Chapter 593: Open relationship

She had just had a quarrel, and Qin Xiaobao won the victory. She asked her assistant to continue removing her makeup, and her mood was not affected at all.

On the other hand, the two women told everyone in the crew what had just happened in an exaggerated way.

Qin Xiaobao is talking about being a big star, relying on his youth, and calling them old. How are they old? They are only a few years older than Qin Xiaobao.

It's just that Qin Xiaobao looks cute, especially with two cute little tiger teeth, which really makes him look younger.

She is now in her twenties, but she still looks like an eighteen-year-old student.

In Qin Xiaobao's own words, she is called a natural beauty, pink and tender, which makes people like her. What can she do?

Well, Qin Xiaobao has always been so shameless and confident.

She had just finished cleaning up when Zhan Nianbei's call came in: "Qin Xiaobao, I'm here, where are you?"

This place is Jiangbei Film and Television City. When big stars are filming, security is very strict and not everyone can enter.

"Beimen, I asked Zhong Kun to pick you up." Qin Xiaobao plans to test Zhan Nianbei today to see if he is willing to show up as his boyfriend openly.

"I saw him." After saying that, Zhan Nianbei hung up the phone decisively.

Qin Xiaobao originally thought that Zhan Nianbei would hesitate for a while, but that smelly man didn't hesitate at all.

I don't know if he knew that coming to the set to find her was the purpose of visiting the crew. It was indirectly announcing to the world that he was her boyfriend.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiaobao decided to call Zhan Nianbei to make it clear that she had been chasing him for so many years, waiting for him for so many years, and she was not afraid to give him a little more time to consider whether to make their relationship public. relationship between.

Of course, it's all consideration. No matter how long he thinks about it, he can only be hers. No one else can think about it. Qin Xiaobao will not give in to this.

The call was dialed, and Zhan Nianbei answered it immediately. He said impatiently: "We'll be here soon, why do we need to call?"

"Zhan Nianbei, there are film crews and reporters here. If you come, it will be like announcing our relationship to the media... Are you sure you want to come?"

Qin Xiaobao asked the last sentence very quietly.

Although she was mentally prepared for Zhan Nianbei to turn back, she would still be a little disappointed if he really turned back.

After all, she still hoped that Zhan Nianbei would openly admit their relationship, instead of the two of them remaining in a shady relationship.

"Qin Xiaobao, has your head been squeezed by the door recently?" As Zhan Nianbei spoke, others were already in Qin Xiaobao's sight.

He was still wearing a military uniform, his body was straight and straight, every step he took was a big step, and he was steady and powerful.

Qin Xiaobao watched him walking towards her step by step, getting closer and closer.

She looked at his chiseled and resolute handsome face, and her heart was beating so fast that it seemed to drill a hole in her chest.

damn it!

Zhan Nianbei is still the same as usual. Why does she think he is so handsome today?

It's so good-looking that Qin Xiaobao can't take his eyes away.

"Oh my God, isn't that man Commander Zhan?"

"Yes, it's really him."

"Yes, that's him. I saw it in the military newspaper a few days ago."

"Why is he here on the set? Could it be..."

Amid everyone's doubts, Zhan Nianbei walked up to Qin Xiaobao and gently rubbed her head with a rare smile, but still didn't listen to what he said: "Qin Xiaobao, are you stupid?"

Qin Xiaobao was immersed in the dream he had weaved for himself, thinking about Zhan Nianbei walking up to her, kneeling on one knee, and saying to her affectionately: "Xiaobao, marry me." Witnessed by all the media Please agree to marry me."

Who knew that Zhan Nianbei's words would bring Qin Xiaobao back to reality.

She gritted her teeth in anger: "Son of a bitch!"

The bastard who ruined her dream!

I really want to bite him to death!

"I came to pick you up after running all this time, and you're still cursing me." Qin Xiaobao, this little girl, is becoming more and more rare.

Seeing her, Zhan Nianbei felt very hot and wanted to eat Qin Xiaobao immediately. He couldn't wait to enjoy his "good food" and it would be nice to eat her first before dinner.

He has always been an action person. When he has this idea, he has already taken action.

He put Qin Xiaobao on his shoulders, turned around and strode away.

"It turns out it's true, their relationship is really real!"

In an instant, the reporters on the scene exploded, flashlights crackled, and they took 360-degree shots of the two of them.

Zhan Nianbei stopped and looked back at the reporter who took the photo: "We are lovers. I allow you to post this message as you like, but please delete all the photos in the camera. If you dare to leak one, don't do it." That’s OK.”

After saying harsh words, Zhan Nianbei carried Qin Xiaobao and continued to stride away, walking faster and faster. He wished he could teleport and be able to return to the car instantly to do what he wanted to do.

"Zhan Nianbei, why do you allow them to publish our relationship, but don't allow you and the others to publish photos?" Qin Xiaobao was so excited that he forgot that he was hanging upside down on Zhan Nianbei's body.

"I'm happy, do you need a reason?" Zhan Nianbei knew how beautiful Qin Xiaobao was. If the photo of her hanging upside down on him was spread, she would have to fall out with him. It's a genius.

"Of course, money can't buy your uncle's happiness." Although the plot did not develop as Qin Xiaobao imagined, Zhan Nianbei, an arrogant man, performed well today.

Qin Xiaobao decided that she would not care about him since she had a lot, so she still had gifts for tonight.

Zhong Kun looked at Qin Xiaobao being carried by Zhan Nianbei and looked back with some disappointment. Without saying a word, he helped his assistant pack Qin Xiaobao's belongings.

In the past, wherever Qin Xiaobao went, he would follow her to protect her safety. Ever since Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei got along, Zhong Kun could only stand aside when the two of them were together.

Zhan Nianbei carried Qin Xiaobao out of the north gate and got into his off-road vehicle parked aside. As soon as the door closed, he pounced on Qin Xiaobao like a bad wolf, pulling up the hem of her skirt with his big palm: " Qin Xiaobao, I can’t wait any longer.”

"Zhan Nianbei, wait, wait." Although doing it in the car is very exciting, Qin Xiaobao has prepared a big gift package for Zhan Nianbei today. If he quenches his thirst now, the big gift package in the evening will reach It didn't have the effect she wanted.

So Zhan Nianbei must not be allowed to succeed now.

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