Chapter 401: Mysterious Call

"Of course you want to try it?"


"Okay, mom will try on the baby."

Jian Ran puts on the beautiful crystal shoes for Xiao Ranran, lifts her small feet and looks at it again and again: "Well, Ran Ran is beautiful when you put it on."

"Mom, of course I want my father and brother lie to have a look too." Xiao Ranran sat on the floor, raised her feet and shook it, but she liked these beautiful crystal shoes.

Jian Ran rubbed Xiao Ranran's head and said gently, "Dad is still busy with work. Then Ranran will go to brother lie and let him see if it looks good? "

"Okay." Xiao Ranran hugged and kissed her mother before turning around and leaving.

Looking at Xiao Ranran's back running away, Jian Ran's heart couldn't help but feel sour.

Today's family reunion, so many people celebrate Xiao Ranran's birthday together, it's obviously a very festive day, but she can't be happy. What she thinks about is Qin Yue's eyes.

just in case……

Every time she thinks of that scenario, she trembles with fear.

She told herself not to think about it or not, but she couldn't help thinking about it.

Jian Ran packed up the gifts scattered in the room, and was about to go to the study to find Qin Yue, when the phone suddenly rang.

She picked it up and took a look, and the screen displayed [unknown phone number].

Seeing this, Jian Ran was slightly startled.

There is no caller number displayed!

Who is the one?

Jian Ran pursed her pink lips and thought for a while, but still swiped her phone to answer: "Hello, hello!"

No one answered her on the phone, she asked again, "Who are you?"

Still no one answered.

If there is a displayed phone number, she will definitely cut off the call, but this [unknown caller number] makes her heart high, and she really wants to know who the other party is.

"Who are you? What do you have to do with me? " Jane asked repeatedly.

Because too many bad things happened before, even Shen Wenyuan, who was detained in Jiangbei Military Region, could be killed without finding the murderer. Jian Ran didn't dare to be careless at all.

She was worried about which bad guy was trying to do to her family, and wanted to hear some news from her phone.

But no matter how she asked, there was still no response to her.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" The more silent the person on the other end of the phone, the more nervous Jane became.

After waiting for a while, there was still no voice over there, and the sound of a chainsaw at work came from the phone.

Jane ran out with her mobile phone in hand, and rushed out to find Xiao Ranran and Qin Yue as soon as possible.

As soon as he rushed out the door, he saw Lie walking in the corridor with Xiao Ranran. The two of you were having a good time chatting with each other.

"Mom, brother lie said it looks good." Xiao Ranran said happily.

"Well, then you and brother lie have a good time." Jane calmed down and smiled at them.

Staggering them, Jian Ran hurriedly came to Qin Yue's study, she slammed into the door without knocking.

Seeing Qin Yue sitting well at the desk, she took a breath.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yue looked up at her.

"No, it's fine." Jane walked to his desk and saw that she was having a video conference with the company's management.

He couldn't see it, but he could listen to them report the situation, so he still didn't fall behind when it came to work.

"Is it really okay?" Qin Yue asked back. If it was all right, she wouldn't break into the study so recklessly.

"It's really okay." Maybe it was just that she thought too much, but it was nothing.

Qin Yue lowered his head to Mai again and said, "Today's meeting is here first, and you go to prepare."

After speaking, he closed the computer, got up and held Jian Ran: "Did you think of something again?"

"Qin Yue." Jian Ran stretched out her arms and hugged him. After thinking about it, she still felt that she should express her worries. If someone really troubled them, she could prepare in advance.

"Tell me!" Qin Yue's lower jaw pressed against the top of her head and rubbed gently, and his slender fingers curled her long hair.

Jane looked up at him and said, "I just received an unknown call. No one spoke there, and it didn't seem like I made a wrong call. I'm very worried."

Qin Yue rubbed her head with a smile: "don't worry, I'll have someone check it out. With me here, could someone else eat you."

"I'm worried about you." She was so nervous, the man was still relaxed, and he didn't know if he didn't hear what she was trying to say?

Qin Yue immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed Liu Yong's number with his super memory: "Go check the call records of Jian Ran's mobile phone just now. Where did the number without caller ID come from, the sooner the better."

After speaking, Qin Yue hung up the phone. Jian Ran was a little worried: "Can you find it?"

"If you don't check it, you won't find it." Qin Yue rubbed her head and said, "Jian Ran, Shen Wenyuan is dead, everything is over, and nothing will happen again. Don't worry."


Before Jian Ran's words were finished, Qin Yue lowered her head and kissed her, blocking everything she wanted to say.

Jian Ran struggled, but he pushed his back against his body with his palms, making them stick tightly together.

Qin Yue hugged her waist tightly and deepened the kiss again.

After a long time, when Jane felt that her strength was about to be drained by him, he finally let go of her.

Qin Yue stared at Jian Ran, and he could imagine from the paintings he had kissed her before that Jian Ran must have blushed again at this time.

Thinking of her pitiful appearance, Qin Yue couldn't help laughing lowly.

When she was free, Jian Ran raised her fist like Qin Yue, but when it landed on him, there was no strength at all.

Jian Ran blushed and said angrily, "Mr. Qin, I'm talking to you about business, but you are making fun of me."

Qin Yue stopped laughing and said solemnly, "kissing helps to regulate and enhance the relationship between husband and wife. I'm working hard to improve our relationship, how can I say it's nonsense? "

These words are obviously so unserious, but they were said seriously by Qin Yue.

This is the Qin Yue that Jian Ran knew. He always used a serious attitude and tone, said serious words and did serious things.

"It's still early, go to a place with me."


"follow me."

"it is good."

Jian Ran was led by Qin Yue, walked to the innermost end of the corridor, and went straight to the top floor from the elevator.

He held her so calmly and powerfully every step of the way.

If they didn't know his real situation, no one could see that his eyes couldn't see clearly at all.

The top floor was empty and there was nothing. Jane didn't understand why Qin Yue brought her here?

Qin Yue held her hand and said, "there are many people in the family, sit with me on the roof, and let's look at the stars together."

"Okay. Look at the Big Dipper over there, and..."

Jian Ran nodded lightly, snuggled beside him, pointed to the starry night sky, and described the starry sky to him in her gentlest language.

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