My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 551 Caught her with another man

Chapter 551: I ran into her with another man

"Of course, I'm dad... Qin Yue is not a good guy. You should leave him as far away as possible."

"Jane, if you want to stay with Qin Yue, that's your own choice. I have no right to interfere, but please don't make excuses for him in front of me."

"Jian Ran, you don't care about the cause of your father's death for the sake of a man. Thanks to the fact that he never forgets you at the last moment before he dies, you are such a good daughter."

"Jane, are you so used to the life of glory and wealth that you forget whose child you are?"

"Jian Ran, Qin Yue is a demon who kills without blinking an eye, and you still favor him everywhere, do you want your father to die in peace?"

"No, no, Qin Yue is not a bad person, he is not!" Jian Ran waved her hands, trying to drive away those annoying voices, but she couldn't.

Her father appeared in front of her, Xiao Qinghe appeared in front of her, and even her mother, who had passed away for many years, also appeared in front of her.

They all looked at her with disappointed eyes, as if she had done something that made them ashamed.

"No, no, Qin Yue won't do that, he won't." Jian Ran tried hard to explain, but she didn't know how to explain, every piece of evidence in Xiao Qinghe's hand was related to It's related to Qinyue.

Before she found out the truth, how would she explain to them that Qin Yue hadn't done anything bad.

Could it be that you tell them to let them believe in Qin Yue unconditionally once with her?

Qin Yue treats her well and takes care of her everywhere. She can trust him unconditionally, but they have no obligation to trust Qin Yue with her, especially her brother Xiao Qinghe.

"Jian Ran, wake up, wake up quickly..."

The noisy voice dragged Jian Ran out of the nightmare, and before she opened her eyes to see the situation clearly, she was grabbed into her arms and hugged her.

The man's big palm pressed her head against his chest, and her head was pressed against his thick chest, and his rhythmic heartbeat could be heard.

"Let me go!" Even though this chest was as strong as Qin Yue's, Jian Ran recognized that it wasn't Qin Yue at the first time.

Some people's body shapes may be somewhat similar, but their aura is different. Qin Yue's aura is already familiar to Jian Ran, even if she can't see him, she still knows it's not Qin Yue.

"Don't move!" Henry's voice sounded above Jian Ran's head, sounding a little bit worried.

"Henry, let me go!" Jian Ran struggled hard, trying to push Henry away, but the difference in their strength was too great. She struggled with all her strength, but she couldn't push Henry away.

Not only couldn't push him away, but Henry hugged her even tighter, and his voice sounded above her head again: "Jian Ran, if you think the child in your womb is fine, just be honest with me, or I won't know What will I do."

"Child? My child? What did you do to my child?" When mentioning the child, Jian Ran panicked instantly, "I tell you, if you dare to hurt my child, I will kill you."

Henry grabbed Jian Ran's hand: "Jian Ran, if I hadn't sent you to the hospital, your child would really be gone."

Hearing what Henry said, Jian Ran, who was in a daze, remembered what was going on.

She went downstairs from Xiao Qinghe's house, met Henry, and then passed out, and then she had a dream, dreaming of many, many people.

"Don't worry, the doctor said that your mother and child are safe for the time being." Henry held her down, still not intending to let her go.

"Temporarily?" Jian Ran grasped the key words in Henry's words, "Henry, what do you mean? What did you do to me and the child?"

"I want to do something to you and your child, but I won't do anything to hurt you. The doctor said that you are emotionally stimulated, which will affect the fetus. Next, you just need to rest well and stop being stimulated. The child will be fine."

"My long as it's okay, as long as it's okay..." Jane muttered silently, her spirit was very bad, she even forgot that she was still in Henry's arms.

"I won't let you do it." Henry held her face in his hands, looked at her and said very seriously, "Jian Ran, I want you."

Henry spoke very bluntly, with firm eyes, as if Jane was a toy in his fancy, as long as he wanted her, she had no room to escape.

"Henry, you and I don't know each other. I don't have any grudges with you. What are you pestering me for?" Jian Ran thought about it countless times, but she couldn't figure out why Henry was pestering her.

It's impossible to say that he likes her. She is about to be the mother of two children, and she doesn't know how she can attract him.

Henry pinched Jian Ran's jaw, and said with a half-smile: "You don't remember me, as long as I remember you."

"Crazy, get out!" Jian Ran wanted to kill her with a knife, but before the family affairs were clarified, another lunatic ran out to pester her.

Henry put his arms around Jian Ran, and suddenly lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Jian Ran, you must not know how much I like you."

"Damn it! If you want to like others, I don't want you to like it." Jane can't wait to slap this person hard.


Suddenly, the door of the ward was kicked open, and the two people who were confused on the bed were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yue's tall figure appeared in the ward, and he looked at the two people on the bed like a cold arrow.

When he saw his wife in the arms of another man, the whole room was surrounded by the hostility emanating from him.

Qin Yue, who has always been known for his calmness, could no longer be so calm this time. He hardly thought about it, and took a step forward to grab Henry and throw him away.

Henry hurriedly stabilized his body, turned around and said, "Mozhi, I helped you take your wife to the hospital, but you treat me like this, I'm very disappointed."

Before Henry finished speaking, Qin Yue swung his fist and punched him in the face, causing his nose to bleed.

In the past, when Boss Qin wanted to beat someone up, it was often Liu Yong who did it. I really haven't seen him beat someone himself.


Qin Yue punched Henry again, and this punch that used 100% of his strength still hit Henry's nose. Seeing Henry's nosebleed spray, Qin Yue roared: "Liu Yong, take me away !"

Qin Yue looked at Henry coldly, if he didn't want Jian Ran to see his bloody and violent appearance, he would have executed Henry on the spot.



From the moment Qin Yue broke through the door, Jian Ran was in a state of embarrassment.

Even if she didn't do anything to offend Qin Yue, she didn't know how to explain to Qin Yue that she was bumped into by him alone with a man.

She didn't speak, and Qin Yue didn't speak either. He looked at her with gloomy eyes, and the anger that rolled in his eyes became more and more intense.

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