My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 346 The poison is not finished yet?

Chapter 346: The poison is not finished yet?

Qin Yue looked at Xu Huiyi and said coldly, "you want to see me, I'm here, I'll give you a chance to speak."

"Mr. Qin..." Seeing Qin Yue, Xu Huiyi was so excited that her throat was hoarse, and her tears burst like a waterfall.

She rushed forward, but fell to the ground because she was locked in the chair. She desperately reached out to touch Qin Yue's trousers, even if it was shoes, but Qin Yue stood so far away...

All the time, so far away, as far as the ends of the earth, as far as two worlds, he was obviously by her side, but she couldn't touch her.

"President Qin, President Qin—"

She called Qin Yue again and again, and the tone of infatuation was as if she was calling her lover, sweetheart, with a deep voice.

Qin Yue frowned slightly and his eyes sank: "If you have something to say, say it."

"Mr. Qin, do you know? You definitely don't know, because you never see me in your eyes. That's not right, it should be that you never treat me as a woman. I work so hard and try to explain it to you. Do the best in everything, but in your eyes, you have never looked at me directly."

"Yes, I admit that I am older than you, but what does that matter? Don't you have the right to pursue the person you like when you are older? You clearly know that the person I like is you, but your father Qin Hao actually introduced me to him. A man like that."

"A man who is proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and a man who has no ability at all. You will never know, when you face a man who is as good as a god in the daytime, when you come home at night, you have to face such a wretched man what a man feels like."

Jian Ran and Qin Yue looked at Xu Huiyi, who was wriggling on the ground, and felt disgusting and pitiful for no reason.

There are seven hardships in life, and you can't ask for it.

Qin Yue suddenly took Jian Ran's hand and glanced at each other, only to feel that the world is in chaos and people's hearts are unpredictable, but you are here, I am here, the years are quiet, everything is complete and there is nothing else to ask for.

Xu Huiyi was on the ground, looking up at them holding each other, as if the world only had each other, the unwillingness in her heart almost tore her entire chest apart.

She hates herself, Jian Ran, the old man, Qin Hao, her unpromising husband, everything, and even Qin Yue.

"Hehehe..." Xu Huiyi laughed suddenly, with tears rolling down her face, looking like a lunatic, "President Qin, do you think your poison has been cured? Hahaha...President Qin, I wish you the best of luck. You can live a hundred years!"

"I thought the poison was cured?" Jian Ran panicked when she heard Xu Huiyi's words. There seemed to be thunder in her ears, which made her overwhelmed, so she could only ask in a nonchalant manner, "What do you mean?"

However, Xu Huiyi did not answer Jian Ran's question, she just looked at Jian Ran with a crazy smile in her eyes, and muttered in her mouth: " old... "

Jie Jie laughter echoed in this small room, like the sharp and harsh sound of fingernails rubbing against the glass, making people feel uneasy and even fearful.

"Xu Huiyi!" Jian Ran was worried about Qin Yue and wanted to pounce on Xu Huiyi, but Qin Yue grabbed her as soon as she made a move.

Jian Ran subconsciously wanted to get rid of Qin Yue's hand, and threw herself in front of Xu Huiyi to explain the poison clearly, but Qin Yue held it tightly, no matter how hard she struggled, she would not move.

The worry about Qin Yue in her heart had already turned into anxiety and anger, she couldn't help shouting at Qin Yue: "Qin Yue, what are you doing? Let me go quickly!"

However, Qin Yue still didn't let go, but held on tighter.

Regardless of Jian Ran's struggle and resistance, Qin Yue suddenly turned to look at Xu Huiyi, who was laughing arrogantly, with sharp and arrogant eyes: "Xu Huiyi, I have given you the opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it yourself, so don't blame me for treating you in the future. You're welcome."

Leaving the words behind, Qin Yue grabbed Jian Ran and left.

Keeping Xu Huiyi, Qin Yue wanted to find out some news about the old man from her mouth, but Xu Huiyi's mouth was so tight that they couldn't hear anything.

Then there is no need for him to waste more time on a useless person.

What Xu Huiyi said made Qin Yue clear about his guess.

He suspects that the poison in him has not been completely eliminated, and there is a potential danger deep in his body. The body's reaction will remind him from time to time in the past two days, but he has not done anything to him.

Since Xu Huiyi dared to say these words, it can prove that the residual poison hidden in his body must be much more powerful than he imagined.

However, Qin Yue didn't want Jian Ran to worry about it. No matter how uncomfortable his body was, he would still support him and be Jian Ran's strongest supporter.

"Qin Yue, I asked you to let go. I want to ask things clearly before leaving." Compared with Qin Yue's calmness, Jian Ran was about to cry.

The poison is not over!

That is to say, Qin Yue may fall into a coma again at any time, at any time...

Jian Ran didn't dare to think about it, so she took a deep breath.

Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran into his arms, rubbed Jian Ran's soft hair on his chin, then closed his eyes and softly called her name: "Jian Ran—"

His voice, deep and sexy, hit her heart like a moving syllable, forcibly suppressing the unease that rose suddenly.

Qin Yue lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, then said, "Xu Huiyi is playing psychological warfare with you. If you really believe what she said, then you will lose."

"Are you really all right? Is she really just playing psychological warfare with me? You didn't lie to me?" It's not that Jane didn't think about Xu Huiyi's intentions, but because it was related to Qin Yue, she became confused.

She couldn't even imagine what would happen to Qin Yue if something happened to her again, she would definitely be crazier than Xu Huiyi now.

"Fool, when did I lie to you?" Qin Yue hugged her tightly, as if to melt her into his body so that she could see his heart.

Jian Ran gave a low hum, but before she completely calmed down her uneasiness, Xu Huiyi's terrifying laughter struck again.

"Hahaha... Mr. Qin, my dear, Mr. Qin I love, you are so good and so good, why do you want to look at such a woman?"

"If you could look me in the eye, how could I be willing to poison your drinking water. I bless you, hahaha... I hope you will survive, at least two days longer than me."

Xu Huiyi's frantic roar reached Jianran's ears, and she was trembling when she heard it. She unconsciously stretched out her hand and wrapped tightly around Qin Yue's thin waist: "Qin Yue, it doesn't matter whether what Xu Huiyi said or not. Really, tomorrow we'll go to the hospital for a full body check."

Qin Yue nodded and said, "well, I will go to the doctor, don't worry about it."

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