My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 636 The bomb is on the way out

Chapter 636: The bomb is on the way out

He knew clearly that even if he lured Qin Yue, the chance of killing Qin Yue was very small, but Ye Yichen still did it without hesitation. That was because he never thought that he could go back alive after luring Qin Yue.

"Oh... Then I want to see if there are any methods you haven't used yet?" Qin Yue stopped in his steps, looked back at Ye Yichen who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a half-smile.

Qin Yue rarely smiled in front of outsiders. His smile was mostly a sneer. No one wanted to see him smile like this.

Because it’s so chilling.

"Since you are so interested, how can I disappoint you." Ye Yichen tried to stand up, wanting to look level with Qin Yue, but before he could stand up, he knelt down again.

Due to the action just now, the blood seemed to flow faster where the bullet passed through. If the blood flow continued like this, Ye Yichen would die from the bleeding without waiting for Qin Yue to deal with him.

But Ye Yichen was not afraid, because there were three members of Qin Yue's family who were buried with him, and he had three lives to accompany him. He made a profit from this business, he really made a profit!

At this moment, he doesn't need to do much. He just needs to hold Qin Yue and let the family of three stay here for a few more minutes. Just a few more minutes is enough.

He will take Qin Yue's family of three to another paradise.

Although it may be blown up beyond recognition when you go there, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, they are all dead. He is no longer the Shaodong of the Ye family, and Qin Yue is no longer the leader of Shengtian. Who cares whether they look good or not?

When we get to the Lord of Hell, everyone is a brat and a new beginning, so it really doesn’t matter.

"Mu Zhi, I once really regarded you as my good friend, but things in the world are constantly changing and God's will plays tricks on people. Who made you so outstanding? You are so outstanding that even a proud man like me is jealous of you." Ye Yichen suffered several injuries on his body. He was injured, bleeding and pain all over his body, and his consciousness was getting blurry and blurred, but he still insisted on provoking Qin Yue.

He came here today not only for himself, but also for his mother and the entire Ye family.

Even though Old Ye had raised many women outside and had several illegitimate children, Old Ye was still his father and the man his mother cared about most in her life. If something happened to Old Ye, his mother would not survive.

So even though Old Man Ye felt sorry for the mother and son, he still stepped forward at the critical moment to take on the important task of stabilizing the Ye family.

There is another reason, because this incident happened because of him, and defeating Qin Yue is his biggest wish in this life.

"I admire you..." Ye Yichen kept talking and never stopped, as if he was deliberately delaying time.

Thinking that Ye Yichen might be delaying time on purpose, Qin Yue suddenly realized something and shouted, "Qiao Zhendong, open the door!"

As Qin Yue gave the order, the sound of electric saws immediately sounded. His men used electric saws to cut through the iron wall from the outside and cut a door directly to let them out.

"Muzhi, it's too late, there is no time for you to walk out from here... Let us all end here today... Hahaha..."

Ye Yichen laughed and simply lay down on the ground in a big shape, preparing to go to another world in a more relaxed state.

"Mr. Qin!" Qiao Zhendong and his men quickly opened a door and immediately welcomed Qin Yue and his men out.

"Call everyone and evacuate immediately. Nothing will happen to anyone!" Even though it was expected that Ye Yichen had planted a time bomb here, Qin Yue remained calm and composed.

After giving orders to Qiao Zhendong, he turned to look at Jian Ran beside him: "Jian Ran..."

Qin Yue wanted to say some words of comfort to Jian Ran, but turned his head and met Jian Ran's gentle and calm eyes. She smiled softly at him: "As long as you are here, I am not afraid of anything."

Yes, with you here, I am not afraid of anything!

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, she is not afraid of anything as long as Qin Yue and Xiao Ranran are by her side.

Qin Yue just needed Jian Ran's words and attitude.

He also smiled at her. No matter what kind of thorny road ahead there was, as long as his size was there, nothing could be difficult for him.

Qin Yue patted the little guy in his arms: "But baby..."

"Dad, can you raise your head now?" It turned out that the little one had been remembering her father's instructions. She stayed in his arms until she heard her father tell her to raise her head.

"Well, my baby can raise his head now." Hearing Xiao Ranran's soft voice, Qin Yue seemed to feel a sweet warmth in his heart.

"Dad, Ranran knew you would come to save Ranran and her mother, Ranran is not afraid!" She couldn't remember how scared Xiao Ranran was before her father came, but after her father came, she really wasn't afraid at all.

"Daddy's baby has always been so brave. Dad is very happy!" While Qin Yue spoke, he hugged Xiao Ranran with one hand and Jian Ran with the other, and quickly evacuated the dangerous area.

"Mu Zhi, don't waste time and energy. Like me, accept all this and let's go to another paradise together."

Behind him, Ye Yichen's voice was still like a ghost calling for life, but Qin Yue and Jian Ran ignored it because he and Jian Ran could only see each other in their eyes, and they could only see each other in their ears.

In this world, as long as you are here, I cannot see the existence of other people in my eyes.

"Qin Yue, Qin Yue, you are so damn self-righteous. Do you really think I'm trying to bluff you?" Ye Yichen was so angry that he punched the hard floor with his fist, roaring and screaming with hatred.

He sat up with his support on the floor and suddenly smiled like crazy: "Hahaha... Qin Yue, Qin Yue, I must make you pay the price for your stupidity and self-righteousness."

Ye Yichen roared and laughed, counting in his mouth: "Three, two, one...burst..."

His voice was finally drowned out by the roar of the explosion.

On the way Qin Yue and the others evacuated, which was also the only way out of here, there was a huge explosion.

There was an explosion and flames shot up into the sky, dozens of meters high.

Ye Yichen was lying on the ground, looking out from the door opened by Qin Yue, and could even see other people being blown up into the sky, spinning beautifully in mid-air, and then falling completely.

"Hahaha... Qin Yue, Qin Yue, I finally defeated you for once. I told you not to leave, but you still have to leave. If you are the one who gets blown away, what should I say to you? ?" Ye Yichen was laughing until tears flowed from his eyes.

He seemed to have won this battle, but he seemed not to have won.

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