Chapter 521: Is he the murderer?

Xiao Qinghe had just arrived in the guest room, and Qin Yue arrived shortly after.

He stood in front of the door, looked at Xiao Qinghe solemnly, and said, "You are not suitable to live here during this period."

"You want to drive me away, why?" Xiao Qinghe threw himself on the bed and placed himself in a big letter shape, "After all, I am also your brother-in-law, my father..."

"Shut up!" Before Xiao Qinghe finished speaking, Qin Yue scolded him coldly, "I don't want you to mention Mr. Xiao's matter here."

"Qin Muzhi, what are you afraid of?" Xiao Qinghe sat up suddenly, "Did you do something shameful and shameful?"

"Jian Ran is pregnant. She is still in the dangerous period of the first three months and cannot bear any stimulation." Qin Yue didn't want to talk about it, but if he didn't say it, if Xiao Qinghe's head got hot and he told Jian Ran everything, the consequences would be Unthinkable.

"Jian Ran is pregnant again? Real or fake?" Xiao Qinghe was surprised, surprised, disappointed and distressed.

Jian Ran is pregnant again, and she is still pregnant with Qin Yue's child, the child of her father-killing enemy...

If all this had not happened, if their father had not died, then when the father came back from the operation, he would be able to see his little grandson again.

But all this has been artificially changed. It is Qin Yue, the murderous demon, who is manipulating everything behind the scenes.


Why is he not even willing to let go of an old man?

"Can this still be false?" Qin Yue did not intend to say more about his doubts, and said, "I will investigate Mr. Xiao's matter, and I will definitely let him rest in peace."

"I understand." Xiao Qinghe covered his face with a pillow and said without looking at Qin Yue, "Go and do your work. I won't let her know about my father's death."

Qin Yue said angrily: "I want you to go home."

"I just moved in, you said a few words to me, and then I left. If my thoughtful sister sees it, she will definitely become suspicious." Xiao Qinghe fell back and lay down, not intending to leave.

"Since you insist on living here, be careful what you say and do." Qin Yue narrowed his eyes and said.

It's not that Qin Yue doesn't believe Xiao Qinghe, but that he will treat things that are related to Jian Ran more rigorously than other things.

He had learned the lesson of losing Jian Ran once. During those three years, he had gone through it like every day.

He was afraid that when he woke up one day, Jian Ran would not be by his side again, and he could not find her even if he searched all over the world.

He had lived for so many years, and nothing had ever scared him before. Only this incident about Jian Ran made him flustered and scared.

He had been afraid for more than three years, but he never told anyone about it. He hid the pain and injuries in his heart and licked the wounds silently.

No matter how hesitant and uneasy he felt in his heart, he still held on. Shengtian needed him, the Qin family needed him, and his Xiao Ranran needed him.

"I understand, go and do your work." Xiao Qinghe waved his hand impatiently.

"Remember, if you dare to make a mistake, I will make you look good." Qin Yue warned again.

"Are you two quarreling? Why are you quarreling?" At some point, Jian Ran came over and looked at the two of them with confusion.

With the backer here, Xiao Qinghe said proudly: "Your man, he is not happy that I live here and wants to drive me away."

Jian Ran looked up at Qin Yue, hooked his arm, and said with a smile: "My Mr. Qin is not such a stingy person. I don't believe your nonsense."


If her brother and Qin Yue quarrel, she will of course be on the side of her Mr. Qin.

Qin Yue rubbed her head: "If you don't go and rest for a while, what are you doing here?"

Jian Ran said: "My brother is here as a guest. As the hostess, I have to come and see him."

"You two, don't show your affection to me here, I don't want to see you!" Xiao Qinghe suddenly started running, rushed to the door and slammed the door hard. It seemed that he was very angry.

Jian Ran looked at Qin Yue with a look of surprise and confusion: "Mr. Qin, did my brother take gunpowder today?"

Jian Ran can't say that she understands her brother 100%, but she always understands him a little bit. In her impression, Xiao Qinghe can be disguised.

He majored in psychology and was best at figuring out other people's thoughts. He would not talk to others with such an attitude.

But it's not impossible, because she is his relative, so he will show his truest emotions in front of her.

Qin Yue said softly: "Everyone is in a bad mood sometimes. You can criticize him, but you can't let him affect your mood."

"Qin Yue, what's wrong with you two?" Yesterday she felt that they were weird, and today this feeling was even stronger.

In the past, they would say anything in front of her and never avoid her. I don't know what the two of them whispered in the past two days?

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows: "What are you still worried about between the two of us?"

Jian Ran glared at him and said, "You know that's not what I meant."

"Then don't ask any more questions. You go back to your room and take a nap, then get up again. I have to go out to do some things." Qin Yue led Jian Ran downstairs and said as he walked.

Whenever she sees Qin Yue going about his business, Jian Ran really wants to have more children.

In the future, when the children grow up and share the work together, they won't be as tired as Qin Yue and don't have to carry the whole Shengtian on two shoulders.

"Then go and be busy. When you are busy at work, be busy at work. Don't worry about things at home. I take care of everything at home."


"I'll take you out the door."

"I'll accompany you back to your room."

The two of them spoke almost at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled, and Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran again.

Jian Ran said first, "I'll take you outside."

Qin Yue nodded: "Okay."

Guest room on the third floor.

Xiao Qinghe stood behind the curtain, looking through the cracks in the curtain at Qin Yue and Jian Ran walking towards the gate together in the yard downstairs.

The two of them, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, can form a beautiful scenery wherever they go, which is pleasing to the eye.

When the two of them came together, they made many others envious. Xiao Qinghe himself felt that the two of them matched each other.

but why?

Why did Qin Yue kill their father?

If his father's last words weren't still ringing in his ears, when he saw Qin Yue caring for Jian Ran, he would have doubted that Qin Yue was really the murderer?

Is Qin Yue really the murderer?

Can he tell the newly pregnant Jian Ran about this?

For a moment, Xiao Qinghe was at a loss.

Don’t know what to do next?

He wants to avenge his father, but at the same time he doesn't want Jian Ran to be harmed.

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