My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 420 I just want to kiss him

Chapter 420: Just want to kiss him

Jian Ran took a deep breath and said, "The HDR virus in his body has not been resolved. The toxin has oppressed his optic nerve, making him invisible. But in order not to worry others, he told the doctor to hide it from everyone."

Hearing Jian Ran's words, Xiao Qinghe, who has always been good-natured, jumped up in anger: "he He is too self-willed. Can such a serious matter be kept from everyone? "

Qi returns to Qi, but Xiao Qinghe also understands why Qin Yue let the doctor hide from everyone.

Qin Yue has always been the backbone of the Qin family and the central figure of Shengtian. He has habitually provoked all the responsibilities.

If something happened to him, his family would be worried, and the lowly employees would be chaotic, so the best thing to do was to hide it from everyone.

"Brother..." Jian Ran looked at Xiao Qinghe and called him softly, "Now I need you to do me a favor."

Xiao Qinghe patted his chest, put his arms around Jian Ran's shoulders, and said, "As long as I can help you, let alone a favor, even a hundred thousand favors, I have no problem."

"There is a person who can make Qin Yue regain his sight, but that person may not be willing to tell us the method, so I want you to talk to her with me." Xiao Qinghe agreed readily, but Jian Ran was not polite to him.

Xiao Qinghe hurriedly asked, "who is this person?"

When negotiating this kind of thing, if you find him, you will find the right person.

He has studied psychology for so many years, and what he is best at is to figure out other people's thoughts. Except for Qin Yue's thoughts, he has never met anyone who can make him unable to figure it out.

Jian Ran bit her lip and said word by word, "Xu Huiyi."

"It's her again!" That woman, Jian Ran was absent two years ago, Xiao Qinghe often saw her when dealing with Qin Yue.

At that time, she felt that there was something wrong with her eyes, but when she thought about it again, it was common for a man as good as Qin Yue to be admired by his side.

Qin Yue didn't care, what was going on with him, but he didn't expect that Xu Huiyi would poison Qin Yue.

Jian Ran nodded and said, "Xu Huiyi has always hated me, more precisely, I hate my status as Qin Yue's wife. I have had several conflicts with her, and every time she wanted to tear me apart. I'll go Ask her for a way, I guess he won't give it to me. Brother, you saw her some time ago, do you have any way?"

"That woman's mouth is a little tight, and she doesn't seem to care about anything other than Muzhi, so it's not that easy to pry out what she doesn't want to say." Thinking of Xu Huiyi, who was crazy because of her obsession, Xiao Qing The river is also a bit big.

After listening to Xiao Qinghe's words, Jian Ran's delicate face instantly dimmed, and she said softly, "Is there nothing you can do?"

Xiao Qinghe gave her a heavy hug and comforted: "don't be discouraged, I'm here with your brother. Go ahead and try it, who knows if it will work? "

Jian Ran pursed her lips and smiled: "Brother, thank you!"

Xiao Qinghe said, "I'm your brother."

Jane threw herself into his arms and gave him a big hug: "I hope to meet such a good brother as you in the next life."

"I don't want to meet your sister who has so many things in my next life." Xiao Qinghe was thinking that if there was a next life, they would still be brothers and sisters.

Jian Ran raised her watch to check the time, and said, "there are still people at home who need my care today, we will go at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Xiao Qinghe nodded and looked at Jian Ran distressedly, "Jian Ran, we are brothers and sisters, and we are blood relatives. If you encounter anything, look for me more. Don't forget, you have a family of your own. ."

Jian Ran nodded heavily and said, "Brother, I see. It's really good to have your brother and your relative."

Xiao Qinghe rubbed her head: "Okay, let's go to your job. I still have things to do, so I'll go back first. "

"Okay, then I'll find you tomorrow." Jian Ran urged again, "When you have time, think more about how to pry Xu Huiyi's mouth open tomorrow."

"We study psychology, and we pay attention to adjusting to human conditions. Don't give any ideas about this." Xiao Qinghe waved at Jian Ran, "Let's go."

Watching Xiao Qinghe go farther and farther, Jane didn't take back her eyes until he disappeared from her sight.

To pry Xu Huiyi's mouth open, she put all her chips on Xiao Qinghe, hoping that they can win a big victory tomorrow.

As long as she finds a way to relieve the HDR virus and makes Qin Yue's eyes heal quickly, the big stone in her heart can be released.

Jane ran back into the room and met the housekeeper Xiangxiu. She stopped and asked, "Xiangxiu, how is your wife's health?"

Xiangxiu replied politely: "It's much better to have Mr. accompany her. Young lady, don't worry."

"Well." Jian Ran nodded, "I've made you worry."

Jian Ran went upstairs and came to Qin Yue's study. Qin Yue didn't answer when she knocked on the door, so she pushed open a crack in the door and probed half of her head to go in to have a look.

Qin Yue was in a video conference with someone again, and when he heard her knock on the door, he said without raising his head, "come first."

Jian Ran opened the door and came in. She stood at the door and didn't move forward, sensible and didn't make a sound to disturb him.

After a while, Qin Yue ended the meeting and looked up at her: "Well, is there something hidden in my heart?"

He couldn't see her expression clearly, couldn't see her eyes, but he knew her and knew that he could judge her expression at this moment from the shallowness of her breathing.

"Yeah. It's something hidden in her heart." Jane walked towards him, and as soon as she walked to his side, she was dragged into his arms by him. He pressed her on his lap and sat.

"Ah..." Jane screamed in fright.

Qin Yue laughed at her: "it's me who hugs you, not someone else, so it can scare you too."

Jian Ran gave him a blank look: "it's your turn to try, will you be scared?"

Qin Yue's smile deepened: "then let's try another position."

Looking at his smile, he could no longer see the sea of ​​stars in his eyes.

Involuntarily, Jian Ran stretched out her hand, held his face gently, and put her lips together to kiss his sexy thin lips.

Her initiative made Qin Yue slightly startled, but in just a second or two, Qin Yue took the initiative back.

He stepped back, opened his mouth again, bit her lower lip mischievously, pursed it maliciously, and suddenly laughed in a low voice: "Today is your dangerous period, we won't do it."

Hearing Qin Yue's words, Jian Ran's face instantly turned red!

Damn, she just wanted to kiss him, she just wanted to kiss him, she had no other idea at all.

Jian Ran raised her fist and swung it towards Qin Yue, but he was grabbed by him and brought to her lips and kissed gently: "I really want that? Huh?"

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