My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 576 The room is reserved for you tonight

Chapter 576: The room is reserved for you tonight

"Mom?" Xiao Ranran raised her head from Jianran's arms, "Ranran and mom go to find dad together."

She always felt that her mother was acting strange today, but she didn't know where it was, so the only person she could think of who could help them was her father.

"Dad is busy!" Jian Ran didn't have the courage to face Qin Yue, and she didn't know how to face Qin Yue. She was afraid of seeing Qin Yue's cold and heartless face.

Qin Yue today was more indifferent than she had ever seen him before. He seemed to have built a wall around him, and no one could get close to him.

Jian Ran added: "Can Ran go and play with brother and sister Ozawa?"

Xiao Ranran shook her head: "No. Ranran wants to stay with her mother."

She must take good care of her mother, she must hold her mother tightly, and she must not let her fly away again this time.

"Okay, then let Ran Ran take a nap with her mother." Jian Ran picked up Xiao Ran Ran and kissed her cute little face.

No matter how sensible Xiao Ranran is, she is still a child. She lay beside her mother and fell asleep soon after.

Xiao Ranran fell asleep, but Jian Ran was not sleepy at all. She got up again and personally tidied up Xiao Ranran's room, sorted and hung up the clothes in Xiao Ranran's closet, and carefully posted a small note to tell the nanny. How to match Xiao Ranran's clothes.

And every pair of Xiao Ranran's shoes, Jian Ran cleaned them cleanly for her, and placed each pair neatly in the shoe cabinet.

After doing this, Jianran found Xiangxiu and the nanny who took care of Xiao Ranran, and once again explained the things that Xiao Ranran needed to pay attention to.

After explaining, she handed a small book she treasured to Xiangxiu and warned: "Xiangxiu, these are Qin Yue's usual taboos. You must pay attention to the foods he is allergic to and never let him touch them. ”

Because she didn't know that Qin Yue was allergic to onions before, she had done it once, but Qin Yue didn't say anything about it, and ended up getting an intravenous drip in the hospital all night.

Even though all the servants at home know these precautions, Jian Ran is still worried about whether someone will be careless.

"Young madam, what are you doing?" Thinking of Jianran's behavior in the past two or three days, Xiangxiu always felt a little strange, but it was hard for them to interfere with their master's affairs.

"Qin Yue doesn't like to talk, please be more considerate in the future." Come to think of it, over the years, Qin Yue has only talked a little more in front of her, and has always been so cold in front of others that people dare not approach him.

"Young madam, don't scare us." Jian Ran's words made Xiang Xiu feel that she had no intention of explaining her funeral to them.

"Well, then you go and do your work first. I'll ask you to prepare dinner. Just prepare Qin Yue, Xiao Ze and Xiao Ranran. I'm not hungry." There was a decent and gentle smile on Jian Ran's face, and she couldn't find it. The slightest flaw.

After explaining, she went upstairs again, but after taking just a few steps, she felt that her steps were a little weak. She stepped out and missed the step. She staggered and almost fell to the ground.

She immediately calmed down and shook her head to calm herself down. At such a critical time, she couldn't have any accidents, not even the slightest.

She has to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the formalities tomorrow. Before that, she must not have anything happen. She must hold on for one more day until she completely disappears from Qin Yue's side.

From now on, she will never see him again, and he should not be willing to see her again. After all, she betrayed their marriage.

Today she filed for divorce from him. She said that he told her that there is no so-called love in this world. They got married and just wanted to live a normal life in the eyes of others.

In fact, he also told her - no matter what happens, don't break up easily.

She had always kept these words firmly in her mind, but even though she remembered them, she mentioned them so easily.

Jian Ran took a deep breath and walked up the stairs step by step. Every time she took a step, she would pause because she knew that one step would be one less step.

There were the scents of the two people she cared about most everywhere here, and she greedily wanted to inhale their scents.

Going upstairs, Jian Ran passed by Qin Yue's study and couldn't help but put down her steps and take a second look.

The door of the study room is closed. I don't know what Qin Yue is busy behind the door.

Is he busy preparing divorce papers, or is he busy at work?

Similarly, Jian Ran didn't dare to think too much. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to control herself and pushed open the study door.

She pursed her lips and stepped forward again, walking to their room. Nothing in the room had changed.

In a daze, Jian Ran seemed to be able to see Qin Yue sitting on the single sofa where he usually sat, reading a newspaper.

When he heard her open the door and come in, he raised his head and pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose habitually, looked at her and smiled: "Come here!"

Jian Ran walked towards him involuntarily, but as soon as she took a step, Qin Yue disappeared.

Jian Ran took a closer look and saw that the sofa was empty. Qin Yue was nowhere to be found.

Jian Ran smiled self-deprecatingly, laughing until tears welled up in her eyes.

She hasn't left him yet, but she already looks like she's on the verge of death. If she leaves him, can she survive?


Just as she was lost in thought, the phone in her pocket buzzed again.

Jian Ran picked up the phone and answered it.

The person on the other end of the phone asked: "Ms. Jane, how did things go?"

Jian Ran chuckled and said, "We will go through the divorce procedures tomorrow. Are you satisfied?"

After saying that, she cut off the phone, not wanting to hear the disgusting voice anymore.

However, Jian Ran never expected that when she hung up the phone and turned around, she saw Qin Yue's tall figure not far behind her.

His eyes under the golden frames stared at her faintly, as if he was looking at a complete stranger.

Jian Ran's hands trembled in fright, and her phone slipped from her hands and fell to the ground. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet on the ground, so the phone was not broken.

Jian Ran didn't know if Qin Yue heard her call, so she was so nervous that she stammered: "You, how did you..."

Qin Yue, however, looked away, went back to the room to get a book, and left Jian Ran without saying a word.

He thinks she is transparent.

Jian Ran felt a little sad, but also relieved. Fortunately, he didn't hear anything.

"The room will be reserved for you tonight."

Qin Yue said this without looking back.

Jian Ran was so sad that she wanted to laugh.

It turned out that he really couldn't wait to separate from her.

This evening, Nuoyuan was shrouded in gloom. The restaurant, which was always full of laughter and laughter in the past, was very quiet today.

There were only Xiao Ranran and Ozawa in the restaurant, Qin Yue and Jian Ran were not there.

Jian Ran had been busy before, and she went upstairs at dinner time, deliberately avoiding Qin Yue, not wanting to meet him and leaving her speechless.

Qin Yue went to the study in the afternoon and never showed up again. It was not known whether he was busy or doing something else.

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