Chapter 477: I'm in a bad mood

Qin Xiaobao said, "Zhan Nianbei, you have such a strong taste!"

Dare to say that she is a dog, then he also slept with the dog all night, what is he not heavy taste?

Qin Xiaobao rolled his eyes at Zhan Nianbei, and really disliked him to the core.

Zhan Nianbei hugged Qin Xiaobao tightly, and slapped her hip with one hand: "Qin Xiaobao, you deserve to be beaten!"

"Damn! Zhan Nianbei, if you hit me, he fucks me again! " Qin Xiaobao has never been a person willing to suffer. He is so angry that he pushes, kicks and pinch people.

As the saying goes, you can't touch a tiger's butt, but it's clearly a little tigress in her arms. Zhan Nianbei not only touched it but also beat her. How could she not make a fuss.

But this time, Zhan Nianbei didn't let her go. His two long legs sandwiched Qin Xiaobao's two legs, his two hands grabbed Qin Xiaobao's two hands, and he firmly controlled her in his arms, no matter how hard Qin Xiaobao struggled Can't hurt him half a point.

Qin Xiaobao cried out in a hurry: "Zhan Nianbei, you bastard, you son of a turtle, you dare to bully people. Do you think grandma is so easy to bully? "

Zhan Nianbei smiled happily, rubbed her head, and said, "Qin Xiaobao, stop making trouble, save your energy, and fight again tomorrow morning. Go to bed now! "

Qin Xiaobao roared, "Zhan Nianbei, you are a big head!"

Being beaten and unable to move because of his control, Qin Xiaobao was about to explode with rage, how could he fall asleep.

But no matter how Qin Xiaobao yelled or made trouble, Zhan Nianbei ignored her, and the strength of his arms around her didn't loosen at all.

Qin Xiaobao bit two cute little tiger teeth. She swears that she will find Zhan Nianbei to settle this feud tonight.


After a night, it rained and the sky cleared.

Qin Yue used to get up early, but today he didn't get up to read the newspaper. After waking up, he never looked away from the two people lying on his left side.

Xiao Ranran still sleeps between him and Jian Ran, her face has returned to its rosy face, her breathing is even, and the situation looks much better.

Looking at it, Qin Yue couldn't help lowering his head and kissing Xiaoran's pink face.

He still remembers the day of the blind date with Jian Ran, as if it happened yesterday.

He still remembered Jian Ran's surprised expression when he saw him for the first time, and also remembered Jian Ran's incredible appearance when he heard him say they were married.

Everything is still vivid, years have passed in a blink of an eye, and their children are more than four years old.

In a few years, Xiao Ranran will grow bigger and bigger, and he and Jian Ran will gradually grow old. He only hopes that at that time, when he opens his eyes for the first time in the morning, he can still see Jian Ran lying beside him.

Qin Yue's eyes moved from Xiao Ranran's body to Jianran's body on the far left. When she fell asleep, she still frowned, as if she had a heavy heart.

Seeing Jian Ran's frowning brows, Qin Yue stretched out his hand, trying to smoothen her brows and clear her inner worries and fears.

Qin Yue's hand just touched Jian Ran's forehead, when Jian Ran suddenly opened her eyes and smiled at him: "Morning!"

"Morning!" Qin Yue leaned down and kissed her on the face, and said, "it's still early, sleep a little longer."

"Can't sleep." Jian Ran shook her head, looked sideways at Xiao Ranran, who was lying between the two of them, and reached out to touch her forehead to test the temperature.

"Jian Ran..." Qin Yue grabbed Jian Ran's hand, let her look at him, and said, "if you have something to say, say it, don't keep it in your heart."

"It's okay." Jian Ran smiled, and all her attention was still on Xiao Ranran.

"Jian Ran..."


Qin Yue said seriously: "from the beginning, I suddenly became sensitive to Xiao Ranran. Seeing that she likes Sister Da Ranran so much, I thought it was logical for you to be her mother. I never imagined that the little guy was so sensitive. Very, she has always remembered the bad things others said to her."

Nanny Ling was with Xiao Ranran when she was very young. The nanny spent more time with Xiao Ranran than her father. Xiao Ranran's trust and dependence on Nanny Ling is definitely not low.

When Jane came back, Xiao Ranran was more than three years old. You said she was still young and ignorant, but she understood some things again.

In Xiao Ranran's heart, the dear mother who gave birth to her has long since flown into the sky, and Jian Ran's sudden appearance is to grab her mother's position.

Jian Ran is kind to Xiao Ranran, and Xiao Ranran also likes Jian Ran, but that kind of love has deteriorated when Jian Ran became Xiao Ranran's mother.

"Qin Yue, I understand what you said." It was because of understanding that Jian Ran was anxious. Xiao Ran was clearly the child she had worked so hard to conceive, but in the child's heart, she was just an outsider.

Jian Ran also knows that this kind of thing can't be rushed. They should guide them slowly until Xiao Ranran understands that she is her own mother.

Xiao Ranran is her child, a fact that no one can change.

Xiao Ranran has not let her as a mother into her heart for the time being, but as long as she works hard, Xiao Ranran will definitely see her good and accept her.

After cheering herself up silently, the smile on Jian Ran's face became more real. She looked at Qin Yue and said, "Mr. Qin, Xiao Ranran is getting better, and all the bad things have passed. From today onwards, Let's work hard for a happy tomorrow as a family of three."

"It's stupid!" Qin Yue looked at Jian Ran, but couldn't look away for a while.

He just likes to see her real smile, the real smile, not the one she puts on a mask to disguise.

Many times, Qin Yue could see that Jian Ran clearly didn't want to laugh, but she forced herself to laugh.

Seeing her disguised fake smile, Qin Yue couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Don't say I'm stupid. If you are really stupid, you have to be responsible for me for the rest of your life."

"Not only in the second half of my life, in the next life, in the next life, I am willing to be responsible for you." As long as she is willing, no matter how long, he is willing to hold her hand and walk with her forever.

"If you meet a woman better than me before you meet me, and you choose to be with her, what should I do?"

If he meets a better woman than her in his next life before he meets her, will he choose that woman?

Hearing Jian Ran's question, Qin Yue really thought about it seriously.

"Qin Yue, do you still need to consider this question? Shouldn't you just reply to me and say that you won't choose another woman? "

Seeing Qin Yue thinking seriously, Jian Ran only felt warm in her heart.

Many people would say this kind of nice words, but Qin Yue didn't. Even in the face of a hypothetical question, he didn't perfunctory her, but took it seriously.

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