half an hour and then left."

"She went to Xiao Qinghe? Has Xiao Qinghe been doing anything recently? "

"Xiao Qinghe didn't."


"Master, is it true that such a thing is not in Jian Ran's hands?"

The old man frowned and thought for a while: "It's impossible."

At that time, Jian Zhengtian only saw Jian Ran's mother before his death and handed her things. At that time, Mr. Qin did not stop him.

That's because he didn't know that they had such important evidence in their hands, and when he knew it, it was nowhere to be found.

The old man Qin said again: "Continue to send people to watch, no matter what method is used, we must get the evidence."

If that evidence leaks out, the reputation he's built up in his life will be ruined, everything will be ruined.

If he is destroyed, what will Xiaobao do?

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