My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 391 I don't like you anymore

Chapter 391: I don't like you anymore

Zhan Nianbei rushed to the place where Shen Wenyuan was imprisoned at the fastest speed. In a short time, he had already thought about the various possibilities of Shen Wenyuan's real death.

If Shen Wenyuan did not commit suicide, then who could have murdered in such a strict cell in his Jiangbei Military Region? And even his subordinates did not find anything suspicious.

When Zhan Nianbei arrived at the place where Shen Wenyuan was being held, Qin Xiaobao was already frightened.

Qin Xiaobao stared blankly at Shen Wenyuan lying on the ground. When she saw Shen Wenyuan for the first time, she let out a piercing scream, but she didn't have any response.

Her expression was frightened and stunned, her face was pale, she was dripping with cold sweat, and she was shaking...

Zhan Nianbei's eyes fell on Qin Xiaobao for the first time. He strode forward, dragged her into his arms, and patted her on the back hard: "don't be afraid!"

Qin Xiaobao couldn't hear what Zhan Nianbei said, and she couldn't feel him when he hugged her. Her eyes fixed on Shen Wenyuan lying on the ground.

Zhan Nianbei let go of Qin Xiaobao and followed her gaze to Shen Wenyuan on the ground.

Shen Wenyuan, who was lying on the ground, stared so wide that his eyeballs almost popped out; his mouth was also wide open, so big that it could almost fit an egg.

The message that Shen Wenyuan left to others was like he saw something extremely frightening at the last moment before he died.

Shen Wenyuan's tragic situation is not only like this, his nostrils are still bleeding, the blood is still flowing and not coagulating, and he seems to be able to feel the heat of the blood.

Zhan Nianbei hurriedly stepped forward and checked Shen Wenyuan's body temperature, and found that he still had body temperature, which means that Shen Wenyuan died just before Qin Xiaobao's arrival.

"Xiao Yang, block the scene, and let the inspection team and the forensic doctor come over immediately." Zhan Nianbei got up and ordered his men to do things at the same time.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qin Xiaobao who was still standing stupidly, and saw the panic in her eyes, and at the same time he saw the earth-shaking anger in her eyes.

"Qin Xiaobao—"

As soon as Zhan Nianbei called Qin Xiaobao's name, Qin Xiaobao turned his head and looked at him angrily, raised his hand and slapped Zhan Nianbei's face fiercely.

She glared at him angrily and roared heart-rendingly: "Zhan Nianbei, he has been locked up by you, he has no way out, he has not many days left to live, he... He wants to see me one last time, and I'm here, but why do you do this?"

Zhan Nianbei grabbed Qin Xiaobao's hand and roared sharply, "Qin Xiaobao, don't give other people a shit pot, calm down!"

"It's not you? Could there be someone else who can kill people in your war chief's territory? " Qin Xiaobao roared back louder, "Zhan Nianbei, tell me the fuck why? Why is this all? "

"Qin Xiaobao, if you talk nonsense again, I will destroy you together." Zhan Nianbei grabbed Qin Xiaobao's hand tightly and dragged her out of the cell.

"Okay, then you will kill me together. If you don't fuck me, you are the grandson." Qin Xiaobao danced and roared, "Damn bastard, is it because I like you, you bastard, so you What the hell can I do to my relatives?"

"Qin Xiaobao, do you believe that I will kill you?" This little woman is not that stupid at ordinary times, but when it comes to a critical moment, she is as stupid as a pig.

"Kill me? I'm going to fucking see who killed who. " Qin Xiaobao tried to shake his hand away, but he held it too tightly, and she couldn't shake it off.

If she couldn't shake it off, she raised her hand, opened her mouth and bit on the back of Zhan Nianbei's hand, she bit hard.

But even if she bites like this, Zhan Nianbei didn't let go of her, and he still didn't change his face, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

Qin Xiaobao was fierce, like a savage, she just let go of Zhan Nianbei's hand.

She spat out the flesh in her mouth, wiped her blood-stained lips, and said angrily, "Zhan Nianbei, provoke me again, I'll fucking kill you!"

Without giving Zhan Nianbei a chance to speak, Qin Xiaobao stared at him and said coldly, "Zhan Nianbei, you don't have to be too self-righteous. I, Qin Xiaobao, swear, I don't like you anymore, and I'll never like you again. "

Qin Xiaobao's words, like sharp thorns, plunged into Zhan Nianbei's heart fiercely...

She used to be chasing him all the time, but just now, she said that she didn't like him anymore and would never like him again.

She bit him. It was a physical injury. For a rough-skinned and thick-skinned man like him, who had been rolling around in the army all year round, it was nothing.

The hatred for him in her eyes and the words in her mouth are the most hurtful things...

Just when Zhan Nianbei was stunned, Qin Xiaobao shook off his hand vigorously. She turned and rushed back, rushed back to the cell, and knelt down beside Shen Wenyuan with a thud.

"Grandpa... You want to see Xiaobao, Xiaobao has come to see you, but why didn't you wait until Xiaobao left? "

Grandpa has done many, many bad things, and I am sorry for many people, but he is always her grandfather, the one who loves her. He is sorry for people all over the world, but he is good to her.

In the past, grandpa always said to her: "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, you are really grandpa's pistachio."

"Little Treasure, Grandpa's mood is really contradictory. I hope that you will grow up soon, and that you will be sensible as soon as possible. On the one hand, Grandpa also hopes that you will not grow up so quickly, and let Grandpa always protect you."

"Little treasure, as long as I see you, grandpa will be in a good mood."

At this time, all Qin Xiaobao could think of in his mind was the kindness that his grandfather treated her, but he couldn't think of the abhorrent things his grandfather did.

But no matter how many abominable things he did, he should be dealt with through normal procedures, not like this.

Years ago, her biological parents were executed, is this the case?

Has Zhan Nianbei's father checked whether her parents were spies who stole military secrets?

He received false evidence, and he dealt with people indiscriminately, as long as there was a stand-in, no matter whether he was a spy or not.

Qin Xiaobao hugged Shen Wenyuan, crying and laughing: "Grandpa, didn't you say that you love Xiaobao the most? Then why are you willing to leave Xiaobao and go?"

"Grandpa, speak up. Tell Xiaobao that you are scaring Xiaobao. Actually, you're fine. You're fine."

"Grandpa, didn't you say that you want to take Xiaobao away from Jiangbei? As long as you wake up, Xiaobao will accompany you wherever you want to go."

"Grandpa... You should respond to Xiaobao. If you don't speak, Xiaobao is really scared, so scared..."

"Grandpa, are you angry with Xiaobao?"

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