My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 566 Something happened in the kindergarten

Chapter 566: Something happened in the kindergarten

She promised Xiao Ranran that she would go to kindergarten to pick her up and take her home. She hoped that she could do it and not let Xiao Ranran down.

When we arrived at the kindergarten, Xiao Ranran was kept by the teacher today because the little guy hit other children.

It is normal for children to fight, but the parents of the children who were beaten just saw this scene.

No parent would want their child to be bullied or hit, which would hurt their heart.

Now the parents refused to comply. They had to ask Xiao Ranran's parents to apologize to them, otherwise Xiao Ranran would be expelled. The kindergarten absolutely did not want such a wild and ignorant child.

The teacher wanted to persuade the parents of the children who were being beaten, and wanted to tell them that they could not afford to offend Xiao Ranran's parents. If they were really offended, they would not be able to stay in this kindergarten, not even in Jiangbei.

But the other parent's parents made too much noise and refused to listen to the teacher's persuasion. When Jian Ran came to pick up Xiao Ranran, she encountered such a scene.

I heard that Qin leran's parents were here. Before the teacher could finish speaking, the parents of the children who were beaten yelled at Jian Ran: "How do you educate your children? Your children beat people in the kindergarten, and you parents don't care. For a moment?”

When Jian Ran heard that Xiao Ranran had hit someone, she thought that it was wrong to hit someone for whatever reason, and she also wanted to apologize for Xiao Ranran.

But seeing the other parent's tone, Jian Ran lost all intention of apologizing.

Her Xiao Ranran is not a spoiled child. She believes that Xiao Ranran will never hit someone without reason.

The other party's parents were still yelling and making trouble, and Jian Ran listened quietly. Seeing that she remained silent, the other party became even more arrogant. The woman waved her hand and wanted to drag Xiao Ranran away.

Jian Ran stepped in front of Xiao Ranran and looked at the other parent coldly: "With an unreasonable parent like you, I don't think your child will be much better."

"What? How can my child be better? Teacher, listen, what kind of parents are these, how can they say such shameless things?" The other parent yelled angrily.

"If you don't discipline your child yourself, someone will discipline it for you. Don't be embarrassed here." Jian Ran said calmly.

It's not like she doesn't know how to quarrel. If she doesn't take the initiative to stir up trouble, she's not someone who can be bullied. Besides, this matter concerns her Xiao Ranran.

She herself was bullied, and she could endure it, but what child didn't have a heart for his parents? Other parents would feel bad when they saw their children being bullied. When she saw her Xiaoran being yelled at, could she just Won't you feel bad?

"What did you say? Can you say something more?" The woman pulled the man standing behind her, "Someone bullies your wife and children, and you just stand here like a piece of wood. What do I want you to do? If you are still a man, please give us a break, otherwise you will not be able to enter the house tonight. "

The man who had been silent until now was pulled by the woman, stood two steps forward, glared at Jian Ran and Xiao Ranran fiercely, and lifted up his sleeves as if he wanted to hit them.

However, as soon as he raised his hand, he was grabbed by the bodyguard behind Xiao Ranran. The bodyguard only exerted slight pressure and heard the man let out a scream.

When the woman saw her husband being bullied, she was so angry that she ran towards Jian Ran. Jian Ran wanted to run away, but Xiao Ranran suddenly stood in front of her and shouted loudly: "Bad guy, don't bully my mother."

Xiao Ranran stood in front of Jian Ran, and Jian Ran wanted to pick her up, but her movements were slower, and Xiao Ranran was pushed to the ground by the woman.

Xiao Ranran was pushed down, and the bodyguard became anxious. He threw the male patriarch several steps away, then with one movement, he picked up the woman and threw her out.

"Hitting people in public, beating people in school, beating people in the whole family, is there any more law? Teacher, you have all seen it, and the surveillance cameras have filmed it. These are all evidences. You call the police. Today's incident, If your school doesn’t give us an explanation, no one will get the chance to leave,” the matriarch yelled while crawling.

When the two parties were arguing, the teacher saw that he could not stop him and had already hid aside. Now he heard the woman yelling again, so the teacher had no choice but to step forward.

But the teacher stood up and did not comfort the injured parents. Instead, he looked at Jian Ran and apologized continuously: "Mrs. Qin, I'm really sorry. This matter is our school's problem. We will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation." .”

"What do you mean? Are you blind? Can't you see who is being bullied?" The woman yelled, her image completely lost.

To be honest, those who can go to Jiangbei Junbei Kindergarten are not bad in status. If their families are rich, they must be powerful.

That woman was used to being arrogant. Whenever she said something, others would do it.

But today, it was related to their children. Not only did they not have anyone to make the decision for them, they were bullied instead.

After scolding the others, she scolded the man lying on the landowner wailing: "Zhu, are you just a fucking pig? You came into our family, and our family has provided you with good food and drink all these years. I haven't asked you to pay a cent of salary before I asked you for help. Not only did you fail to help me, but you also held me back. What's the point of asking you for help? , If you don’t kick this shrew and this uneducated child out today, we will get divorced when we get back, and this life will be impossible.”

This woman's voice echoed throughout the kindergarten, but no one paid attention to her and let her sing a one-man show.

Jian Ran squatted on the ground, picked up Xiao Ranran, and checked if she was injured?

When she opened Xiao Ranran's sleeves, a bright red wound on Xiao Ranran's elbow suddenly appeared in front of Jian Ran's eyes.

Seeing this wound, Jian Ran felt her breathing stagnant and felt extremely distressed: "Get the doctor over quickly."

As soon as they saw that Xiao Ranran was injured, everyone else became anxious. The teacher, principal, nanny, bodyguard and others wanted to grab the doctor immediately.

Jian Ran gently hugged Xiao Ranran and said distressedly: "Ranran, tell mom, what is going on?"

"Mom, it doesn't hurt." Xiao Ranran didn't want to see her mother feel sad for her.

Her wound hurt a little just now, but it doesn't hurt anymore. Besides, the kid hurt her, so she hit him back, causing his nose to bleed and his legs to clear up.

In Xiao Ranran's heart, she just thought so simply, but who knew that the other person's parents were not forgiving.

They didn't ask what was going on with the child, so they unilaterally believed that Xiao Ranran was a bad boy who took the initiative to cause trouble.

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