Chapter 604: Dad is here

In fact, what came to Jian Ran's mind was that she didn't tell the driver her surname was Jian, but the driver called her "Miss Jian".

But the thought appeared too quickly and disappeared too quickly. Jian Ran had too many things on her mind recently, so she failed to realize it.

You can also encounter such good things when you go out to apply for a job. It may be like what people often say, "what happens when something comes back will turn against you".

When a person encounters all unlucky things and his luck can no longer be worse, then his luck will get better.

"Mom!" Xiao Ranran's soft voice came, completely disrupting Jian Ran's thoughts.

"Of course, have you had lunch?" Jian Ran caught Xiao Ranran who was running towards her, rubbed her head and asked.

"Of course I'm so full." Xiao Ranran touched her belly and said, "Mom, look, I really had a good meal."

"Well, that's good." Jian Ran was very satisfied.

"Your daughter, I remember that I was very picky about food before. Why am I not picky about food now? I served her rice, and she ate obediently without letting anyone worry." Ling Feiyu followed with her big belly. Behind Xiao Ranran.

"Because Ranran needs to eat more to grow up quickly, and then she can go to Brother Lie when she grows up." Jian Ran didn't answer, but Xiao Ranran, the little elf, answered first.

"Ran baby, listen to what you say, do you know how sad Aunt Feiyu is?" Thinking about the daughter-in-law in her heart, Ling Feiyu is really sad when she thinks about someone else.

"Okay, okay, it's so cold outside, let's talk inside first." Jian Ran shook her head helplessly. There were two people hanging around her baby Ran all day long.

One is her father, and the other is her brother.

If one day, the little guy full of expectations knew that her brother had disappeared long ago, would she be sad?

Every time she thinks about this matter, Jian Ran worries about Xiao Ranran, fearing that her precious daughter will be harmed.

"I left lunch for you. Let's go to my house for dinner first." Ling Feiyu led Xiao Ranran ahead and asked, "Da Ranran, how was your work today?"

"It went very smoothly, so smoothly that I couldn't believe it. I also went to the boutique in DD Building and won a lucky prize without buying anything. Not only did they give me a gift, they also arranged a special car to take me back. "Speaking of this, Jian Ran still feels that she is very lucky.

The job application went smoothly, which was what she expected. She was confident that she could design clothes that customers would like. Winning the prize at the boutique was a pure surprise.

Ling Feiyu said: "Maybe your girl has started to have bad luck again."

Just like a few years ago, Jian Ran was betrayed by Gu Nanjing and Jian Xin, and was forced to leave Kyoto. After settling in Jiangbei, she met Qin Yue.

Whatever happens in life, no one can tell whether it is good or bad until the end.

Things that seem good may turn into bad things in the blink of an eye, and bad things may turn into good things in the blink of an eye.

"I hope so!" Jian Ran also felt that even though she had done too many abominable things in her previous life, she had done enough in this life, and there should be no big storms in the future.

After having lunch at Ling Feiyu's house, Jian Ran felt a little sleepy and wanted to take Xiao Ran home home to take a nap.

"Mom, Ranran still wants to play at Aunt Feiyu's house." Xiao Ranran got up late in the morning and was not sleepy at this time, so she didn't want to go home.

In addition to not being sleepy, there was another very important reason why she wanted to stay at Ling Feiyu's house.

Because her father said yesterday that he would also video chat with her, she looked forward to it early in the morning and saw that it would be time to video chat with her father.

"Well, of course you can't disturb Auntie, and you can't cry."

"Ranran promises not to cry."

"Feiyu, then she will trouble you."

"Jian Ran, who am I? What trouble are you talking about with me?" Ling Feiyu glared at Jian Ran dissatisfied. If she dared to be polite to her again, she would not recognize her.

"Okay, okay, you are my dearest relative." Jian Ran smiled and gave Ling Feiyu a hug, and then hugged Xiao Ranran, "Baby, mommy is going back first, you have to be good."

"Ranran is very well-behaved."

"Okay." Just leaving Xiao Ranran here with Ling Feiyu made Jian Ran reluctant to leave. She looked back every step of the way, as if she would never see the little guy again after she left.

"Goodbye, mom!" Not only was Xiao Ranran not reluctant, but she looked excited, which made Jian Ran feel sad.

As soon as Jian Ran left, Xiao Ranran immediately took Ling Feiyu's hand: "Aunt Feiyu, take Ranran to find her father."

Ling Feiyu rubbed her head: "But do you miss dad again?"

"I think." Xiao Ranran nodded honestly. She really missed her father.

"Ran Ran!"

A gentle and pleasant male voice that Xiao Ranran was particularly familiar with came from outside the house. Xiao Ranran knew who the speaker was before she saw the person.


She left Ling Feiyu and ran towards the source of the sound. When she saw her father really appearing at the door, she didn't believe it was true.

"Ranran!" Qin Yue picked up Xiao Ranran with a smile and kissed her pink face again and again, "Ranran doesn't recognize daddy?"

"Of course I recognize daddy!" After confirming that this was the dad she missed, Xiao Ranran stretched out her small hands and hugged Qin Yue's neck, moved forward and printed a few saliva marks on her dad's face.

After kissing her father, she thought about how she hadn't seen her father for several days. Xiao Ranran pouted her lips and was so sad that she planned to cry to her father so that he could never leave her again.

"Are you planning to cry for dad again?" Qin Yue smiled softly, with a smile on his face that he only had when facing the mother and daughter. "Ranran can just perform if he wants to, dad will wait and see." Woolen cloth."

"Dad bullies Ranran! Dad is not good!"

How could her father do this? She was so sad that she was about to cry, but her father asked her to cry for him in a show.

She really doesn’t want to pay attention to her father anymore!

what to do?

She thought in her heart that her father had bullied her and she wanted to stop paying attention to him. However, her two small hands were tightly wrapped around her father's neck and she held her tightly, fearing that he would leave her and leave.

"Mr. Qin... how about... you bring Xiao Ran in first, it's quite cold outside."

Although I have known Qin Yue for many years, for some reason, Ling Feiyu, who is so sharp-tongued, still stutters easily when speaking in front of Qin Yue.

Some people are born with a strong aura. Even if they do nothing, just standing there will make people surrender to them involuntarily.

Qin Yue is a typical example of such people.

In front of Ling Feiyu and the others, Qin Yue has never acted like a big boss, but because of his personality, he just can't get close to others.

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