Chapter 501: Feng Lian

Seeing this dangerous man, Jian Ran instinctively turned around and wanted to run away, but her reason told her to stay and face him.

Now that she is in the company, she still doesn't believe that Cheng Ye dares to sell her, and she doesn't believe that the man dares to do anything to her.

She ignored the aggressive gaze the peach-eyed man cast on her, looked at Cheng Ye, and said calmly: "Mr. Cheng, are you looking for me?"

Cheng Ye waved to her and said with a smile: "Jian Ran, this is Henry, who just returned from Milan. The company is going to launch a series of dresses called 'Wind Love', and I plan to let you two lead the design."

A designer back from Milan?

He kissed her forcefully when they first met in the elevator.

Her boss also assigned her to work with this disgusting man.

Without thinking, Jian Ran opened her mouth to refuse, but the frivolous man spoke before her.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, I had a little misunderstanding with Miss Jian on the way to the company today. She may still be angry with me."

His eyes turned from Cheng Ye to Jian Ran, and he said seriously and sincerely: "Miss Jian, I want to say sorry to you for what happened just now."

Do you want her to pretend that nothing happened by saying "I'm sorry"?

If saying "I'm sorry" is useful, those rapists who have committed crimes can just say sorry to their victims, and the world will lose the police profession.

Cheng Ye said: "Henry, Jian Ran is well-known in our company for keeping a clear distinction between public and private matters. She will never argue with you at work about what happened between you in private."

Henry said: "I have also heard that Ms. Jane is serious and responsible at work and likes to take on challenging jobs."

The two of them sang together, and Jian Ran swallowed back the words of rejection that came to her lips.

If she doesn't refuse, she doesn't want to work with this person.

If she refuses, that is indeed not her work style. Cheng Ye is right. She has never mixed personal matters with work.

What the man did to her in the elevator was a private matter, and seeing how sincere his apology was, Jian Ran bit her lip, swallowed her dissatisfaction, and put her work first.

While Jian Ran was hesitating, Cheng Ye spoke again: "Then I wish you both a happy cooperation. You are both the best designers. I believe that you will be able to design this year's most popular 'Feng Lian' together." 'series."

The boss had said everything, so Jian Ran had no reason to refuse, and she had always made a distinction between public and private matters.

She made a clear distinction between her private life and her work, and she didn't want to refuse the job assigned to her by her boss just because she was dissatisfied with this man.

"Mr. Cheng, there are still many things I'm not familiar with about the company. Can you please take Jian Ran to take a look and let her introduce it to me?" Henry said.

Jian Ran refused: "I'm sorry! I still have work to do, so let others take care of the new colleagues."

Cheng Ye stepped forward to save the situation again: "Jian Ran, I will let others take over the other work you are doing. From now on, you and Henry will only be responsible for the design of the Feng Lian series."

Jian Ran: "..."

What the hell!

Whatever you hate comes to you.

"Hello, Miss Jane!" Henry looked at Jian Ran with a smile, and then formally greeted her, "My name is Henry. I am a new colleague. Please take good care of me in the future."

"Hello!" Jian Ran didn't want to shake hands with anyone, so she didn't reach out. Unexpectedly, this person took a step closer to her and held her hand.

He smiled in a harmless way: "Miss Jian, shaking hands is the most basic courtesy. You won't even forget this."

"Let me go!" Jian Ran shook off his hand, turned around and rushed out of the office.

Henry and Cheng Ye were left in the office. Cheng Ye shrugged and said, "Henry, that's all I can help you with. It's up to you from now on."

Henry squeezed the right hand that had just held Jian Ran's hand. Her warmth seemed to still remain in the palm of his hand. He wanted to keep her warmth.

"Henry?" Cheng Ye raised his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"That's enough." Henry slightly narrowed his charming peach blossom eyes and said, "I will walk the road in the future; I will also catch up with people."

Cheng Ye added: "Don't forget, she is accompanied by Qin Yue, the president of Shengtian. As a little designer, I'm afraid you won't be able to attract her attention."

"You don't have to worry about this. I have my own way." After leaving the words, Henry turned and left.

After such a long time, they met again. He had successfully attracted Jian Ran's attention. What else was impossible?

Henry quickly caught up with Jian Ran, followed Jian Ran's footsteps, and said, "Mr. Cheng said you are a very good designer, and you have never let him down in the work he assigned you. I just arrived at PM At work, I still have a lot to ask Miss Jian for advice in the future.”

They just grasped Jian Ran's mentality and knew that in her heart, work and life were completely separate.

So when they said this, no matter how much Jian Ran hated Henry, she still didn't say her rejection.

Henry said this, and his attitude was sincere and he did not touch Jian Ran again. His attitude was that of a newcomer, very humble and courteous.

Jian Ran took a deep breath, put aside her grudge against this man, and introduced him to the company's corporate culture, cultural concepts, etc. in earnest.

Jian Ran spoke very seriously, and Henry listened very seriously, and asked Jian Ran two questions from time to time.

The questions he asked were very targeted, and Jian Ran didn't even think of how to answer him.

Henry added: "Jian Ran, what are your special opinions on the Feng Lian series?"

When she heard "Feng Lian", the first thing that Jian Ran thought of was free, unfettered and romantic love.

Love is inherently sacred and beautiful. It can break away from all constraints and fall in love freely and will not change because of time or any external factors.

PM company's main business is to make fashionable underwear. Fashion and comfort have always been their design purposes.

PM's underwear once ran a very famous advertisement - if you love her, give her the best, PM fashion underwear.

Jian Ran didn't answer, and Henry added: "Feng Lian, falling in love with someone is like falling in love with the wind. You can obviously feel her existence and touch her, but you can never see her."

Jian Ran turned to look at Henry. In his eyes, she seemed to see a trace of something called affection, but that thing disappeared so quickly that Jian Ran thought she had seen it wrong, and she did not want to believe it. .

Henry looked at Jian Ran and suddenly asked seriously: "Jian Ran, do you really know what it is like to love someone? Are you sure that the person who is always by your side is the person you love? "

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