My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 331 What qualifications do you have?

Chapter 331: What qualifications do you have?

Perhaps noticing Jianran's gaze, Mr. Qin looked at Jianran, and his wrinkled face was full of disdain and ridicule.

Jane knew that in the eyes of the old man, her little Jane was not enough to pose a threat to him, so he could ignore her and mock her.

Jian Ran retracted her gaze, and read the documents that Liu Yong gave her as she walked. On the first page, she saw an older person, Mr. Peng.

If it can be placed on the first page of the information, the status must be not low, but there is no detailed introduction about him.

Jian Ran had to ask Liu Yong, "Assistant Liu, who is this Mr. Peng?"

Liu Yong said: "Peng Lao is about the same age as the old man. He was a real veteran who accompanied the old man to fight the country. He holds 1.5 points of shares in Shengtian, which is a major shareholder among the major shareholders. But And because he has no children and no daughters, Mr. Qin has always taken care of the shares in his hands, and the annual dividends will be transferred to his account on time."

Jian Ran asked again, "how is his relationship with Qin Yue at ordinary times?"

Liu Yong said, "Mr. Qin has always respected such veterans and looked after them like elders."

"Peng is approachable and loves President Qin like his grandson. In the past, when he was in the United States, President Qin made time every week to play chess with his old man. After coming to Jiangbei, he spent less time with the old man. I talk to him on the phone once or twice a week."

At work, Qin Yue didn't know much about Jian Ran. At this time, she was relieved to hear the news from Liu Yong.

After listening, she asked again, "Is this Mr. Peng not on the list for this meeting?"

Liu Yong nodded: "It's really not there."

It seems that as long as they are with Qin Yue and cannot be bought, they will be excluded from the list by Mr. Qin. That is to say, to participate in the board of directors today is either bought by the old man of the Qin family, or a candidate who has been shaken.

In the business world, Qin Yue has such a good reputation that shocks China and foreign countries, which is inseparable from his work ability and all aspects of dealing with people.

Qin Yue's foundation is strong enough, his connections are wide, and he is popular. It is not easy for the old man to replace Qin Yue when he is in the limelight.

So his old man thought of poisoning so that Qin Yue could not get up, then he could collude with the people on the board of directors to regain control of Shengtian's power.

The old man's abacus is good, she will not let him succeed...

"Madam, let's go to the conference room to prepare first." Liu Yong suggested again.

"Okay." Jian Ran has no experience in participating in this kind of board meeting, but Liu Yong has more than ten years of experience with Qin Yue. Today, she would not be wrong to listen to Liu Yong's advice more.

Shengtian's conference room is luxurious, spacious and bright, which is many times better than the innovative technology that Jane used to work.

In the huge conference room, the staff had already done all the preparatory work, and the names of the participants were placed in the corresponding positions.

It stands to reason that people who do not hold shares in Shengtian are not eligible to participate in today's meeting, but today Jian Ran is here as Qin Yue's wife.

Qin Yue was in a coma and was bedridden. His child was still young. As his spouse, Jian Ran naturally wanted to attend this meeting for her.

When Jian Ran and Liu Yong entered the conference room, there was no one in the conference room and it looked empty.

Liu Yong pointed to the main seat and said, "Madam, that seat belongs to President Qin."

"Well." Jian Ran nodded, looked up, and vaguely seemed to see where Qin Yue was sitting.

He was wearing the silver-gray hand-cut suit he used to wear, and glasses with gold frames. He showed a kingly demeanor in his gestures. Everyone's eyes were on him, and no one questioned his words.

Qin Yue is really excellent, but at a young age, he can lead Shengtian forward step by step, becoming a legend in the business world again and again.

"Madam..." Seeing Jian Ran in a daze, Liu Yong reminded aloud, "You sit first, and I'll tell you the specifics."

It's really embarrassing for Jane to be a completely layman to preside over today's meeting. Many people are afraid that they won't have the courage to stand up.

Jian Ran suddenly thought of something and asked, "Assistant Liu, Shengtian has an employee named Cheng Xuyang. Is he qualified to participate in this meeting?"

Liu Yong thought for a while: "Are you Ling Feiyu's husband Cheng Xuyang?"

Jane nodded: "it's him."

"He is the person in charge of the technical support department..." Liu Yong immediately flipped through the information in his hand, "It stands to reason that he is eligible to participate in the audition, but this time there is no place for him."

"Find a way to contact him, he is someone we can trust." Jian Ran understands that in fact, when this kind of meeting is to fight for popularity, often one vote can play a lot of key roles, and one more person of your own will naturally bring benefits. .

"Madam, do you trust him so much?" Liu Yong rarely contacts Cheng Xuyang and doesn't know this person well. Would it be a risk to win him over at such a critical moment?

"I believe him." Jian Ran did not believe in Cheng Xuyang, but in Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu is her best friend, and because she was burned by the fire, but Ling Feiyu didn't complain a word, but was full of guilt towards her.

Ling Feiyu is so good, her eyesight is not bad, her husband must be trusted.

Jian Ran was so sure, and Liu Yong no longer questioned. He immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call to give some orders, and said, "Madam, I have already ordered."

Jian Ran walked to Qin Yue's seat and sat down, quietly took a breath: "No matter what, we can't let the old man of Qin's conspiracy succeed."

Liu Yong said: "President Qin has been at the helm of Shengtian for so many years. How can they take it away as soon as they say it. Let's not say that we will not agree, and many of Shengtian's directors will not agree."

Jian Ran understands this very well, but if Mr. Qin dares to hold this meeting, it proves that he has full confidence.

I am afraid that the major directors have been almost bought by him.

At this time, people had already entered the conference room one after another. Jian Ran turned on the computer to read the documents, and Liu Yong lowered his head and introduced the situation of the people who came to her.

When everyone arrived, the old man of the Qin family came slowly with a cane.

Because of his great prestige, when he came, everyone stood up to meet him.

In order not to be caught and criticized, Jian Ran also stood up to greet him and nodded with everyone.

The old man's stern and gloomy eyes fell on Jian Ran again. His cold and terrifying eyes made people feel cold in their backs just by looking at them.

Jian Ran looked at him fearlessly, and even gave him a polite smile, which was also cold and didn't reach her eyes.

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