My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 616 The stubborn two people

Chapter 616: Two stubborn people

"Feiyu!" Jian Ran looked at Ling Feiyu and smiled lightly, "The two of us went from high school to college, then to Jiangbei and now. After so many years, you have always been taking care of me. I am very grateful. You are so good to me."

It was Ling Feiyu who stayed by her side when she was separated from her family. Now, when she was most helpless and worried, Ling Feiyu was still by her side.

Ling Feiyu is her best friend and her best friend. He helps her and takes care of her in everything, but she cannot take Ling Feiyu's help and care for granted.

Ling Feiyu has a family, and her due date is coming soon. She has her own life to live, so how can she let everything revolve around her.

In this regard, Jian Ran has always considered it very clearly.

Jian Ran was obviously smiling, but Ling Feiyu saw that she was crying, and her heart ached: "Silly girl, why are you telling me this? Do you want to sever ties with me?"

"Feiyu, I don't want to sever ties with you. I want to solve this matter myself, okay?" Jian Ran said gently.

Ling Feiyu was once burned by fire because of her, and the injuries on her body have not dissipated to this day.

Now that Ling Feiyu is about to give birth, the family is living a solid and warm life, and she can no longer let Ling Feiyu get involved in any danger.

Ye Yichen has a dangerous aura all over his body. He is definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Jian Ran knew that kind of person was not easy to mess with, so she did not provoke him, but she was stared at by him... She thought that he would not give up so easily.

She only hopes that Ye Yichen will come to her if something happens, and she is not afraid even if she fights him desperately, but she is afraid that Ye Yichen will hurt Qin Yue secretly.

It's not that Qin Yue is not Ye Yichen's opponent, it's that it's easy to dodge open guns and hard to guard against hidden arrows. Who knows when and what Ye Yichen will do.

Ling Feiyu hesitated and said: "Of course, but..."

"Fei Yu, Qin Yue and I divorced." Jian Ran took a deep breath and said calmly, "It's not that he is not good enough, nor that he treats me badly, but that he is too good and good, and he takes good care of me. Every detail is taken care of. You know, when I am with him, I am sometimes very scared. I am afraid that one day he will suddenly leave me, just like my mother, and I will not even see her for the last time.”

"Of course, no." Ling Fei understood Jian Ran and knew what she was worried about.

Jian Ran smiled bitterly and said: "Feiyu, my mother is like this, and so is my father. Not only my parents, but also you have been hurt because of me... Feiyu, I'm scared, I'm really good Scared, I’m so scared of hearing bad news one day.”

Ling Feiyu said: "Of course, but do you know that Mr. Qin also cares about you, otherwise he would never live next door to you."

"I know..." Jian Ran smiled and said, "Feiyu, go back, don't worry Cheng Xuyang all the time."

Of course she knew how good Qin Yue was to her. Because of this, she wanted to stay away from Qin Yue...

"Of course, you..."

"Feiyu, go back."

Jian Ran's attitude was firm, so Ling Feiyu had no choice but to go back first.

She looked back every step she took, so afraid that as soon as she left, Jian Ran would fall weakly to the ground.

Jian Ran looked at her and smiled, giving her a reassuring look, as if to say - don't worry, I'll be fine.

She should believe in Jian Ran. She looks weak on the outside, but she is strong on the inside. She will not fall down so easily.

In the past, Jian Ran did not fall down easily. Now, Jian Ran has more maturity. She should know what she is doing.

After thinking about it like this, Ling Feiyu felt relieved, took a breath, and went home.

After watching Ling Feiyu go home, Jian Ran looked back, but the eyes that had been smiling suddenly became extremely dim and lost their light.

She raised her hand and rang the doorbell again, again and again, but the people in the house didn't respond.

After a long time, Jian Ran took out her mobile phone again and sent a text message to Qin Yue - [Qin Yue, I only want to say two words to you, just two words. I will not disturb your life again in the future. Please come out. 】

After typing these words, Jian Ran looked at them again and again and felt that her tone had been very low. She hoped that Qin Yue could come out to see her this time.

But, once again, it was another text message that never returned.

The doorbell didn't work, the phone didn't answer, the text messages didn't reply... Jian Ran tried every method she could think of, but Qin Yue was still indifferent, so she had no choice but to stand here and wait.

You must wait until Qin Yue comes out to see her.

At the same time, the house was a completely different world.

The heating in the house is so warm that it almost doesn't feel like it's winter when you stay inside.

"Dad!" Xiao Ranran carefully pulled Qin Yue's clothes and shouted softly.

But Qin Yue, who was deep in thought, did not answer her. She pursed her lips and felt so wronged that she was about to cry.

"Dad, Ranran wants mom and dad to be together!" Dad didn't hear it once, so Xiao Ranran said it the second time, and she must say it until dad heard it.

She doesn't want to see her father and mother quarreling, she doesn't want her father and mother to be separated. She hopes that her father and mother will always be together, and they will take her together and never be separated. That way she will be the happiest baby.

Qin Yue came back to his senses, patted Xiao Ranran's back gently, and said softly: "Ranran will be with dad tonight, and then go back to find mom after the swelling in your arm subsides."

After all, the words he just said to Jianran were all angry words he said in anger. After calming down a little, he couldn't really take Xiaoran away from Jianran.

"Of course I don't want my mother to be sad! I want to go out to see my mother!" Xiao Ranran pursed her lips, looking aggrieved and pitiful. It seemed that as long as her father told her not to let her see her mother, she would cry.

"Ranran..." Qin Yue stroked Xiao Ranran's head lovingly, "Ranran is worried about her mother, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Xiao Ranran nodded her head vigorously.

Qin Yue asked again: "Ranran wants his father and mother to take Ranran together forever, right?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Xiao Ranran continued to nod her little head.

"Then Ran Ran promises dad that he will stay with him for two days. Don't worry about other things and let dad handle it. Okay?" When talking to his daughter, Qin Yue was still the gentle dad who was not impatient at all.

"Dad, mom is outside. It's snowing very hard outside." Xiao Ranran had already seen her mother standing outside from the video of the doorbell, and she felt so distressed.

"Ran Ran go play, dad knows how to do it." Xiao Ran was not only worried about her mother, he was also worried about his wife, but Jian Ran insisted on drawing a clear line between her and him to prevent him from worrying.

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