Chapter 358: Each has his own mind


At this time, the old man's mind was full of only these words back and forth.

That Qin Yue was a human being at all, a creature more terrifying than a devil.

He tried his best to plan every step clearly and carefully control every step.

He thought about it, even if Qin Yue knew that he was not the old man of the Qin family, he could not find out his true identity.

But Qin Yue found it, and found it in a very short time.

What method did Qin Yue use to find out his true identity in such a short period of time?

As long as his identity is exposed, he will face the sky and the earth, and there is no place in the world that can accommodate him.

Seeing that the old man was pale and powerless, Assistant He comforted: "old man, don't worry, Qin Yue may guess who you are, but there is not necessarily evidence. As long as there is no evidence, no one can put a bucket of shit on your head. Think about it, your appearance is very different from before, and the old man of the Qin family is also dead, no one can do anything to you. "

Hearing what Assistant He said, the old man thought about it as well.

Qin Yue has no evidence to prove his identity, so he is still the respected patriarch of the Qin family, the oldest one.

After calming down, the old man was able to think normally. He asked, "By the way, where is that child?"

Assistant He said with a sneer, "I let someone hide her very secretly. Even if Qin Yue turned over the entire Jiangbei City, he wouldn't be able to find anyone."

The old man said again: "just hide that child so Qin Yue can't find it. Don't hurt her, otherwise I'm worried that Qin Yue will hurt Xiaobao."

"Master, you should know Qin Yue's personality better than me. Miss is the adopted daughter of their Qin family and the sister Qin Yue has always loved. Miss doesn't know anything, and Qin Yue will never hurt her. "

They have known Qin Yue for so many years, and they all know that Qin Yue is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, so they will start with the people around him.

"Then you can figure it out, don't overdo it, after all, that's a child who doesn't understand anything under the age of four." The old man sighed. A little sin, and the days after death may be better.

Sometimes he also thinks, is it really necessary for him to do this?

Xiaobao has Xiaobao's life, she has grown up, she has her own worldview, and she can make money to support herself... She is no longer the milk baby who was still babbling.

Assistant He said excitedly: "Master, why wasn't Miss a child back then? If you hadn't arrived in time, she might have been executed."

Old man: "..."

It is for this reason that he dealt with all those who hurt his relatives one by one, and did not let them end well, so he was caught by Jane Zhengtian.

"Old man, I'll be careful, don't worry." He finally caught Jian Ran and Qin Yue's hearts. If he didn't do anything and put them back, he would have spent so much effort. what to do?

The old man is indeed old, and his physical strength is not as good as before. Recently, Assistant He has been taking care of many things for him.

He waved his hand: "Xiao He, I want to be alone and be quiet. Go and do your own thing."

"Master, you have a good rest." He had wanted to see the child for a long time.

Xiao Ranran and Ling Feiyu are both in his hands. He still can't believe that he can't deal with the man Qin Yue.

While Assistant He was thinking about one vicious plan after another, a call came into his cell phone.

After staring at the number on the phone screen for a long time, Assistant He swiped to answer it, and then heard the other party's voice: "The third prince wants to see you, immediately, the sooner the better!"

"Hmph..." Assistant He snorted coldly, with impatience and ruthlessness flashing in his eyes, "The young lady and I almost died in a foreign land back then, and we never saw their royal family come to us. If the old man hadn't rescued us, we might have We're already dead. Now that we're doing pretty well, it's worth using, so the royal family members of country A came here and want to take us back to China for reuse?"

The other party sighed and said: "Old He, no one knew that the princess' family would be killed in Jiangbei. They were dealt with in secret, and you and the young lady were missing. The royal family of country A suspected that the princess' family was missing and sent a lot of Human, financial and material resources, but I haven't found any clues, and after several years of searching, I have no choice but to let it go."

"If you can't find it, then treat it as if we are already dead. Why are you still looking for it now? Mr. Pei, please tell the third prince that I, He Zhizao, are no longer from country A, nor are they the royal family of country A. The object of my allegiance, only the old man and the young lady are my masters." Abandoning the cold and cruel words, Assistant He cut off the call.

What about the royal family of country A, now that he has already taken the ID card of another country, he is no longer a national of country A.

In his memory, when he followed the princess's family to Jiangbei more than 20 years ago, Mr. President only had two sons.

This third son was born many years later. He didn't even have a relationship with him. Why should the so-called third prince want to see him?

He is a dog who is loyal to his master, and he will be grateful if someone throws a bone to him.

Now all his thoughts must be used to deal with Qin Yue. He cannot let Qin Yue shake out the identity of the old man. He must help the old man to hide his identity, so that the old man and the young lady are safe.


Xiao Ranran was taken away, and Qin Yue immediately had someone block the amusement park, not allowing anyone to enter or leave, but after checking everyone, Xiao Ranran was not found.

The person who took Xiao Ranran away seemed to be able to fly away from the ground, disappearing cleanly in a short period of time.

Jian Ran was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, but she couldn't do anything. Xiao Ranran was standing beside her. She didn't see her for just a few seconds, and she was taken away. The fake Is the old man really that powerful?

Why does the old man act like he knows in advance every time they do something?

Thinking of this, Jian Ran turned her head to look at Lie, who had been mute all the time. After Xiao Ranran was taken away, he was away for a few minutes. What did he do?

Could it be that he went to tip off and let go of the person who captured Xiao Ranran?

Jian Ran didn't want to doubt Lie, but this happened so suddenly, she was worried about Xiao Ranran in her heart, and she couldn't help but think more.

Perhaps Jian Ran's gaze was too direct and naked, but Lie noticed her gaze and turned to look at her.

Their eyes collided in the air, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong. After Lie glanced at her, he said nothing, turned around and strode out.

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