My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 568 Who is in charge of Jiangbei?

Chapter 568: Who is in charge of Jiangbei?

The woman got more and more angry as she scolded her, but no one paid attention to her. Everyone else's attention was on Xiao Ranran, and they were all worried about Xiao Ranran's injury.

She was so completely ignored that the woman's dissatisfaction exploded. She rushed over like crazy and grabbed the doctor: "My son is also injured. Why don't you treat my son?"

When she pulled the doctor, he was using pliers to clamp the dirt in Xiao Ranran's wound. When she suddenly pounced on him and pulled him, the doctor couldn't control his strength, and the pliers forcefully pinched off a piece of meat from Xiao Ranran's wound.

No matter how much Xiao Ranran tried not to make her mother sad, it would hurt her, and another piece of flesh would be torn off from her injured wound. The pain made her face pale and she almost couldn't breathe.

Jian Ran ignored the woman. All her thoughts were on Xiao Ran. Now her daughter was hurt in front of her, and she couldn't bear it. She barely looked at her and stood up and slapped the woman.

She bit her lip and said angrily: "Feng Gang, keep an eye on her. If she curses again, I will tear her mouth off."

The woman received a slap and wanted to pounce on Jian Ran, but Feng Gang quickly restrained her so that she could not move even a little bit.

He failed in his duty just now because the little lady they were guarding was injured under their noses, and they didn't know the situation yet.

Thinking of the possibility of being punished, everyone was so frightened that they were so distracted that they didn't notice the crazy woman rushing towards the doctor.

After being yelled by Jian Ran, the bodyguard immediately woke up and restrained the crazy woman.

This woman went so crazy and hurt their little lady once again. They had no shame in surrendering to their master.

"You are so arrogant. Do you know who is in charge of this place in Jiangbei? You dare to climb on top of our Jiang family. I really don't want to be around anymore."

Suddenly, an old but still loud voice came.

Hearing this voice, the crazy woman who was already at a disadvantage felt proud again: "Get your dirty hands away quickly, or I will make you walk around without food."

The person who came was the woman's father, who held an important position in the Jiangbei Municipal Government. Judging from his impressive official power, he should still be an important official.

The woman had just called her father when she saw her child was injured.

The child is also the treasure that their family holds in their hands. Before this matter is clarified, the person with the highest status in the family is first called to give him a blow.

"Are they all going to rebel?" The middle-aged man looked angrily at the person holding his daughter, and then saw his little grandson crying pitifully.

What he saw was that his daughter, grandson, and the worthless son-in-law were all bullied. How could he possibly be able to swallow this sigh of relief?

As things develop now, more and more people are involved, and the other party has brought people with them. It seems that Jian Ran's side is at a disadvantage.

But Jian Ran still ignored that person. In fact, she didn't notice anyone else coming. Her attention was all on Xiao Ranran.

A small piece of meat was pinched off Xiao Ranran's body, just like a piece of meat on Jian Ran's heart was pinched off. It was so distressing.

Jian Ran kissed Xiao Ranran and comforted her gently: "Ranran, honey, relax a little. The pain won't be so painful after the doctor uncle helps us put on the medicine and bandage the wound."

"Mom, it hurts so much..." Xiao Ranran was twitching in pain as she lay in her mother's arms.

"Don't be afraid, Mom is here. Mom is here." Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran tightly, and the pain in her heart was no less than that of the little guy.

The middle-aged man asked people to let him go, but Feng Gang ignored him and still restrained the crazy woman.

Another bodyguard stood in front of Jian Ran and Xiao Ranran, not allowing anyone to get close. This time they had to protect their master no matter what, and would not let the enemy take advantage of them. Otherwise, they would not have to follow their master home. You can just pack up and leave.

"Where did you come from? People who dare to mess with me, do you know who I am?" The middle-aged man was more arrogant than the woman, but he really understood the saying, like father, like father. female.

But no matter how he yelled, Feng Gang remained calm, as if he hadn't heard him speak at all, and he simply didn't exist.

"Come here, tie these people up for me, arrest them for obstructing official duties, and send them to Bureau Chen. I'll lock them up for a few days and let them know who has the right to issue orders in Jiangbei."

After hearing the middle-aged man's order, several bodyguards behind him rushed forward and wanted to take action, but they were not as powerful as the people Qin Yue chose to protect Xiao Ranran.

The two bodyguards accompanying Xiao Ranran were carefully selected by Qin Yue. Their reactions and skills were beyond what these ordinary bodyguards could deal with.

They just rushed up and before they could take action, they were kicked back by Xiao Ranran's two bodyguards. They didn't even see clearly how the other party took action. They were already beaten to the ground.

The director wanted to go up and talk to the middle-aged man several times to let them know who Jiangbei could not afford to offend, but there was no way to get close to him, so there was no chance to talk.

The middle-aged man was beaten back, and he roared angrily: "Go ahead and arrest them. The mother and son have bullied our Jiang family. I won't get them out of here today." I’m in a kindergarten, and my surname is not Jiang.”

"Isn't your surname Jiang? You can change your surname to Dog in the future." A cold and biting voice came. Just hearing this voice can shock everyone present.

Many people would be scared to the point of weakness when hearing this sound. Especially when they saw someone coming, the scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the ground.

"Qin, Qin..." The middle-aged man looked at Qin Yue, who was wearing a white shirt and walking elegantly, and was so frightened that he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Qin Yue's voice sounded like a curse to many people present, but to Ranran and Jianran, his voice felt like the best sound in the world.

When Jian Ran heard Qin Yue's voice, she felt that all her worries were gone. There was someone who could protect their children with her.

When Xiao Ranran heard this voice, she knew that her most beloved father was here.

Instantly, she felt that her injury really didn't hurt that much.

There were still tears on her eyelashes, but she smiled sweetly: "Dad, I want a hug."

"Well, be good, Ranran." Qin Yue's eyes swept over the people present, and finally focused on Xiao Ranran and Jian Ran.

He walked to them, hugged Jian Ran, and then took Xiao Ranran into his arms: "Ran Ran, does it hurt?"

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