Chapter 540: Living Model

Zhan Nianbei parked the car by himself and strode inside. When he passed by the transparent studio, he glanced and saw Xiao Ran sitting alone in the studio.

The petite girl was sitting in front of a big easel, holding a paintbrush in her hand and painting something on the easel very seriously and attentively.

He hadn't seen Xiao Ranran for several days. Zhan Nianbei also wanted to hug her, so he turned and walked into the studio: "Baby Ran!"

"Woo..." The one who answered him was not Xiao Ranran, but Xiao Mianmian who was lying motionless on the ground with an unhappy look on his face.

"Little guy, are you not happy to see your uncle?" When he came here in the past, the little guy would run up to him and jump up and down. What happened today?

"Woooo..." Mianmian still whined twice, feeling too many grievances in her heart, but no one could understand its language.

Zhan Nianbei's eyes moved from the unhappy little Mianmian to Xiao Ranran, watching her painting gracefully with a brush: "Ran baby, what are you doing?"

"Uncle." Xiao Ranran looked up, gave Zhan Nian Beitou a sweet smile, then lowered his head to draw seriously, "Ranran is drawing my sister."

No wonder Mianmian remained motionless and looked unhappy and aggrieved. It turned out that he was acting as Xiao Ranran's model.

"Huh?" Zhan Nianbei came to her easel and looked at it again and again, but he couldn't tell that Xiao Ranran was painting Mianmian.

"What fun is painting? Then go with your uncle, he will take you to do other things." In Zhan Nianbei's opinion, painting and other things are too quiet. If he has children, whether they are girls or For boys, he would teach them to play more exciting games.

"Uncle, please finish the painting and give it to Xiao Ze." Although Xiao Ranran didn't really want this little brother to be her brother, she still prepared a gift for Xiao Ze in a sensible way.

There are many toys for her in the toy room, and she can give them away if she chooses one, but Xiao Ranran can't bear to part with them, because they are all treasures that she cherishes very much.

So she prepared the gifts by herself. The painting she had learned these days came in handy. It was just a hard work for her sister.

With Xiao Ranran's current level of painting, even being her model feels aggrieved, but there is no other way. Who makes her the youngest in the family, so Xiao Ranran has no choice but to bully her.

Mianmian is a Pomeranian. Xiao Ranran drew it according to it, but no one could recognize that the animal in the painting was Mianmian.

If you had to say what Xiao Ranran's painting looked like, Zhan Nianbei thought it looked more like a cat.

"It turns out that Ranran wants to draw a painting for his new brother." Zhan Nianbei rubbed her little head and sat down next to her, "Ranran, let's paint. Once the painting is done, uncle and grandpa will take you to play. "

"The painting is done." Xiao Ranran put down her pen and looked at the painting she had drawn by herself. The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became. This painting was the most satisfactory to her among her recent works.

"Done?" Zhan Nianbei thought to himself. Fortunately, Xiao Ranran asked Mianmian to be her model. If she asked her father to be her model, she would probably draw her father as a kitten. .

"Uncle, does your painting look good?" Xiao Ranran is quite confident in her painting skills.

"Of course it looks good." How could the painting painted by their Ran Baobao not look good? No matter if you ask anyone in the Qin family about this painting, everyone will praise it from the bottom of their hearts.

The Qin family dotes on their baby Ran so unprincipledly. As long as it is drawn by Xiao Ranran, it must be the best in the world.

"Uncle is the best. Ranran likes uncle." Xiao Ranran turned to look at Mianmian who was still lying on the side, "Sister, you go and play."

"Woof woof woof..." Finally free, Mianmian jumped up quickly, turned around and ran away.

It doesn't want to stay another minute, because it's so afraid that its little sister will let it model again.

"Let's go, uncle and grandpa will carry you to give gifts." Zhan Nianbei lifted Xiao Ranran up and let her sit on his shoulders.

Thinking about his majestic First Army Commander of Jiangbei Military Region, Xiao Ranran was the first person to have the honor of riding on his head.

Everyone at home is here, and everyone’s eyes are naturally on today’s protagonist, Ozawa.

Xiao Ranran handed it to her little brother with her own hands: "Xiao Ze, this is a gift from Ran Ran and my sister. You can't help but like it."

Because there is still some rejection of this little brother in her heart, Xiao Ranran's words are also a little brutal and domineering.

"Thank you sister, I like it very much!" Ozawa took the painting from Xiao Ranran and said very happily.

"Oze, you will be a member of our big family from now on. Grandpa and grandma hope to be healthy and happy." Mother Qin gave Ozawa an jade safety button, which means that Ozawa will grow up healthily and safely.

Qin's father spent a huge sum of money to buy this piece of jade when he traveled to Myanmar a few years ago. It was originally bought for collection, but Qin's mother snatched it away and had it processed into a safety buckle.

Qin's mother wanted to give the priceless jade to the Qin family's eldest grandson, but Qin's father made it happen without saying a word.

For decades, Qin's father only followed one purpose, as long as his wife was happy.

"Thank you, grandpa! Thank you, grandma! Xiaoze likes it very much!" Xiaoze put on the gift from his grandparents and said sweetly.

"Ozawa, this is a gift prepared by my aunt for you." Qin Xiaobao gave Ozawa a set of detective comics that little boys like, and she guessed that Ozawa would also like it.

"Thank you, little aunt!" Ozawa didn't know whether the things were valuable or not. He only knew that the gift from his little aunt was something he had always wanted, but his parents were reluctant to buy it for him.

My mother always said that such a set of comics costs several thousand yuan, which is a month’s salary for both her and her father. So every time he could only sit outside the library and stare at his favorite comics in a daze.

Zhan Nianbei was not prepared for anything. In his opinion, he and Qin Xiaobao were already a family. If Qin Xiaobao gave it to him, it was equivalent to a gift from him.

Qin Yue and Jian Ran naturally also prepared gifts for Xiao Ze. They decorated Xiao Ze's room to look the way he liked and prepared many new clothes for him. They tried their best to do what parents should do to their children. .

After giving the gifts, Ozawa also got to know his family members while receiving the gifts.

Jian Ran handed Xiao Ranran into Xiao Ze's hand and rubbed their heads: "Xiao Ze, baby Ran, you two will be brothers and sisters from now on. You must love each other and help each other."

Ozawa said sensibly: "Mom and dad, don't worry, Ozawa will take good care of my sister."

Xiao Ranran didn't want to talk because she only had her brother lie in her heart and had not yet accepted Xiaoze as her brother.

"Ranran, what about you?" Jianran asked.

Xiao Ranran blinked her beautiful big eyes, feeling aggrieved, but nodded sensibly.

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