My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 519: Spreading falsehoods

Chapter 519: Spreading falsehoods

Henry, Qin Yue and Xiao Qinghe were once classmates, and they had a good relationship.

In other words, Henry is very likely to know about her relationship with Qin Yue and Xiao Qinghe. Even knowing that it is her relationship with them, Henry still does such outrageous things to her.

Thinking of this, Jian Ran wanted to take a knife and chop the man named Henry.

As the saying goes, a friend's wife should not be bullied. A person who bullies a friend's wife must not be a good person. Mr. Qin in her family should not know such a frivolous and impetuous person.

Instantly, Jian Ran thought again of the design draft Henry gave her.

Since he knew Qin Yue and Ivan, the design draft in Henry's hand must not have been drawn by him, but he got it from Qin Yue or Ivan.

If he wants to steal, he should also steal Ivan's works. Ivan's works are always priced at sky-high prices, so only those that are stolen can be sold for a high price.

As for her wedding dress, she designed it for herself. It didn't have a name and couldn't be sold at a good price. What would Henry do with it?

Could it be that he is a pervert?

Jian Ran stopped, looked up at Qin Yue, and said, "Qin Yue, you said you have something to do at noon, and you want to see that Henry?"

"I didn't meet him. I just met him after talking about something. He said he was waiting for a female colleague... I didn't expect that female colleague to be you." Qin Yue rubbed Jian Ran's head and said.

If Qin Yue had known that Henry was looking for the female colleague Jian Ran, it would not have been Henry's turn to look for her. Qin Yue would have rushed away long ago.

"He and I are really just colleagues." Perhaps she was afraid that Qin Yue would see what Henry had done to her, so Jian Ran didn't even dare to look at him when he spoke.

"You are not colleagues, how can you have any other relationship?" Qin Yue pinched the tip of her nose and held her in his arms lovingly, "Jian Ran, promise me that you will continue to have a good relationship with me."

"Of course I want to keep walking with you. If I don't go with you, you can forgive me, but Xiao Ranran and the baby in my belly can't forgive me either." Jian Ran pulled Qin Yue's big palm against hers On her belly, she pursed her lips and chuckled, "I'm really happy to be pregnant with our child again."

"Fool!" As he spoke, Qin Yue lowered his head and kissed Jian Ran's forehead.

Jian Ran said to him, "You are the fool."

Qin Yue didn't say anything back and helped her get into the car. He followed her and held her in his arms: "You should sleep for a while. I'll call you when we get to the hospital."

"Qin Yue... I don't want to go to PM anymore." Work is important to Jian Ran, but in her heart Qin Yue and this family are the most important.

She clearly knew that there was a time bomb around her that could explode at any time, but Jian Ran was not stupid, yet she still wanted to send it to others to be exploded.

What should Xiao Ran do if something happens? What should Qin Yue do? And what about the little baby in her belly?

Now she must always remember that she is not alone. No matter what decision she makes, she must think about them first and must not be willful.

It was indeed her regret that she could not work at PM Company, but she could find other jobs instead.

But nothing can replace her and Qin Yue's family.

Qin Yue kissed her on the forehead: "Okay, from now on, just stay at home and take good care of your baby. I'll go with you wherever you want to go."

It's a good thing that Jian Ran doesn't go to work, but she, a workaholic, suddenly said she didn't want to go to work at this juncture. Qin Yue had to wonder if she knew something?

However, it seems that Mr. Xiao did not die more than 20 years ago, and not many people know the news that he was killed after being found by Xiao Qinghe.

He and Xiao Qinghe knew that, and there were very few people like Liu Yong, so the chance that Jian Ran would know was not high.

Not big, but not 100% guaranteed.

Jian Ran joked: "You won't dislike me for not doing anything, so you can support me."

"I like..." Qin Yue's words were interrupted by the sudden ringing of the phone. He smiled apologetically at Jian Ran and quickly answered, "How is it?"

Liu Yong's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Qin, we found the person who posted the photo online yesterday. He lives near Huangtian Pier and often appears in that area. He was going home last night and passed by I accidentally took those photos while there.”

Qin Yue asked thoughtfully: "Is there any other news?"

Liu Yong added: "I will send people to continue to check this person's information to see if he has been bribed? Maybe the murderer bought useful clues from him in advance."

"Yeah." Qin Yue said such a simple syllable again.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yue raised his hand to push the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose. Jian Ran immediately helped him pat his back: "I'm not feeling uncomfortable anymore. We're not going to the hospital. You can go home and rest for a while."

Qin Yue had to be busy with work, worry about something as big as Shengtian, and had to be distracted to take care of her. Jian Ran felt really bad about it.

"No, you must go to the hospital. If the baby dares to torment you again, I will spank her in the future." Qin Yue really didn't want to have any more children and didn't want to see Jian Ran suffer.

"Are you willing to do it?" You can tell from the way Qin Yue dotes on his daughter that he is a good father, so he is reluctant to hit their baby.

"If the baby dares to make mother sad, you can see how reluctant I am to let it go." Qin Yue held Jian Ran in his arms. He was very worried. He always had a bad premonition and was worried that Jian Ran would know about Xiao Yuanfeng sooner or later.

Because of this worry, he has been restless this morning. As soon as his mind is empty, he will think of Jian Ran as soon as possible.

Thinking about what he should do if she found out about Xiao Yuanfeng to minimize the harm to her.

Of course, the premise is that he must do everything he can to prevent the news from reaching Jian Ran's ears. There will be no harm if he doesn't know.

The hospital did a pregnancy check-up, and the doctor told them that the pregnant woman and the fetus were both healthy, and they would just need to go to the hospital for a routine pregnancy check-up every half month.

Jian Ran thanked the doctor, looked at the nervous Mr. Qin, smiled and said, "I see how nervous you are. I'm not pregnant for the first time. I'm very experienced. Don't worry."

"I'm nervous about my wife. How dare anyone have an opinion?" Qin Yue helped Jian Ran sit in the passenger seat. He planned to drive her home himself.

"It is said that a murder occurred at Huangtian Pier last night. The head of the deceased was cut off. How miserable the death must have been!"

"Oh my God, it's so scary to think about it!"

The two men passing by their car were talking as they walked, talking about the Huangtian Pier murder case that Jian Ran had heard about for almost a morning.

What I heard this time was even more terrifying than what I heard in the morning. In the morning, it was only said that the body of the deceased was covered with wounds, but now it was said that the head of the deceased had been cut off.

This is spreading rumors from person to person, and in the end no one knows how things will turn out.

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