My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 429 The mysterious man calls again

Chapter 429: The mysterious man calls again

Jian Ran's mind was not on the kidnapper who kidnapped Qin Xiaobao. What she cared about most was the prescription that Xu Huiyi handed over.

After seeing the prescription, the doctor called her to explain the situation. There are a total of 21 medicines in the prescription, two of which are highly toxic medicines that can kill people in just a few seconds.

The two highly toxic medicines conflict with several other medicines. They can dissolve the medicinal properties of each other, and can cure diseases when used properly, but they are also harmful to the body.

This kind of medicine has to be tested several times before it can be put into Qin Yue's hands to take it.

Just after coming out of the doctor's laboratory, Jane's cell phone rang in her bag. She took it out and saw that it was an unknown caller number again.

Seeing the display on the phone screen, Jian Ran's heart skipped a beat, and the right hand holding the phone trembled slightly. She took a deep breath and answered, "Hello, hello!"

The other end of the phone was as silent as last time. Jane tried to hear what sounds could be made around him, but it was so quiet that she could not hear the slightest sound of the wind.

Jian Ran stood at the gate of the hospital and looked around. There were people coming and going. In the distance, there was a main road in the city. There was a lot of traffic, and there was no suspicious person to be found.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously, and asked again, "Who are you? What do you want to do by calling me over and over again? If you have something to do with me, why don't you just tell me? Hiding behind people like this, you What is it?"

"Jian Ran..."

The person on the other end of the phone finally spoke, and the voice that reached Jian Ran's ears changed. She couldn't even tell whether the person on the other end was male or female, old or young.

"Who the hell are you?" Jian Ran's eyes swept to the pedestrians passing by her again, but still no suspicious person was found.

"I just want to hear your voice, it won't hurt you." The changed voice came from the handset again.

"Who are you?" Jane asked.

"Sister, this bunch of flowers is for you." When Jian Ran was looking around, a little boy about six or seven years old rushed towards her with a bunch of roses, forced it into her hand, and smiled at her ,"Hope you like it."

"This flower..." What Jian Ran wanted to ask, the little boy turned around and rushed into the crowd, disappearing from her eyes after a while.

"Jian Ran, I hope you like it!" A voice came from the phone again, slightly lower than just now.

"Who are you to?" Jian Ran still had the same question, but the other party had already hung up the phone.

Looking at the bright bouquet of roses in her hands, Jane wanted to throw it away like a hot potato, but she wanted to find some clues from the bouquet.

She looked at it randomly, it was just a bunch of ordinary roses, and there was a card in the flower.

A cold and simple line of words, not even a signature.

Jane didn't dare to hold it, worried that there was eavesdropping equipment or something in it, so she turned around and threw it into the trash can.

Just as she threw the bouquet into the trash can, the cell phone that Jian Ran was holding suddenly rang loudly again, which made her tremble, and the phone almost fell to the ground.

It wasn't until she saw the words Qin Yue displayed on the screen of her mobile phone that Jian Ran's tense heart relaxed a little. When she answered the call, she heard Qin Yue's low and pleasant voice: "I'll go home and drop by to pick you up. ,Where are you?"

Jane looked up and saw Qin Yue's car parked at the gate of the hospital. She walked over quickly: "I see you."

"Well." Qin Yue hung up the phone.

Jian Ran walked over, got in the car, sat next to Qin Yue in the back seat of the car, snuggled up beside him carefully, and whispered, "Hug me."

No matter how much anxiety, when I see Qin Yue, more than half of it has been eliminated. Jane leans on his side and breathes his unique breath greedily.

Qin Yue put his arms around her and comforted her softly: "We have already obtained the prescription for HDR. There are so many doctors, and they will deliver the antidote to me sooner or later. Don't worry."

Qin Yue felt that Jian Ran was restless, and instinctively thought that she was worrying about his eyes.

"Qin Yue..." Jian Ran rubbed in his arms like a kitten and muttered, "the mysterious man called me just now, and he even talked to me."

"The mysterious man called you again?" Qin Yue's strength in holding Jian Ran increased unconsciously, and asked again, "What did he tell you?"

"He said he wouldn't hurt me, and he asked a little boy to give me a bunch of flowers, and said he hoped I would like it." Jian Ran looked at Qin Yue, because his eyes couldn't see things clearly, and she couldn't read him What do you see in your eyes.

Wouldn't hurt Jian Ran, someone gave her flowers, and said that she hoped she would like it—

From the above indications, Qin Yue reaffirmed the guess in his heart, that there is an 80-90% probability that the mysterious figure is Xiao Yuanfeng, who has been dead for many years.

Back then, Shen Wenyuan asked Jian Zhengtian to create a car accident. At that time, the car exploded, causing the car crash and death, and even the body of the deceased was blown to pieces...

Jian Zhengtian and others couldn't determine the identity of the deceased, so Xiao Yuanfeng was very likely to escape and save his life.

Qin Yue was suddenly silent, which made Jian Ran very flustered and worried: "Qin Yue, is there any problem?"

"Nothing." Qin Yue patted her shoulder, lowered his head and kissed her, "I want to take you to a place."

"where to?"

"You'll know when you go, and keep it secret before you go, so that I can surprise you."

"Are you sure you didn't scare me?" The thing Qin Yue, a man, didn't understand the most was romance, so Jane didn't believe that he could give her any mysterious surprises.

"Look at me, it's time to fight!" Successfully attracting Jian Ran's attention, Qin Yue's mood is much more relaxed.

"Xiao Ranran knows that, besides work, her father has very little time to play with her." It's not that Jian Ran complains, but Qin Yue has never left his job, and his eyes can't see clearly. Every day Also didn't leave things behind at work.

When it comes to Xiao Ranran, Qin Yue's heart is warmed again.

He raised a child who weighed less than five pounds when he was just born to four years old with his own hands. Watching her grow up a little bit day by day, the sense of accomplishment was more satisfying than any business project he won.

And the biggest credit for making him so lucky to have a child as cute as Xiao Ranran is the woman sitting next to him.

In order to thank her for giving him such a beautiful child, I can only live up to her in this life, stay by her side forever, and love her until old age!

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