Chapter 532: Hand over the video

Just when Jian Ran was sad, a thick and warm hand hugged her waist in time and gently pulled her into his arms: "If you want to cry, just cry loudly."

Jian Ran didn't want to forcefully endure it, so she buried herself in Qin Yue's arms and cried happily. She will be willful once, and after crying, she can live a good life.

Qin Yue didn't understand how hard women cried. At least he had never known that his women could cry so hard before - she cried for half an hour.

And Jian Ran let go of crying, but she couldn't listen to anything she said. He couldn't persuade her, he could only watch Jian Ran cry like a big cat.

After crying, Jian Ran wiped her tears on Qin Yue's shirt, raised her head, blinked her red and swollen eyes and looked at him with embarrassment.

"What would you do if I caught my father's murderer?"

Just as she was about to say something to Qin Yue, Xiao Qinghe's voice suddenly came to her ears. Jian Ran turned her head and saw his gloomy eyes falling on her.

"Of course I want to avenge my father." Killing for life is a matter of course. Jian Ran's idea is that simple.

"Whoever the murderer is?" Xiao Qinghe asked.

"Of course!" Jian Ran didn't think there was any disagreement on this matter.

"I've asked someone to find the murderer, and there will be news soon. Just let me handle this matter." Qin Yue didn't want Jian Ran to get involved in these bloody things.

"Then we, brother and sister, have to thank President Qin a lot." Xiao Qinghe said in a sinister tone, glanced at him coldly, turned around and left.

"My father was killed just now. My brother is not happy. Don't argue with him." Xiao Qinghe targeted Qin Yue everywhere, and Jian Ran could still see it.

"No." Because Xiao Qinghe is Jianran's elder brother, Qin Yue will not argue with him. If it were anyone one else would dare to be so arrogant in front of him.

Qin Yue rubbed her head: "It's windy on the mountain, let's go back first."

The weather in Kyoto is no better than that in Jiangbei. The weather in Jiangbei in October is the best time of the year, but the weather in Kyoto is very cold, and the cold wind is biting on the face.

"Are you cold?" Only then did Jian Ran notice that in such a cold weather, Qin Yue was still only wearing a white shirt, and he didn't seem to be cold at all.

"Kind of," he said.

Jian Ran started to take off her coat and put it on for him, but Qin Yue grabbed her hand. He led her to stand in front of the tombstone of Jian Ran's parents and said loudly: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, I will take care of Jian Ran. rest assured."

Qin Yue has never made a similar promise before. This is the first time and probably the only time.

Jian Ran was left in his care, and the two of them could leave with peace of mind.

They came to Beijing quietly, and after burying Xiao Yuanfeng, they rushed back to Jiangbei immediately.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at Jiangbei Airport, which was still working time.

Liu Yong brought people to pick him up at the airport. As soon as they met, there was a lot of work for Qin Yue to handle, so Qin Yue was surrounded by his people to report the situation, while Jian Ran and Xiao Qinghe were squeezed out of the circle.

Xiao Qinghe saw the subordinate walking behind Liu Yong at a glance.

He pulled Jian Ran, pointed at the man, and said, "Jian Ran, have you seen that man?"

Jian Ran nodded: "I see it often."

Jian Ran rarely comes into contact with the people who work under Qin Yue, but she also observes carefully. Jian Ran has some impression of anyone who has shown their face around Qin Yue.

The man Xiao Qinghe pointed to had been seen by Jian Ran several times by Qin Yue's side and had never spoken to him, but she remembered that face.

Xiao Qinghe added: "That person is Qin Yue's subordinate and works for Qin Yue. Is this certain?"

"Of course!" Jian Ran answered with certainty.

Many of Qin Yue's people have been with him for many years, and they are all loyal and help him do things, and they will never have any different intentions.

Of course, there are exceptions like Xu Huiyi, but one such unexpected situation is enough to remind Qin Yue.

With Qin Yue's personality and ability, being betrayed once is enough. He will never let someone with different intentions do things for him by his side again.

Jian Ran said again: "Brother, what exactly do you want to ask?"

"It's okay." Xiao Qinghe didn't want to say more and walked away.

Jian Ran looked at his back and cursed: "What's wrong with this guy? He's been acting weird in the past two days."

"Jian Ran, the company has some things to do. I'll ask the driver to take you home first." Sheng Tian was busy with things and finding the murderer, so Qin Yue couldn't spare time to accompany Jian Ran.

"Go and do your work, leave me alone." Jian Ran understands Qin Yue's work very well, and she will try not to cause him any trouble.

On the way back, Xiao Qinghe remained silent and looked dully out of the car window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jian Ran tugged on Xiao Qinghe's sleeve: "Brother, my father's matter is over. Don't be too sad. Let's work together to find the murderer and bring him to justice."

Xiao Qinghe sighed helplessly: "What if we find the murderer?"

The murderer is beside them, the man Jian Ran sleeps with every night, but what can they do to Qin Yue?

Seeing Xiao Qinghe being so negative, Jian Ran was very angry: "What can you do if you find the murderer? Of course, let the murderer pay for it with his life."

"If only it were that simple." If Qin Yue could pay for his life so easily, he wouldn't have been struggling for so long about what to do.

"Brother, you know who the murderer is, right? You have surveillance cameras at home. You saw who kidnapped your father, right?" Jian Ran remembered. Liu Yong said that day that Xiao Qinghe had surveillance cameras in his house. Videography.

"Who told you that there is surveillance in my house?" Xiao Qinghe was slightly shocked. Could it be that Qin Yue asked Jian Ran to spy on him?

"I overheard what Qin Yue and the others said." Jian Ran didn't know what Xiao Qinghe was thinking, so she naturally told the truth.

Sure enough, it was Qin Yue!

Xiao Qinghe snorted coldly, and then heard Jian Ran say: "Brother, show the video to Qin Yue's people, and we will find the murderer together."

Although they shouldn't bother Qin Yue with everything, Jian Ran knew that if Qin Yue's men helped them find the murderer, they would have a much higher chance of finding the murderer.

"Did Qin Yue ask you to ask me for the video?" Xiao Qinghe clenched his fist tightly.

He knew that Qin Yue had a purpose in telling Jian Ran about his father. It turned out that Qin Yue knew that he had evidence, so Qin Yue told Jian Ran about the matter first, and then sent Jian Ran out to ask him for evidence.

Once the evidence is taken away by Qin Yue, even if he accuses Qin Yue of being the murderer, Jian Ran will not believe it, and no one will believe it.

Qin Yue's fox was indeed extremely cunning and arranged everything perfectly.

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