Chapter 323: The Blessings of a Lifetime Cultivation

Liu Yong and Xu Huiyi have been with Qin Yue for more than ten years. It can be said that they are Qin Yue's most important right-hand man.

If Xu Huiyi betrayed Qin Yue, Jian Ran guessed that the person who instigated Xu Huiyi must be the old man of the Qin family.

Xu Huiyi has been by Qin Yue's side for so long, and it's just for the sake of interest. It's hard for her to betray Qin Yue.

If the other party is the old man of the Qin family, it makes sense.

Xu Huiyi may be the person the old man placed beside Qin Yue, or it may be that the old man was moved by affection and made Xu Huiyi defect.

No matter what the reason is, Jian Ran will not care about it. She only knows that she must guard against Xu Huiyi in the future, and she must never let her play tricks behind Qin Yue's back.

Xu Huiyi has a problem, so what about Liu Yong?

Jian Ran glanced at Liu Yong without a trace.

Liu Yong kept his hands behind his back and kept turning in circles, as if two big words were written on his face - worry.

From the phone call with Liu Yong and the observation of Liu Yong just now, Jian Ran felt that Liu Yong should have no problem.

If there is no problem with Liu Yong, then he can continue to use it. As for Xu Huiyi?

Jian Ran just guessed that there was something wrong with Xu Huiyi, and she didn't get any definite evidence to prove that she had a problem, so she couldn't do anything to Xu Huiyi yet.

After all, Xu Huiyi is still a veteran who has been with Qin Yue for many years.

If Xu Huiyi is wronged, it will also have a bad impact on Qin Yue's reputation, so Jian Ran's decision is to hold back against Xu Huiyi for the time being.

In Shengtian's work, Jian Ran asked Liu Yong to go back to convey the news, and told all the generals under Qin Yue to perform their duties.

In a business empire as big as Shengtian, there are countless elites under Qin Yue's hands. Qin Yue was lazy for a while, but all his work could still run as usual.

Qin Yue's important role for Shengtian is that he can stabilize people's hearts. If he is good, then everyone's hearts will be quiet.

When Qin Yue has something to do, the people below will think wildly, and their heart will not be stable. When their heart is chaotic, their work will naturally be chaotic.

Therefore, Jian Ran asked Liu Yong to try his best to block the news that Qin Yue was asleep in bed, and he must not leak a word.

Liu Yong had thought about these things that Jianran decided before, but he never thought that a Jianran who never participated in Qinyue's work would make such an order so calmly, which was really impressive.

Liu Yong agreed with Jian Ran's approach, and went to work after receiving the order, without delay for a moment.

As for Xu Huiyi who stayed behind, Jian Ran smiled at her and said, "Assistant Xu, I can take care of Qin Yue here. I'll give you a few days off. You can go back and rest."

Xu Huiyi said, "Miss Jane..."

Jian Ran interrupted her: "I'm Qin Yue's wife."

The implication is that I am Qin Yue's wife. Please call me Mrs. Qin, not Miss Jane. This is the most basic courtesy.

Xu Huiyi clenched her fist quietly and said, "Mrs. Qin, President Qin is sick. I need manpower at this time. How can I take a vacation."

"I said to let you go on vacation, you can go to rest. Qin Yue is here to take care of me, so you won't have to worry about it." Jian Ran seemed to say this very politely, but when she listened carefully, it was a shame. Leave it to Xu Huiyi.

This Jane, when did it become so difficult to deal with?

Xu Huiyi was helpless, but she didn't dare to turn against Jian Ran, so she left unwillingly.

They all left, and Jane let out a long sigh of relief.

She didn't know anything about Shengtian's affairs, so she could only leave it to Liu Yong to make arrangements, hoping that before Qin Yue woke up, Shengtian would not make any mistakes.

At present, she can't touch Xu Huiyi, and she is not at ease to leave things to Xu Huiyi to do, so giving Xu Huiyi a holiday is the best choice.

But compared with Shengtian, what worries Jane more is Qin Yue's body.

The colorless and odorless poison will not kill people, but it will paralyze people and keep them in a state of lethargy.

Thinking of Qin Yue's poison, Jian Ran couldn't help trembling at the top of her heart, and her distress spread to her whole body.

Who is the poisoner?

What is his purpose?

It's not for Qin Yue's life, then their purpose is Shengtian, or is it her and Xiao Ranran?

Jane doesn't know.

At present, the doctors have not found a way to detoxify, which means that no one knows when Qin Yue will wake up.

Jane went back to the ward, sat next to Qin Yue again, reached out and stroked his face, softly calling his name: "Qin Yue—"

"I know you won't promise me, but it doesn't matter, you listen, I'll tell you." She held Qin Yue's hand and smiled softly, "You must not know that I saw you at first sight. How would you feel when you were there?"

"When I saw you for the first time, I was thinking, how can there be such a good-looking man in the world. My heart was beating so fast at that time, but fortunately I didn't blush, you shouldn't have noticed it."

"On the day of the blind date, when you said goodbye to me, I thought we would never meet again... But I didn't expect that you would ask me again a few days later, and even proposed to me to register for marriage."

"I was stunned at the time, but I don't know why I agreed to you so quickly... Maybe this is the fate that people often say."

"I must have cultivated fortune for several lifetimes before I got the chance to be your husband and wife in this life. But it may be that I haven't cultivated enough fortune, so our marriage will encounter some obstacles."

"Qin Yue, don't let go of my hand, okay? Hold me tightly, let's walk forward together, no matter how rough the road ahead, hold me and Xiao Ranran tightly, okay? "

"Xiao Ranran told me last night that when my father goes back, I have a secret to tell my father. You must be reluctant to let Xiao Ranran wait for you for a long time. "

While talking, she didn't know why, but Jian Ran's tears fell from her eyes drop by drop like pearls with a broken thread.

"Qin Yue -" Jian Ran wiped away a tear, and cried hard on his chest, "You bastard, how can you scare me like this. Do you know that I'm really scared. "

She was so afraid of losing him, so afraid that she would never see him again when she opened her eyes...

She has many, many fears, but in front of outsiders, she must be strong. At this time, only she and Qin Yue can't control her emotions.

She hoped that Qin Yue would suddenly stretch out her hand, rub her head, and say to her, "Jian Ran, don't cry, I'm by your side, don't be afraid!"

But she didn't wait, she cried for a long time, Qin Yue still lay quietly, as if he didn't feel her from beginning to end.

Jane wiped her tears again, took a deep breath, and tried her best to laugh: "Qin Yue, don't be afraid, I will accompany you, always!"

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