Chapter 387: I don't want to worry about the other party

There must be something wrong with Qin Yue speaking in a language that Jane can't understand, but she didn't ask him in front of him.

If she asked in front of him, she would definitely not get the result, so she thought of asking the doctor quietly.

The doctor smiled and said, "Mrs. Qin, don't worry. Boss Qin is just worried about his physical condition, and he is worried that he will fall asleep again."

"Is it really just like this?" Jane asked rhetorically.

If it's as the doctor said, Qin Yue doesn't need to explain to the doctor in French that she doesn't understand.

"Yes." The doctor nodded, but his eyes flickered.

"Doctor, please tell me the truth." Jane said firmly.

She knew that it was more difficult than going to the sky to ask Qin Yue's people what he didn't want her to know.

Even though she knew she couldn't ask, she still didn't give up. She caught the attending doctor and insisted on asking to understand before she could rest assured.

The doctor said helplessly: "Mrs. Qin, Mr. Qin asked me in French, just because I don't want you to worry about him. You have to be considerate of his intentions."

"Is his condition very bad?" Because she didn't know what Qin Yue and the doctor were hiding from her, Jian Ran was already full of thoughts, thinking of all kinds of possibilities, and the more she thought about it, the more scared she became.

She was so scared that her voice and body began to tremble... If she didn't know the specific situation, she would be driven crazy by her own brain.

The doctor sighed and said, "The HDR virus has been in Mr. Qin's body for a while. The virus has spread to the whole body, compressing Mr. Qin's optic nerve, and it can be seen that his vision has been affected."

Seeing that Jian Ran was in a hurry, the doctor knew that hiding her from her would only make her more anxious. When she said it, she would not think wildly, and it would not be against Qin Yue's intentions.

After listening to the doctor's words, Jane finally understood.

No wonder she felt that Qin Yue's eyes were not as bright as before. It turned out that his eyesight was affected, and that stupid man wanted to hide it from her again.

"Thank you, doctor." Jane took a deep breath and added, "since he doesn't want me to know, I'll pretend I don't know, and don't tell him more about it."

Qin Yue didn't want her to worry, so she pretended not to know or worried, so that he wouldn't need to worry about her anymore.

After letting the doctor leave, Jian Ran leaned against the wall outside the ward, crying confusedly, either because she was moved, or her heart was blocked.

Qin Yue, ah Qin Yue, big fool Qin Yue! Big fool Qin Yueyue!

When will he be able to be smarter, so that he can stop being so stupid and worry about everything for her?

Don't forget, he is a businessman.

Aren't businessmen all good at calculating?

He must be able to call the wind and call the rain in the shopping mall, but why is he so stupid in front of her?

Is it because she is his wife?

It is because she is his wife that he will treat her unconditionally, and unconditionally undertake everything that should have been borne by her.

Did he know that she didn't want that.

She hopes to stand on the same high point as him, to be able to look at him, support each other, and taste the ups and downs of life together.

But he didn't understand, he thought he did everything for her to be good to her.

After crying, Jane wiped away her tears and adjusted her emotions before returning to the ward.

After entering the house, I heard Qin Yue's voice: "where did you go just now? If you don't talk to me, I'm about to fall asleep."

He was looking towards her, but Jian Ran knew that he couldn't see her clearly, otherwise, he would not be so calm when he saw her crying red eyes.

Jian Ran didn't answer his words, afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would lose control in front of him.

She turned around and went to the bathroom, filled a basin of hot water, returned to the ward, pursed her lips and said, "I'll help you wash your face and body."

Qin Yue smiled weakly: "Mrs. Qin, do you feel annoyed that Mr. Qin has caused you such a big trouble?"

"You don't want me to bother you, so you can get better soon." Jian Ran's mouth was a little angry, but the movements of her hands were very gentle, as if she would hurt him if she washed his face with force.

Jian Ran's movements were careful and gentle, Qin Yue couldn't see her expression clearly, but he could imagine it.

Maybe it's like them in a few decades. He may be older than her, and then she will definitely take care of old Qin in a few decades like she is now.

Old man Qin, old lady Qin - I hope that the two of them will be able to reach that day hand in hand, and no one is allowed to leave the other and take the first step.

"By the way, what happened to Shen Wenyuan?" Qin Yue didn't forget the culprit who let him lie here.

While wiping his body, Jian Ran said: "Shen Wenyuan is now locked in the Jiangbei Military Region. My uncle said that when you get better, I will hand over people to you, so you need to get better soon. Your body is still very weak. , don't think about him for now."

"Lying here, if you can't move your body and don't use your brain, it's easy to become stupid. What if you dislike me then?" Qin Yue tried his best to chat with Jian Ran in a relaxed tone.

"Cold salad." Jian Ran gave him a look. After wiping, she went to change a basin of water and a towel, and sat beside the bed to help Qin Yue clean up her hands.

Qin Yue's palm is very large, and his fingers are slender and beautiful. Jian Ran took his hand and cleaned him one by one, so carefully that he didn't even ignore every crevice of his nails.

She knew that Qin Yue was very fond of cleanliness, and she couldn't help him do big things, even these insignificant little things.

"Mrs. Qin, I am He De, how can I marry such a virtuous wife as you?" Well, being able to marry her is really the most correct decision he has made in his life.

"Then you will get better soon, or I will be kidnapped by other men." This man can also speak sweet words. Jane was very happy to hear it, but she couldn't help feeling sad.

"No man has the courage to kidnap me, Qin Yue." Qin Yue's tone was still not as strong as usual, but he had a domineering nature.

"I'm your woman, and it's yours for the rest of my life." Jian Ran felt angry and funny, she couldn't help but reached out and tapped his forehead, "Silly man."

Qin Yue smiled lightly: "Silly woman!"

"You're stupid." After cleaning up, Jian Ran pulled the quilt, covered him, and said, "You are recovering well now, don't think too much about other things, don't forget, you still have me."

"I've slept for too long, and I don't want to sleep again. I'm worried that once I fall asleep, I won't be able to sleep again. You'll be crying again." Qin Yue said it easily, but he was still holding a breath.

His body is very weak now, and he can't guarantee how long he can stay awake, so he hopes that she can talk to him all the time, and he won't fall asleep.

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