My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 406 The reason for the bloody

Chapter 406: The reason for the bloody

"Haha..." The man sneered yin and yang again, "What do you think I want to do to you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the fruit knife in his hand moved again, and the sharp point of the knife scratched Qin Xiaobao's abdomen.

There was a bloody wound on Qin Xiaobao's abdomen, and bright red blood dripped down the wet concrete floor along her abdomen.

Ever since he was a child, Qin Xiaobao has always been held in the palm of his hand and hurt. When has he been treated like this?

Unwilling, grievance, anger... All kinds of emotions came into her heart. When the kidnapper wasn't paying attention, she rolled through gritted teeth and rammed the kidnapper with the chair tied to her body: "Fuck, you Go to hell!"

The kidnapper never imagined that since Qin Xiaobao was so stubborn and strong, she never imagined that she would still have the strength to resist at this time.

It's just that he underestimated her, so when Qin Xiaobao hit her hard, he didn't notice that he was knocked over by her.

There are wounds on her hands, wounds on her abdomen, and strangulation wounds all over her body... Qin Xiaobao's eyes were red with anger, and he glared at the man who fell in front of her, roaring, "Auntie told you that it was my grandfather who did the injury. I'll pay for your affairs for him, you'll be happy, but you're so fucking deceiving, auntie fought with you today."

If grandpa really owed them, this person just wanted her to repay the debt for grandpa, to take her life, she wouldn't even blink, but this pervert, so perverted, she couldn't bear it .

"I'm doing this too much? Huh?" The man stood up, spat out a mouthful of saliva, and approached Qin Xiaobao step by step, "I only stabbed you twice, do you think I'm too much?"

"Then let me slash you twice, it's not too much." Qin Xiaobao roared back, she was never a master who would be soft.

The wounds on her arm and abdomen continued to bleed, and the bleeding continued, and the pervert didn't kill her with a knife, but she was going to die from excessive blood loss.

The kidnapper grabbed her by the collar, picked her up with the chair, and threw it towards the arm of the wall.


Qin Xiaobao hit the wall together with the chair, and then rolled to the ground. The pain made her feel like she was about to fall apart.

"Damn it! You're fucking waiting with your aunt, and grandma can't spare you." Even though his eyes were staring, Qin Xiaobao was still very stubborn. Not only did he not admit defeat, but he was brave in his mouth.

The kidnapper walked to Qin Xiaobao's side again, stepped on her thigh and stepped on it so hard that Qin Xiaobao screamed in pain and turned pale.

"Do you know the pain?" The kidnapper squatted down slowly in front of Qin Xiaobao, picked the tip of the knife, and slashed her fair stomach again.

There was another wound in the abdomen, and the pain made Qin Xiaobao lose the strength to scold others. She could only clench her fist tightly and tell herself to stand up.

A lot of times, people will think about death and forget it, but when they really face death, their instinctive will to survive is huge.

Qin Xiaobao told herself that if she wants to survive, she must find a way to escape from this devil.

Even if she was going to die, she had to die beautifully, and die beautifully, but she absolutely couldn't die in such an embarrassing and dignified way.

The kidnapper said coldly again: "Your grandfather cut open other people's belly, took the child out of other people's belly in advance, forced the mother and daughter, husband and wife separated for several years, obviously reunited but could not recognize each other, so compared to this , which one do you think is more cruel?"

"Heh..." Qin Xiaobao sneered, "how much better can you be than my grandfather? If people you care about see that you treat a weak and defenseless woman like this, what will they think of you? "

Hearing Qin Xiaobao's words, the kidnappers paused and said, "I won't let them see it, and I can never let them see it, because in their eyes, I'm already dead."

Qin Xiaobao asked, "who are you?"

The kidnapper slashed her arm with a knife again, and smiled grimly: "I am the one who came to take your life."

"Fuck!" Qin Xiaobao bit his lip, trying to keep himself calm, and it took a few seconds to speak, "Did you kill my grandfather in Jiangbei Military Region?"

"Forget it." The kidnapper shook his head and said with some pity, "It's just that I didn't expect him to be so useless. After taking such a small amount of medicine, he died after taking it."

She asked again, "Who the hell are you?"

The kidnapper sneered: "don't care who I am, you can't escape. Even if there is Qin Yue, even if there is Zhan Nianbei, they can't find it here. "

"Where is this place?"

"Don't bother, what if you know where this place is? I threw away your phone, and you were tied here by me. What else do you think you can do?"

"Don't you dare to say it?" Qin Xiaobao provocatively asked.

"So what if I tell you?" The kidnapper pointed to the top of his head, "A few meters above our heads is Nuoyuan. Your adoptive parents, brother and sister-in-law are actually very close to you, but it is precisely because you are too far away from them. It's getting close, and none of them can guess you're here."

"Looks like you've been preparing for years."

"Originally, I prepared this place for the old man of the Qin family, waiting for one day to arrest him and smash his body into thousands of pieces." He bit the last four words extremely hard, and it was not difficult to hear the deep hatred in his voice, "But Who would have thought that before I started, their Qin family would start a fight by themselves, hahaha... I never expected that the old man who played the role of father, kindness and filial piety for so many years would not be able to continue. He should be dead. I didn't expect that kid Qin Yue would insist on avenging his grandfather regardless of his years of upbringing? It's really unpleasant. "

Qin Xiaobao laughed and asked, "what did my grandpa ever do to you? Will you try your best to get rid of him?"

"He almost killed me. My life is to stay, but this face is ruined." The kidnapper pulled off the kerchief covering his face, and a burnt face appeared on Qin Xiaobao's face. In front of her eyes, she was nauseous.

"In a car accident, the car fell off a cliff and exploded. There were three people in the car, and the two were blown to pieces. Only I survived."

The kidnapper became more excited when he said: "I knew it wasn't an accident. After the injury was healed, I went to find out the truth. I found the truth and knew who wanted to kill me, but I couldn't get close to that person. He lived in the United States all the year round. I only come back once during the Spring Festival, when I came back, I was accompanied by many bodyguards, I couldn’t even look at him from a distance, let alone get close to him.”

He continued: "For many years, I have been trying to get close to him, but all failed, until I thought of this method, and when my plan was about to be realized, the Qin family actually discovered his fake identity in advance."

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