Chapter 544: Tell you everything

"Jian Ran!" Qin Yue patted Jian Ran's back and called her name in a deep voice, "No one can hurt me, don't worry about me."

"But..." Jian Ran didn't know what to say to Qin Yue.

She believed that Qin Yue would not do anything to harm his father, but he could not explain what the video was about.

Perhaps only by finding Xiao Qinghe can we understand the whole story.

"It's nothing." Qin Yue rubbed her head and kissed her forehead, "Believe me, go to sleep first. When you wake up, everything will be fine."

Jian Ran has been busy taking care of the adoption of Xiaoze these days. Qin Yue guessed that she was too tired and just needed a good night's rest.

"Yeah." Jian Ran nodded obediently.

Qin Yue picked her up, strode into the bedroom, and put her on the bed gently: "You go to bed first, I'll take a bath."

Qin Yue stood up to leave, but Jian Ran grabbed him. When she saw his worried eyes, she let go and said, "Go and wash, I'll go to bed first."

It was so late, and she didn't want to affect Qin Yue's rest because of her own reasons.

"Be good!" Qin Yue rubbed her head before turning to the bathroom to take a shower.

Jian Ran was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Although she was very sleepy, she couldn't fall asleep. The video she just watched was on her mind.

No matter what she thought, she couldn't figure out what the video was about.

Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore. When she wakes up tomorrow, she will go to Xiao Qinghe to find out the details. She must find out the matter and must not unjustly accuse Qin Yue.

Not long after, Qin Yue came out of the shower and lay down next to Jian Ran. He gently put a hand on her abdomen: "Jian Ran, don't worry."

Jian Ran squeezed into Qin Yue's arms and rubbed her head against his chest: "Qin Yue, we will always be good."

She asked not sure because she was too panicked. She obviously chose to believe Qin Yue, but she was still afraid.

"Yes." Qin Yue hugged her tightly, "Go to sleep."

This night, after tossing and turning, it finally dawned.

Jian Ran didn't sleep for almost the whole night, and only felt a little sleepy at dawn.

She didn't sleep well, and Qin Yue didn't sleep well either, but Qin Yue had to get up early for work, so Jian Ran could sleep in for a while longer.

For many years, Qin Yue had a habit of getting up early and sitting by the window reading newspapers waiting for Jian Ran to wake up.

Today, Jian Ran fell asleep at dawn and expected to wake up at noon. Qin Yue got up first and went to the company, telling Xiangxiu not to disturb Jian Ran and to prepare food so that she could eat it whenever she woke up.

Qin Yue didn't know that Jian Ran was not asleep. As soon as he stepped out of the room, Jian Ran opened her eyes.

She definitely wouldn't be able to sleep until she figured things out.

She must contact Xiao Qinghe and find him to find out the matter.

Jian Ran got up and found her cell phone, then dialed Xiao Qinghe's number. Just like last night, she had to call several times before the person there answered.

"Of course, what's the matter?" Xiao Qinghe's tone and attitude were much better, but from the sound of his voice, you could tell that he was still awake after a hangover.

"Xiao Qinghe, what's going on with the video you sent me?" Jian Ran would rather believe that the video was faked by someone else than believe that Qin Yue was the murderer behind their father's murder.

"What video?" Xiao Qinghe turned over lazily, still half awake and half dreaming, and couldn't remember what video Jian Ran was talking about.

Jian Ran said angrily: "The video you sent me on WeChat."

"WeChat video?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Qinghe hurriedly opened WeChat and turned to the dialog box with Jian Ran. As expected, a video appeared in the dialog box.

When he saw that video, he secretly screamed, It's over!

He didn't know anything after he was drunk. He didn't know what he had sent on WeChat to Jian Ran, or how he got to the hotel.

Jian Ran on the other end of the phone continued: "Tell me clearly what's going on? I need to know the truth."

"I..." Now that Jian Ran knew about it, Xiao Qinghe didn't want to hide it anymore.

He decided to follow his father's will and rescue Jian Ran and Xiao Ranran together, and stay away from the demon Qin Yue. Only then would mother and daughter find true happiness.

He took a deep breath and said, "You want to know what's going on, don't you?"

"Of course I want to know. I don't want anyone to make any decisions for me." No matter what the truth is, Jian Ran has to face it by herself.

Qin Yue can't replace her, and Xiao Qinghe can't replace her. She is an independent individual.

None of them can make decisions for her, not her husband or her brother.

Xiao Qinghe said again: "Then you come to my residence and I will explain to you slowly what is going on."

Stepping into Xiao Qinghe's home again, Jian Ran felt completely different. Suddenly, she seemed to be able to see her father walking around the house, calling her with a smile - Ranran.

Thinking about it, Jian Ran was about to cry.

Xiao Qinghe interrupted her and said: "Since you want to know, then I will tell you everything. What to do after knowing the truth, you make your own decision, I will not interfere with you."

"Okay, tell me. Tell me everything and don't hide anything." Jian Ran bit her lip and tried to calm down her emotions.

No matter what kind of news she hears from Xiao Qinghe, she must remain calm. Only by remaining calm can she find flaws and clear Qin Yue's grievances.

At this moment, in Jian Ran's heart, she still believed in Qin Yue and believed that Qin Yue would never hurt her father.

Because he had no motive for committing the crime.

"Do you still remember that time when Qin Xiaobao was kidnapped and almost lost his life?" Xiao Qinghe's voice struck Jianran's eardrums word by word.

Jian Ran nodded: "Of course I remember. But the murderer hasn't been found yet. Or maybe they don't want to tell me who the murderer is."

Xiao Qinghe continued: "Do you still remember the glass slipper Xiao Ranran received on her birthday? Do you still remember the anonymous phone call you received?"

"Remember." How could Jian Ran forget such a scary thing.

"These things were all done by one person." Xiao Qinghe sighed and looked at Jian Ran, "This person is our father. He kidnapped Qin Xiaobao and almost killed Qin Xiaobao. It was also he who gave birth to his grandson with his own hands. The birthday gift I prepared is for him to make frequent anonymous phone calls to you.”

"Brother, what are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense about things without evidence." Jian Ran shook her head. She hoped that she had heard wrong. She must have heard wrong.

How could her father do such a cruel thing?

Giving Xiao Ranran crystal shoes and making anonymous phone calls are all understandable. Jian Ran also believed that her father would do such a thing, but she absolutely did not believe that her father would kidnap Qin Xiaobao.

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