Chapter 547: Goodbye Brother Lie

Qin Xiaobao took Xiao Ranran to sleep until the sun was high. They got up and went downstairs, and saw Xiao Ze sitting in the living room alone in a daze.

Although the Qin family treated Xiao Ze as their own family, and the servants also regarded him as the real little master, but he was still not used to it.

His previous life was completely different from the life of the Qin family. They might not be able to live in such a large mansion as the Qin family after struggling for several lifetimes.

Not only is the living place different, but many living habits are also different, so he still needs to work hard if he wants to truly integrate into the big family of the Qin family.

"Xiao Ze, have you had breakfast?" Qin Xiaobao greeted Xiao Ze naturally when he passed by the living room with Xiao Ranran.

"I've already eaten." Xiao Ze replied politely, he glanced at Qin Xiaobao, and then his eyes fell on Xiao Ranran.

He really wanted to talk to Xiao Ranran, but Xiao Ranran didn't seem to be very close to him, so he opened his mouth and still didn't say anything.

Qin Xiaobao said again: "today is the weekend, you don't need to go to school, you can play whatever you want. This is your home, so you don't have to be too cautious. "

Ozawa nodded: "OK."

"Miss, little miss, breakfast is ready, should we eat now?" Xiangxiu looked at them and said with a smile.

Qin Xiaobao said: "Sister Xiangxiu, please prepare it for us."

"Miss, what did you say? It's my luck to work in the Qin family." Xiangxiu said. While preparing breakfast neatly.

The breakfast was prepared with great care, according to Xiao Ranran's and Qin Xiaobao's tastes.

Qin Xiaobao took a sip of polenta with moderate temperature, and asked, "By the way, sister Xiangxiu, is my sister-in-law awake?"

Xiangxiu said: "Young Madam went out and said she was looking for Mr. Xiao."

"Then baby, let's go play with my uncle and grandpa with my little aunt today." The adults at home are not here, Qin Xiaobao certainly can't bear to leave Xiao Ranran at home alone.

"Okay." Xiao Ran also wanted to be with her little aunt, and didn't want to stay at home.

"Little aunt, Ozawa wants to be with my sister." Ozawa has been in this house for two or three days, and he already understands that although Xiaoran is the youngest person in the family, his father listens to her very much, she said No matter what, Dad will agree that he can stay in this family because of Xiao Ranran's words.

So he must take good care of this younger sister, and only when his parents are happy will he be able to gain a firm foothold in this family.

He was eleven years old. I understand many things.

"Okay, then let's go together." Qin Xiaobao knew Jianran's intentions, and adopted a child to be Xiaoran's companion. It's good to bring Xiaoze together and let them cultivate brother-sister relationship.

Before going out, Qin Xiaobao called Zhan Nianbei.

Knowing that Zhan Nianbei is not in the Jiangbei Military Region, but is receiving important figures from country A with several important politicians from Jiangbei City.

As a native of country A, Qin Xiaobao hasn't had the chance to visit country A yet, so he might as well go and see the people of country A first.

The place to receive important figures from country A is Jiangbei Guobin Hotel, which is a place specially used to receive foreign guests.

Whenever there are foreign dignitaries coming, the State Guest Hotel will be surrounded by three layers of special forces, even if a fly comes in and out, it is difficult to escape their eyes.

This time, there is also the well-known Commander Zhan in person, and no one has the guts to make trouble.

When Qin Xiaobao arrived with Xiao Ranran and Xiao Ze, important people were still on their way, so there was time for her and Zhan Nianbei to make noise.

"Zhan Nianbei, who is this state visit?"

"The third son of the president of country A, and the only child of the wife of the president of country A."

"Oh... so it's nepotism."

"At the moment it seems to be. Whether you have the ability or not, we have to wait and see."

"Little aunt, my sister wants to play there, can I take her there?" Seeing Xiao Ranran's gaze kept looking there, Xiao Ze thought that she wanted to play there. As a good brother, you must understand your sister's mind.

"Go ahead, just be careful." It's safe here, and Qin Xiaobao is not worried that someone will take them away.

Xiao Ze accompanied Xiao Ranran to the second floor. Before Xiao Ran could see clearly the music light that attracted her attention, she was snatched away by the crowd who came downstairs suddenly.

"Brother Lie!"

The big boy in a black suit walking in the middle of the crowd is Xiao Ranran's most familiar brother Lie.

Although brother lie's clothes are different from before and his hair is cut short But his face and eyes have not changed.

Xiao Ranran only needs to take a look to recognize her brother lie, who she has been thinking about every day.

"Brother Lie!"

Xiao Ranran called her brother lie loudly, but there were too many people around him, too noisy Her voice disappeared before it reached brother lie.

Xiao Ranran yelled several times, but brother lie didn't hear her. She was anxious, turned around and rushed downstairs.

Ozawa wanted to catch her back, but she ran too fast, rushed downstairs after a while and ran into the crowd, Ozawa did not keep up with her.

She went through the crowd and rushed towards brother lie. She wanted to rush to brother lie's side, to brother lie's arms, so that brother lie could hug her and kiss her.

There are too many people around brother lie, and Xiao Ranran is too small. She almost walks through the legs of a group of people, but she doesn't think about shrinking back.

Thinking that she will see brother lie soon, her whole body is full of energy, and no one can stop her.

Finally, Xiao Ranran came to Brother Lie's side through many legs.

She rushed over, hugged brother lie's leg, and said softly, "brother lie, but I miss brother lie so much!"

Xiao ran not only called brother lie, but also rubbed her head on brother lie's leg, waiting for her brother lie to lift her up high, and then told her that brother lie missed her very much.

But Xiao Ranran didn't wait for Brother Lie to pick her up, but was grabbed by the person next to her and hugged her: "Whose child are you from? How can you run around?"

Although Xiao Ranran offended their distinguished guests, the children who can appear here must be either rich or noble. Even if they don't know Xiao Ranran's identity, that person's attitude is still friendly.

"Bad guy! Let me go! I want brother lie!" Xiao Ranran said angrily, but her eyes were on her brother lie.

Because there is too much difference in height between her and brother lie, when she stands on the ground, she has no way to see brother lie's appearance clearly.

Now being hugged by someone, she has a chance to see brother lie's you clearly, and to see brother lie's eyes.

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