Chapter 589: Afraid of sleeping

Yesterday, when she learned that Jian Ran was coming to the United States and living next door to them, Ling Feiyu took Cheng Xuyang to look at the house in the middle of the night.

Although he knew that Qin Yue's subordinates would definitely have no problems in doing things, Ling Feiyu couldn't rest assured without seeing it with his own eyes.

"Feiyu, it's great to have you here." In a daze, Jian Ran felt that she had gone back to many years ago and saw Ling Feiyu who accompanied her to Jiangbei with a trolley suitcase.

Back then, when the two of them traveled from Kyoto to Jiangbei, they packed a trolley suitcase with some changes of clothes and nothing else.

At that time, they were full of energy and confidence, believing that they would be able to carve out a world of their own in Jiangbei.

Later, the two of them slowly took root in Jiangbei, had their own studios and jobs, and lived a very bourgeois life for a time.

Jian Ran believes that she was able to take root in a strange place a few years ago, and she can do the same today a few years later.

She wants to take her children to take root in this city, because this city is where Qin Yue was born and where he lived and grew up.

She was not lucky enough to participate in his life before, and she will not be able to participate in his life in the future, but she can stay by his side in her own way.

This is a three-story small foreign-style building. There is a small yard at the entrance. There are also flowers and plants in the yard, as well as a small vegetable patch.

The first floor is the kitchen, dining room and activity area, while the second and third floors are the living quarters.

"Ranran, come on, your and Xiao Ranran's master bedroom is on the second floor. I'll take you to see it first. Mr. Xiao, your and Xiao Ze's room is on the third floor. You can go and see it yourself, I won't greet you. "Ling Feiyu pulled Jian Ran away and truly regarded herself as the mistress of the family.

There are three rooms on the second floor, a master bedroom, a children's room, and a study room.

The decoration of each room is very unique. Jian Ran's master bedroom has a simple and elegant design. Xiao Ranran's room is full of childlike interest. The study room is decorated in an antique style, and even drawing boards and paintbrushes are prepared for Jian Ran.

Jian Ran had to sigh once again that Qin Yue's assistant was so meticulous in his work and even thought of such small details.

The master bedroom is spacious and bright, with all the necessary wardrobe and dressing table. What catches Jian Ran's attention the most is the bouquet of jasmine flowers placed in the room.

"Fei Yu, thank you for preparing so much for me." Jian Ran has liked the scent of jasmine since she was a child. She has rarely been mentioned by anyone. She never expected that Ling Feiyu would still remember it after so many years.

"But do you know? When I heard that you were coming to New York, I was excited at first, and then started to worry... I didn't expect that my worries came true. Why did you divorce Qin Yue?"

When Cheng Xuyang got the news from Tang Yi, Ling Feiyu was nearby. She was so excited that she yelled at Tang Yi, but Tang Yi still told her that Jian Ran and Qin Yue were divorced.

During the three years when Jian Ran was away, Ling Feiyu also knew how painful Qin Yue's life was during those years, so she couldn't believe that Qin Yue would divorce Jian Ran.

"Fei Yu, let's not mention him, okay?" Seeing Ling Fei Yu, she finally put Qin Yue's face behind her. This mention made Jian Ran think of it again, and she felt particularly uncomfortable.

Ling Feiyu said: "Of course, you don't have to hide it in your heart when you have something. Regardless of whether you admit that I am your best friend or not, in my heart, you are my best friend. If I have something, I will tell you everything." You. If you have something, I want you to tell me."

"Feiyu, give me two days to think about it carefully, and I will tell you after I think it through." At present, Jianran's heart is also in chaos. Even she herself can't believe that she ended her relationship with Qin so easily. Several years into the couple's relationship.

She needed time to think carefully and sort out what had happened recently. Once you've sorted it out, you won't have to worry about it anymore.

"Of course, no matter what, don't forget that you still have me. I could drop everything and accompany you to Jiangbei back then, but now I can..."

"Feiyu, please don't mess around. I will take the children to live here well. Don't talk about running away from home."

Now Ling Feiyu has a big belly. If she does something, how will Jian Ran explain to Cheng Xuyang?

"Silly girl, we are both mothers of our children now. We are no longer the fearless Jian Ran and Ling Feiyu we used to be." Thinking about the past, although I miss them, they are fine now.

People, you have to cherish every day of the present. You can't dwell on the past, but you have to look to the future.

"Jian Ran, you didn't even sleep much on the plane. Take a shower and get some sleep first." Xiao Qinghe was worried that Jian Ran's body couldn't bear it. She had traveled so far and was still pregnant, so she couldn't be careless.

"I asked Cheng Xuyang to prepare a reception banquet and go to my house for dinner tonight." Ling Feiyu looked at the time and said, "It's almost dinner time. Put your things down and go to my house to sit. If you don't sleep for a while, you won't lose a piece of meat. "

Xiao Qinghe added: "Jian Ran is pregnant, only more than two months..."

"Of course, you are pregnant, so why is Qin Yue still with you..." Ling Feiyu bit her lip and said nervously, "Sit down and rest for a while, I will bring you dinner."

She had never been so nervous about her own pregnancy. When she heard that Jian Ran was pregnant again, Ling Feiyu became extremely nervous.

Jian Ran only found it funny: "It's okay. This is my second child, and children are not that stingy."

Jian Ran could feel that her baby was very strong and brave. So many things happened these days without disturbing her.

"Stop talking anymore, rest for a while. Get up and eat when you feel better. If not, I will bring it to you." So, just like that, Jian Ran was forced to go to bed.

Although she didn't sleep much after being on the plane for more than ten hours, Jian Ran was not sleepy at all and was in surprisingly good spirits, which made her feel a little incredible.

Maybe she didn't dare to sleep. She was afraid that when she lay down, she wouldn't have that thick chest next to her, that she wouldn't be able to fall asleep listening to his steady heartbeat, and that when she had a nightmare, no one would be able to pull her out of it in time.

Speaking of which, it was not just that she didn't sleep on the plane, she also didn't sleep a wink the whole night before the divorce.

It's not that I can't sleep, but I'm afraid of falling asleep.

Ling Feiyu took her two children away and insisted on letting her rest for a while. Now lying on the soft and comfortable big bed, Jian Ran stared at the roof with wide eyes.

After lying for a while, sleep came over her, and she blinked hard to wake herself up.

She was afraid, afraid of sleeping. She was afraid that if she fell asleep, she would be captured by the evil ghost in her dream and never wake up again.

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