Chapter 493: Retching

"Well, it's really useless!" Qin Yue did not persuade Jian Ran, but followed her words. Jian Ran pursed her lips and was about to cry to him as she spoke.

"I just put Xiao Ranran to sleep, does Da Ranran also want me to put her to sleep?" Qin Yue held her in his arms and said softly, "Fool, you don't know how much strength you have given me."

She doesn't need to do anything, she just needs to be by his side, and she can give him endless power, allowing him to do anything with ease.

"How could I!" Jian Ran felt a little embarrassed when she thought that she often felt like a child in front of Qin Yue, and Qin Yue still lifted her up so high.

Qin Yue smiled and said, "I have the final say whether you have it or not."

Jian Ran became even more embarrassed. She escaped from his arms and went to get him clothes: "Go take a bath quickly and I'll get you pajamas."

Qin Yue grabbed her back and said, "You rest first, I will do it myself."

Jian Ran insisted: "I'll help you."

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Are you waiting for me to wash together?"

Jian Ran: "..."

She just saw that he was so tired and wanted to take care of him. What was going on in this man's mind?

Suddenly I dislike him so much!

what to do?

"Okay, stay with Xiao Ranran and don't let her be afraid." Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran and kissed her before turning around to get her pajamas.

Many office workers have weekends, but Qin Yue doesn't. He got home so late last night and went to bed very late, so he still got up early in the morning.

After having breakfast with his family, he went to the study to get busy, answering phone calls non-stop for a while, and doing video conferences for a while.

After staying in the study for two hours, he never stopped for a moment, like a robot who never knew he was tired.

Xiao Ranran's Taekwondo lessons have not fallen behind. Jian Ran still studies with her. Both mother and daughter have made great progress.

The coach always praises Xiao Ranran for his small size, how quickly he can learn every punch and move, and how talented he is. He will definitely become a Taekwondo master in the future.

Hearing the coach's praise of Xiao Ranran, Jian Ran was even more excited than winning the grand prize. She hugged Xiao Ranran and kissed her again and again.

But Xiao Ranran was still depressed and rarely spoke. It was even difficult to see her smile.

"Of course..." Jian Ran wanted to ask Xiao Ran if she missed brother lie, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

In case Xiao Ranran didn't miss brother lie, Jian Ran's mention of this brought back Xiao Ranran's sad past, making Xiao Ranran feel sad again.

Jian Ran picked up Xiao Ran who was sweating profusely and said, "Mom, let's take you to wash your hands first. After that, can you take you and your sister out to play?"

"Not good." Xiao Ranran shook her head, seemingly not interested in going out to play at all.

There was nothing Jian Ran could do to her.

After giving Xiao Ranran a bath and letting her play with Mianmian, Jian Ran came to Qin Yue to discuss: "Qin Yue, didn't you mention before that you wanted to adopt a child?"

Qin Yue looked up from a pile of documents and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jian Ran said: "Let's adopt a child to keep Xiao Ranran company."

Qin Yue said: "Have you thought about it?"

Jian Ran nodded: "If she has a companion, she might forget brother lie and won't be depressed all day long."

Qin Yue thought for a while: "Okay, I'll let someone find some suitable children."

Hearing what Qin Yue said, Jian Ran was dissatisfied and said: "Qin Yue, we are adopting a brother for Xiao Ranran. Shouldn't we go to the orphanage in person?"

Qin Yue said: "They will find a suitable child and investigate the child's background. Xiao Ranran is our daughter, and I will not just find anyone to play with her."

It was said that he was adopting a child, but in Qin Yue's heart, he just wanted to find a playmate for Xiao Ranran, so he felt there was no need to go to the orphanage to look for him.

Jian Ran glared at him, turned around and left. For the first time, she realized that she couldn't communicate well with this man.

In her opinion, of course, when adopting a child, you must go to see the person in person. You must first check the child's personality and know whether it is easy to get along with the child. At the same time, you must let the child know that they value the adoption.

Who knows, Qin Yue treats it as a matter of business, how can she not be angry?

As soon as Jian Ran walked to the door, before her hand touched the door handle, Qin Yue pulled her into his arms.

He rubbed her head: "Are you angry?"

Jian Ran punched him hard on the chest and pushed him hard: "Qin Yue, I don't want to talk to you now, please let me go."

She was really angry.

Qin Yue gave up: "Okay, I'll accompany you to the orphanage. But I just sent an email to Assistant Tang and the others. I have to give them some time to make arrangements. We'll go after lunch."

It was like this every time. When Jian Ran was so angry that she planned to ignore him for the rest of her life, he would use this method to coax her.

It's not like he doesn't know how nice and charming his voice is.

The reason why she agreed to marry him so quickly in the first place was not only because of his good looks, but also had a lot to do with his voice.

Thinking about the person who sleeps with you every day, who looks good and has a nice voice, it is indeed a very comfortable thing.

After lunch, Qin Yue rushed to the welfare home with Jian Ran.

Because of prior arrangements, the director of the welfare home and a group of people were waiting early, which was more grand than welcoming the leaders for inspection.

"Mr. Qin, the children are still on lunch break now. Why don't we go take a look at the children's information first. If there is anything you are satisfied with, we will bring it to you when the children wake up."

Qin Yue did not answer, but looked at Jian Ran beside him. Jian Ran said, "Dean, are there any boys around ten years old in our welfare home?"

When looking for a brother for Xiao Ranran, Jian Ran considered all aspects. The age difference was too big, and not everyone could pamper Xiao Ranran like Lie did.

If the age difference is too small and the two are not very sensible, they may often quarrel and fight, which is not okay.

Jian Ran thinks that about ten years old is the most suitable. Ten years old is sensible and will take better care of Xiao Ranran. The two of them should be able to get along well.

"There are only two children in our hospital who are around ten years old. One can't speak, and the other has a slow brain." The dean didn't know Jian Ran's identity, so he didn't dare to call anyone randomly. He just said with a smile.

Most families who want to adopt a child choose a younger child. The younger the child, the easier it is to be adopted because the child will be adopted only when he or she is older. Older children are generally not considered by adopters.

I don’t know if this super rich man has different interests and hobbies from others, and he wants to be such an old child as soon as he opens his mouth.

The first orphanage did not find a suitable one, so Qin Yue accompanied Jianran to the second and third homes...

After walking through the fourth home, she still couldn't find it. After leaving the orphanage, Jian Ran walked in front of her depressedly. Qin Yue called her, but she didn't answer.

The driver drove over to pick them up, and suddenly smelled the smell of gas. Jian Ran's stomach churned, and she started to retching in discomfort.

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