My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 503 Wedding preparations

Chapter 503: Wedding preparations

Holding the binoculars in his hand, he looked at the two figures who were carrying each other downstairs.

Seeing Jian Ran snuggling happily by Qin Yue's side, watching Jian Ran smiling so sweetly and movingly when she is beside Qin Yue...

Henry narrowed his breathtaking peach eyes slightly.

"Jian Ran-"

His lips lightly opened, and he called out Jianran's name slowly and affectionately, staring at Jianran like a lingering starlight.

She forgot him so thoroughly that she didn't have a trace of his existence in her memory, but it didn't matter, she couldn't remember him, as long as he remembered her.

After staring at Henry for a long time, Cheng Ye asked, "There are so many women in the world, there are so many women who are more beautiful than this woman. With your current status, if you don't have any woman you want, why do you want to rob Qin Yue? woman?"

Cheng Ye admits that Jian Ran is a very good woman. When he sees her, a desire to conquer her will arise in a man's body involuntarily.

He cared more about his own life than the desires that rose uncontrollably within him.

A treasure that Qin Yue holds in his palm and loves like a rare treasure, whoever dares to snatch it, if Qin Yue finds out...

Cheng Ye didn't even dare to think about what Qin Yue would do when he found out.

Henry wanted to rob Qin Yue's woman, which surprised him when he first heard it. His first reaction was to persuade him not to do it, but a bad factor arose in his heart. He hoped that someone would challenge Qin Yue's authority.

Of course, this person can only be someone else, not himself, he just needs to stand in the corner and watch a good show.

However, even he didn't know how he was dragged into this matter by Henry, she could only help him, there was no way out.

Maybe he would promise to help Henry and help him secretly, because he was dissatisfied with Shengtian's sudden acquisition of PM company and transferred PM company to Jian Ran's name, that is to say, Jian Ran, who was his subordinate, did not go through anything. Efforts to directly do his BOSS.

He worked hard for so many years, and finally managed to climb up to the general manager of PM company Asia, but in a blink of an eye, all this was in vain.

The gap in his heart was too big for him to accept, so he uncontrollably agreed to Henry's request for his help.

"She is unique and can't be replaced by anyone." Henry still looked at Jian Ran who was walking further and further downstairs through the binoculars, and said without looking back.

"Just be happy!" After a while, Cheng Ye said again, "I've told you everything I know about the relationship between PM and Shengtian. Next, I can't help you."

In this world, he clearly knew that the woman belonged to Qin Yue and still had the courage to touch her. Presumably only the man beside him had the courage.

Cheng Ye was waiting with the mentality of watching a good show, and waited to see who was the real winner in the end.

Jian Ran and Qin Yue walked further and further, until they walked into a building and couldn't see them from the telescope, Henry put away the telescope and looked away.

He looked at Cheng Ye with coldness in his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "I'll let someone hit your account for the money."

Asking people to help, money transaction is the easiest way, Cheng Ye helps him with his affairs, he gives Cheng Ye the money he wants, everyone takes what they need, and no one owes anyone else.

He didn't hope that Cheng Ye would help him aimlessly, relying only on the pitiful relationship with his classmates many years ago.

"Henry, I don't need the money, it's just..." Just in case Henry fails, don't pull him into the water. He has a good reputation, and now he is definitely not Qin Yue's opponent.

"I'll give you the money. In case I fail, it's just my business and has nothing to do with anyone else." Leaving the words, Henry turned around and left gracefully.

Autumn is coming soon, the weather in Jiangbei City is getting cooler day by day, and people are getting better day by day.

Walking out of the building where PM company is located, there is a very bright Ferrari red sports car parked in front of the building, and people passing by can't help but stop to watch.

"Master!" Seeing Henry coming out, the driver immediately got out of the car and greeted him respectfully.

"Go and do your thing, don't follow me." Henry got into the car, fastened his seat belt, stepped on the accelerator and shot out.

He walked away from the dust, but the amazed eyes around him did not move away for a long time.


After lunch, Qin Yue had just returned to the office when assistant Tang Yi hurried to report: "Mr. Qin, the preparations for the wedding are almost done. The detailed pictures have been sent to your mailbox, please take a look. If the place is not satisfied, we will let them re-do it.”

Qin Yue had planned to hold a wedding for Jian Ran in the Aegean Sea for a long time. He had already asked you to prepare it a long time ago.

He made a detailed picture of the wedding scene that must be paid attention to, and asked professionals to take care of it, but the pictures sent to him never satisfied him.

Looking at Qin Yue's gloomy face, Tang Yi knew that the preparations for the wedding, decoration, and many other details had not yet met their President Qin's requirements.

"President Qin—"

Tang Yi was about to explain, but Qin Yue suddenly interrupted: "Book a ticket now, I'm going to fly there."

In the past, Qin Yue would never waste time on this kind of thing, but now it's different.

If he wants to supply Jane with a wedding, it must be a 100% satisfactory wedding, and he will not allow any flaws to exist.

"Wait a minute." As soon as the words were said, Qin Yue thought of more important things. Jane is pregnant now, and he must not leave Jiangbei.

The events of four years ago are still vivid in my mind.

It was just a few days after he left Jiangbei, and when he came back, his Jane was gone.

This kind of thing, once, is enough to make him regret for life, he must not let the incident repeat, absolutely not.

After thinking of Jian Ran, Qin Yue immediately changed his mind. He still guided him remotely and tried to instruct the people over there to arrange the wedding venue according to his every idea.


During these days, Xiao Yuanfeng has contacted a number of people and has found a suitable cosmetic doctor.

But the doctor found it, and there was a bigger problem in front of him that he couldn't solve.

They are going abroad for surgery, Xiao Yuanfeng wants to go abroad, but he does not have a passport.

Xiao Yuanfeng not only has no passport, but also no documents to prove his identity. There is no way to leave Jiangbei to go abroad.

Xiao Qinghe went to the people he knew to inquire about the news, and everyone told him the same answer. They couldn't help people to have a new identity!

There is no way to help Xiao Yuanfeng get the documents, so other things can't be done at all.

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