Chapter 606: Familiar breath

Qin Yue has never interfered with Jian Ran's work.

Although it was said that PM Company was acquired for Jian Ran, he did not announce it to the public and Jian Ran's work was not affected in any way.

Today Jian Ran went to [Private Customization] to apply for a job. He followed her quietly and found out that it was not specially arranged by him.

He was misunderstood, but Qin Yue didn't explain much, and he didn't need to explain to others. After saying hello to Ling Feiyu, he left.

I met my father today. Xiao Ranran was so happy, so happy. When she got home, her face was full of smiles.

Seeing her jumping around and humming English children's songs, Jian Ran, who was busy drawing a design draft, was also affected by her: "Baby, why are you so happy today?"

"Shh! You can't say it!" Xiao Ranran raised her finger and put it to her mouth. She promised her father that she would never tell her mother, so she would not tell her mother.

"What's so mysterious? Can't you tell mom yet?" Jian Ran put down her paintbrush and looked at her baby carefully.

"Mom, you can't say it!" If she did, her father might leave. Then how would she play with him tomorrow?

"Okay, if you don't tell her, mom won't ask." Jian Ran shook her head helplessly. Her daughter, who was only a little over four years old, actually had her own little secret that she couldn't tell her mother.

"Ranran loves mom so much!" Xiao Ranran happily threw herself into Jianran's arms and said softly and sweetly.

Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran and rubbed her neck. Suddenly, a male breath that she was very familiar with came into her breath.

Smelling this familiar scent, Jian Ran thought it was her own misunderstanding. She hurriedly lowered her head and smelled Xiao Ranran's body.

Xiao Ranran's body was stained with a very light fragrance. This fragrance was the perfume that Qin Yue often used.

No matter at any time, Qin Yue will have a light fragrance on his body, which is very light and fresh, always making people feel refreshed.

For many days and nights, Jian Ran fell asleep smelling this scent. It was really too familiar to her.

She was certain that the scent she smelled on Xiao Ranran's body must have been contaminated by Qin Yue's body. Other than that, no one else would have it.

Jian Ran suddenly understood why Xiao Ranran was so happy. She must have met her father, whom she missed day and night.

Qin Yue figured it out and came to New York to meet Xiao Ranran...

Thinking of this, Jian Ran tightened her arms around Xiao Ranran and breathed in Xiao Ranran's breath greedily. She seemed to be using Xiao Ranran to hold another person and smell the other person's breath.

The man who could never be his again.

Although she hinted that she should not think about him every day, he was always in her mind, lingering.

"Mom, it hurts!" Xiao Ranran protested loudly. Her mother hugged her so tightly that it was difficult for her to breathe.

Hearing Xiao Ranran's voice, Jian Ran realized her gaffe. She let go of Xiao Ranran, patted Xiao Ranran's back, and said softly: "Baby, I'm sorry!"

"Of course it's okay."

"Well, be good!" Jian Ran smiled and rubbed her head, "Mom washed the strawberries for you and put them on the dining table. If you are hungry, just wash your hands and eat them."

"Mom, of course you're not hungry." Her father just treated her to something delicious, but now she's not hungry at all, so she doesn't even want to eat strawberries.

"Really?" Jian Ran let go of Xiao Ranran, held her face instead, and looked at her quietly, "Who did you see today?"

"Of course I haven't seen Dad! Dad didn't come to New York!" The little guy was not used to lying, and his face turned red when he said these two sentences.

Seeing Xiao Ranran's strong denial, Jian Ran thought it was cute and funny. This silly child, wasn't she a typical self-inflicted person?

Jian Ran felt sorry for Xiao Ranran: "Well, mom believes in Ranran."

After hearing her mother say that she believed in herself, Xiao Ranran was relieved and happily went to play with her sister Mianmian.

"Woof woof woof -" he barked several times and circled around Xiao Ranran a few times. He didn't know if he smelled the scent of his male master like his master.

Seeing Xiao Ranran and Mianmian busy so happily in the hall, Jian Ran smiled and looked away, but she could no longer concentrate on the design draft in her hand.

Why did Qin Yue come to New York so quickly?

Does he want Xiao Ranran's custody rights back?

Or is it because of other reasons?

Because she thought of Qin Yue, Jian Ran's heart became confused again, and the paintbrush she held in her hand almost broke.

If Qin Yue wanted to go back to Xiao Ranran, she had no objection. After all, he had raised Xiao Ranran with his own hands. The little guy was thinking about his father all day long. It was perfectly reasonable for Qin Yue to raise Xiao Ranran.

Yesterday, Xiao Ranran cried so much that she missed her father. She couldn't persuade him no matter how hard she tried. She really couldn't think of any other way besides being with Xiao Ranran to be sad.

Look at Xiao Ranran's condition today. Because she saw her father, she looked as happy as if she owned the whole world.

In fact, it is easy to understand. In Xiao Ranran's heart, the father who raised her is her whole world. Wherever her father is, she will be there. As long as her father is there, she will not be afraid.

If Qin Yue asked for his child back, she would not refuse, but... Jian Ran looked at Xiao Ranran again, and suddenly felt a little sour in her heart. What would she do if Xiao Ranran was picked up by Qin Yue? manage?

So is the child in her belly all she has left?

Jian Ran couldn't help but stroke her belly. She was nearly three months pregnant, but her belly was still flat, and she couldn't tell that she was pregnant at all.

I don’t know if her appetite has been poor recently and she hasn’t taken in enough nutrients, so the child is also growing slowly.

One night passed in Jian Ran's wild thoughts. When she got up in the morning, she dressed Xiao Ranran up beautifully and waited with anxiety and nervousness for Qin Yue's people to come and ask her for Xiao Ranran.

After breakfast, Xiao Qinghe had just taken Xiaoze to school when the doorbell ding-dong-ding-dong rang several times.

When she heard the doorbell, Jian Ran's heart tightened, and she hugged Xiao Ranran and kissed her: "Ranran..."

She thought about a lot of things to say to Xiao Ranran last night, but at the critical moment she didn't know what to say to Xiao Ranran.

Xiao Ranran's world was so beautiful, so she didn't want to say much. It was enough to let the little one know that her father and mother would love her as always whether they were with her or not.

Jian Ran took a deep breath and led Xiao Ranran to open the door together.

Opening the door to the courtyard, Jian Ran saw two staff members wearing certain clothes standing outside. They politely said: "Miss Jian, this is a gift from DD Boutique. Please sign for it."

It turned out to be a courier... Fortunately, it wasn't someone from Qin Yue who came to ask her for Xiao Ranran!

Jian Ran's heart instantly dropped to where it was!

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