My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 375 Do you want to break in Jiangbei?

Chapter 375: Do you want to fold in Jiangbei?

How could Zhan Nianbei not understand Jian Ran's words? It's just the current situation. When Qin Xiaobao sees him, it will probably only make her sadder.

And he only needs to know that Qin Xiaobao is fine.

He said, "Don't worry about me, it's the most important thing for Mu Zhi to wake up early, and everything else can be delayed."

Having said that, Zhan Nianbei still drove away, and the destination was naturally the gray apartment where Qin Xiaobao lived.

The weather is still hot today, and the air seems to be filled with gunpowder smoke. It took Zhan Nianbei more than an hour to drive to the gray apartment.

When he arrived, the angry red sports car he had seen yesterday was parked outside the gray apartment. The man surnamed Pei was sitting in the car, holding a cigarette in his hand, smoking one puff after another, looking like he could beat him as much as he needed to be beaten.

Zhan Nianbei turned the steering wheel quickly, a beautiful carp swayed its tail, and then braked suddenly, the car stopped steadily at a distance of tens of centimeters from Mr. Pei's car.

Mr. Pei turned his head to look at him, with a flat smile on his face: "Oh, I thought who it was. It turned out to be the well-known commander of our Jiangbei Military Region. Is the wind blowing from the southeast or the northwest? It's really not easy to blow this great god like you."

Zhan Nianbei ignored him, turned off the fire, took out a lighter and a cigarette, lit the cigarette with a click and took a puff.

Zhan Nianbei ignored him, and Mr. Pei didn't take it seriously, and continued: "Commander Zhan is Commander Zhan, and even lighting a cigarette is so handsome, I'm overjoyed when I see it. My little treasure is young and ignorant, and will be infatuated for a while. You are not unusual."

My little baby!

These words spread to Zhan Nianbei's ears like a fuse, and he threw the lighter in his hand at Mr. Pei.

His brain waves were meant to restrain him, but when excited, the body's response was completely out of the control of the brain.

When he reacted, the lighter had already flown towards Mr. Pei, Mr. Pei instinctively bent over to hide, and the lighter slammed heavily on the hood of his sports car, forcibly smashing a pit.

When Mr. Pei saw that his multi-million sports car was injured, it would hit him on the top of his heart for such a handsome and thrifty person. He shook his head pretending to be sad: "Zhan Nianbei, you are injured. I, I can stand it, you beat my 'wife', and I'm not finished with you."

Bullying his little treasure, for the sake of Zhan Nianbei's heart, he forgives him once.

But Zhan Nianbei smashed his "wife", so he couldn't bear it, and he couldn't bear it.

The 'wife' he spent millions on, although millions is not a lot to him, but he is diligent and thrifty, which is a huge sum for him.

Zhan Nianbei still smoked his cigarette lightly, took two sips, and said, "I'll teach you a lesson, you know that you can take medicine indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense."

"Zhan Nianbei, I said she's my little treasure. You are so jealous here. She returns to country A to marry me. Do you have to blow up our marriage room?" You have to fight fiercely against Nianbei, the military ruffian.

"What?" Zhan Nianbei raised his brows with anger in his eyes, "Pei, do you fucking want to be in Jiangbei?"

"In Jiangbei, everyone knows that your Zhan family is awesome, and there is really nothing you dare not do. But are you sure you dare?"

Mr. Pei sneered and said again: "Zhan Nianbei, your father disposed of Xiaobao's biological parents, and her biological grandfather is also in your hands. Now you want to spare her fiance? Really? I don't know, does their Shen family owe your Zhan family?"

Hearing this, Zhan Nianbei suddenly felt suffocated, and a feeling called distress spread in his heart.

Zhan Nianbei watched Qin Xiaobao grow up, and watched her grow up from a babbling baby to an adult, and the longer she grew, the more beautiful she became.

The position of Qin Xiaobao's girl in Zhan Nianbei's heart is far beyond the imagination of all of them, as well as Zhan Nianbei himself.

He had always hoped that she would always be as carefree and carefree as she was when she was a child, and he also thought that she would always live like that.

Once, he hadn't seen her for a year, and when he saw her again, he found that she had grown from a little yellow-haired girl to a big girl, and her every move had an invisible feminine beauty.

Only at that moment, the thought of him wanting to marry her streaked into his mind like a bolt of lightning, scaring him himself at the time.

It wasn't long before he had that idea. Shen Wenyuan, who pretended to be the master of the Qin family, found him and told him about Xiaobao's life experience.

At that time, he understood that he and Qin Xiaobao would never be together in this life.

He thought that as long as he was indifferent to her, she would give up on him, even if one day she knew the truth of her parents' death, she would not be in a dilemma.

But that little girl was a dead brain. Over the years, he poured cold water on her again and again, but failed to wake her up.

Zhan Nianbei didn't know how to answer the surnamed Pei, so he could not help but take two more puffs of cigarettes to suppress the irritability in his heart.

Mr. Pei added: "Zhan Nianbei, Xiaobao has promised to go back to country A with me. If you really want her to live well in the future, don't appear in front of her again and let her follow me in peace. "

Zhan Nianbei put out the cigarette butt and turned to look at Mr. Pei: "she, did she really promise you?"

"With her temper, if she doesn't agree, I can force her to fail. And you should also understand why she wants to leave Jiangbei and come back to country A with me." Seeing Zhan Nianbei's deflated appearance, Mr. Pei felt in his heart. It's finally comfortable.

After listening to Mr. Pei's words, Zhan Nianbei took out another cigarette and wanted to find a lighter, only to remember that the lighter was smashed by him.

Young Master Pei handed over his lighter from the car window in time and said, "Commander Zhan, I'll lend you a fire, thank you."

Zhan Nianbei didn't pick up the lighter, he took a puff on the unlit cigarette, pretending to be smoking.

He added, "I heard that the third son of the President of your country A also came to Jiangbei?"

Young Master Pei shrugged and said with a smile, "Commander Zhan's news is really well-informed."

Their three young masters did not come to Jiangbei with their group, nor did they bring anyone with them, and they still used an ordinary identity. Except for a few people in the Presidential Palace of Country A, no one else knew about it.

The man Zhan Nianbei can know, it seems that the intelligence system network under this man is far more powerful than they thought.

Zhan Nianbei raised his eyebrows and said, "using someone else's identity to enter the country illegally, if you are found, you should know the consequences better than me."

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