My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 526: Emotional intelligence is not improving

Chapter 526: Emotional intelligence is not improving

Jian Ran struggled in the bathroom for a while before coming out, hoping that Qin Yue would be asleep when she came out.

But Qin Yue didn't sleep.

He leaned against the head of the bed, holding a book in his hand and flipping through it attentively.

She hasn't gone to bed yet, so let's read seriously, as long as his attention is not on her.

Jian Ran looked away from Qin Yue, pretending that he couldn't see her either.

She walked lightly and walked quietly around the bed, trying to climb onto the bed from the other side of Xiao Ranran so that Mr. Qin wouldn't notice her.

Seeing Jian Ran's behavior of "hiding shame and stealing the bell", Qin Yue only felt funny. In order to hold back his laughter, his chest shook slightly.

Finally, when Jian Ran thought Qin Yue had not discovered her, she was lying safely on Xiao Ran's left side. She breathed out gently and found that Qin Yue's burning eyes were already staring at her.

It was unbelievable that every move she made so carefully just now was caught in his eyes, but this man kept silent and silently watched her making a joke.

Jian Ran rolled her eyes.

I suddenly dislike him!

"Huh? Didn't you say you want to give me a massage?" Qin Yue seemed to be flipping through a book, but his attention had already been on Jian Ran.

"Let's wait another day. Today, I have to take care of Xiao Ranran." Jian Ran lay next to Xiao Ranran, using the little guy as her shield.

It's true that Qin Yue is a man. After so many years, his emotional intelligence has not improved and he still looks like a wooden head.

He knew clearly that she was embarrassed now, but he gave her some concessions. What could he do?

Will anyone laugh at him?

"It's time for our baby Ran to learn to sleep alone." Xiao Ranran is over four years old, and Qin Yue feels that she should be allowed to slowly learn to be independent on her own, and she can no longer be allowed to continue to be a little light bulb.

"No, I don't worry if she doesn't sleep next to me." Jian Ran was reluctant to let her daughter sleep alone.

If Qin Yue insists on letting Xiao Ranran sleep alone, Jian Ran will definitely go with Xiao Ranran.

Qin Yue didn't say anything anymore. Anyway, when he wanted to do something, he didn't like to use words, he preferred to use practical actions.

Jian Ran lowered her head and kissed Xiao Ranran, then raised her head and asked, "Qin Yue, do you know any beautiful, virtuous and sensible girls?"

Qin Yue put the book on the bedside table beside him: "Yes."

"Where?" When Jian Ran heard this, her eyes lit up with excitement, "If you know any good girls, please introduce two more to me."

Qin Yue put his arms around the mother and daughter: "I only know one, not many."

"One will do, it's better than none." Jian Ran rubbed his elbow, "Tell me, tell me, where is she? How beautiful is she? How virtuous? How considerate is she?"

Qin Yue hugged Xiao Ranran away, and then hugged Jian Ran into his arms: "She is in my arms. As for how beautiful and considerate she is, you should know it very well."

Well, at this time, this man knew how to say nice words to make her happy again. Jian Ran's heart was filled with sweetness, but she didn't want to be overcome by his sweet words so quickly.

She squeezed his waist: "Qin Yue, I'm talking to you about business. What are you talking about?"

Qin Yue said seriously: "Every word I say to you is serious."

Maybe in the eyes of others, Jian Ran has many shortcomings, but what he sees are all her advantages. In his eyes, Jian Ran has always been shining and attracting attention.

"Then help me find a beautiful sister-in-law." Jian Ran sighed softly and said dullly, "My brother is sick today and keeps calling me father."

"What?" Qin Yue's body froze slightly.

Jian Ran didn't notice his nervousness and continued: "I think he must have lived alone for too long and was too lonely, so he got sick. People are very fragile when they are sick, and they will think of things when they are vulnerable. Mom and Dad. I think he needs someone to accompany him."

Jian Ran understands this feeling best. She used to stay away from Kyoto and come to Jiangbei. The person she missed the most when she was sick was her mother.

When she was at home, her mother would watch her take medicine when she had a cold, and would make ginger soup for her... Living alone outside, she had to support herself no matter how miserable or tiring she was.

Hearing what Jian Ran said, Qin Yue was slightly relieved. As long as Xiao Qinghe didn't spill the beans, everything would be easy to handle.

He rubbed Jian Ran's head: "You can't force emotional matters. He hasn't met the person he wants to marry, so it's useless for you to introduce him to her."

Jian Ran disagrees with Qin Yue's view.

She said: "If you don't introduce him and you can't even meet him, how do you know if he wants to marry you? I think it also requires someone to lead the way. If there is a suitable candidate, let them meet him." On the one hand, maybe you’re right.”

Jian Ran smiled and continued: "Mr. Qin, when you proposed to me, you must have been right."

If she hadn't seen each other right, Jian Ran wouldn't have believed that a person with Qin Yue's rigorous personality would find a random woman to register for marriage.

"Yeah." Qin Yue nodded.

Marrying Jian Ran was not because of love, but there was one thing Qin Yue knew very well, that is, he would feel very comfortable when he saw her.

He couldn't see her being bullied by others, and he wanted to protect her, so what happened next.

Jian Ran squeezed into his arms, buried her head in his chest and whispered, "Mr. Qin, don't forget, we also got married on a blind date."

"Well, then I will ask Tang Yi to help pay attention. If there is a suitable woman, I will ask him to contact Xiao Qinghe." After hearing what Jian Ran said, Qin Yue was unable to refute.

Although he and Jian Ran were on a blind date and he had resorted to some tricks, he still couldn't deny that she and he were on a blind date and got married.

Therefore, he had to admit that blind dates were not unreliable, and he could find the person who could accompany him throughout his life.

Jian Ran asked: "Mr. Qin, you said you met a lot of women when you were working. Is there not one you like?"

"Yes." If you don't like him, it's impossible to work next to him.

"Yes?" Jian Ran pinched him, "You still dare to say there is?"

"Why can't you say yes?" He just told the truth. What was Jian Ran dissatisfied with?

The ancients said that a woman is like a needle in the sea... It is indeed true. You can never guess what she is thinking?

"If I say you can't say it, you can't say it. No reason is needed."

"Okay, you have the final say."

While talking and making trouble, Jian Ran fell asleep in Qin Yue's arms.

Looking at Jian Ran's peaceful sleeping face, Qin Yue was not sleepy at all, and all he could think about was Xiao Yuanfeng's murder.

——Jian Ran!

No matter what, this time, he must protect her!

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