My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 646 His tenderness is only for them

Chapter 646: His tenderness is only for them

"Mom, open your mouth obediently, and Ranran will feed you an apple!" Xiao Ranran took a piece of the apple peeled by her father and fed it to her mother with her own hands.

Xiao Ran is happy that her mother can wake up. No matter who she sees, she will happily show off: "Ran Ran's mother does not dislike Ran Ran, her mother loves Ran Ran."

So, at this moment, her father was peeling fruit, and Xiao Ranran took the initiative to take on the task of feeding her mother the fruit, because her mother had just woken up not long ago and was not very strong yet, so she needed her father to take care of her mother together.

"Thank you, baby!" Jian Ran thanked her gently before opening her mouth to bite the apple. When biting the apple, she deliberately bit Xiao Ranran's finger as well.

"Mom, you can't eat Ranran's fingers!" Xiao Ranran instinctively wanted to withdraw her little fingers, but she stopped just as she made a move.

Dad repeatedly warned her that her mother was very weak and asked her to take good care of her mother.

She firmly remembered her father's words, so she didn't dare to pull her fingers back too hard. What if she hurt her mother and her mother ignored her and her father while sleeping?

"Can't you eat your fingers?" Jian Ran pretended not to understand and deliberately teased their baby Ran.

"No!" Xiao Ranran shook her head nervously and said softly but firmly.

She guessed that her mother had been sleeping for so long, so her brain must have been damaged by sleep, so she said such strange things.

"But mommy wants to eat Ranran's fingers. Can Ranran let her eat it?" Seeing Xiaoranran's big blinking eyes filled with all sorts of incredulity and surprise, Jianran couldn't help but want to tease her a little longer. .

Xiao Ranran flattened her mouth, shook her head, nodded again, and shook her head again: "Mom, Ranran's hands are dirty, so you can't eat them!"

Xiao Ranran did not reject her mother directly, but thought about it again and again before refusing. She had thought about letting her mother bite her, but when she thought that biting her finger would hurt, she hesitated.

Jian Ran came closer to Xiao Ranran and kissed her pink face: "Baby, mom is teasing you. You are mom's baby. Mom just wants to kiss you and won't eat your fingers."

As long as the joke reaches a certain point, it will be fine. If the joke continues and scares Xiao Ranran to tears, of course Jian Ran knows enough is enough.

Two days after waking up, Jian Ran's complexion improved a lot. Of course, this was inseparable from Qin Yue's meticulous care of her.

In the two days after she woke up, Qin Yue still took care of her every step of the way. According to the doctor's instructions, he asked the servants at home to make a lot of medicinal meals, and then he fed Jian Ran himself.

He was not impatient at all, he was gentle and attentive, which really made many people envious of him.

Qin Yue peeled the fruit, hugged Xiao Ranran back, and kissed her pink face: "Little fool, mommy loves you the most, why would she bite you?"

"Don't call our Ran Ran stupid. Our baby Ran is the smartest baby." Maybe it's because she just lost her unborn child, so Jian Ran dotes on their baby Ran even more. No one can say that baby Ran is not the smartest baby. Good words.

"Well, I was wrong!" Qin Yue smiled softly and said, "Both my little ones are the smartest babies in the world, but I am the stupidest."

In front of his big brother Ranran, Qin Yue was willing to give in step by step and to be the "stupid" one in their family of three.

He is willing to pamper them and love them for the rest of his life!

Let them be the two most cherished women in his life, one big and one small, and become the two happiest little women in the world.

"Dad is not stupid!" Xiao Ranran felt sorry for her father and naturally wanted to speak for him.

"Well, dad is not stupid, our Ranran is not stupid, and we are not stupid." Qin Yue pinched Xiao Ranran's face and put her on the ground, "Ranran went out to play with my little aunt. Dad has something to say with his mother alone. explain."

Dad has something to say to mom alone!

As a curious baby, Xiao Ranran definitely wanted to know what her father wanted to say to her, so she was unwilling to go out to find her little aunt.

"Of course, go find your little aunt quickly." Qin Yue urged.

"Mom..." Xiao Ranran threw herself into her mother's arms, rubbing her little head against her mother's arms again and again.

When she didn't want to leave, Xiao Ranran felt that acting coquettishly with her mother was definitely the best way. The little guy was young, but his brain was very useful.

"If you don't want to go out, forget it. Besides, what are you going to tell me that our baby Ran can't listen to?" As soon as Xiao Ranran acted coquettishly, Jianran's heart softened, and she was not willing to let her go.

"It's okay not to leave, but come to the side." Qin Yue took Xiao Ranran away from Jianran's arms again and sat aside, "Ranran sits here, don't move around for a while, don't mess around Interject."

It doesn't matter if Xiao Ranran stays, it seems good to let the little guy be the witness that he is serious about proposing to Jian Ran.

"Why are you so mysterious?" Jian Ran was also intrigued by Qin Yue's mysterious appearance, and hurriedly waited for Qin Yue.

Qin Yue stretched out his hand to hold Jian Ran's face and asked her to look at him: "Jian Ran!"

He called her name and said nothing after that.

"Huh?" Jian Ran was a little embarrassed by his stare and wanted to turn her head to avoid his gaze. However, as soon as she made a move, Qin Yue straightened her head again and said domineeringly, "Look at me, don't run away." .”

"What's the matter?" This man said what he wanted to say directly. He acted so mysteriously and looked at her with such affectionate eyes that her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

"Jian Ran." After calling Jian Ran's name this time, Qin Yue came closer and kissed Jian Ran.

His kiss was very gentle and gentle. When he kissed her lips, it felt like feathers gently brushing against her lips, making you want more.

Feeling the changes in Jian Ran, Qin Yue gradually deepened the kiss, and Jian Ran couldn't help but follow him, as if she had entered another dreamy and romantic world.

The two of them kissed so selflessly that they seemed to have forgotten that there was a curious baby Xiao Ranran sitting on the other side of the hospital bed.

The little one has never seen her father kiss her mother before, but she has never seen the kiss last so long because she is a curious baby and is naturally curious inside.

Involuntarily, Xiao Ranran forgot what her father had just said not to move around.

She crept up to her parents quietly, and looked at her parents who were kissing each other with great curiosity with her big, beautiful and watery eyes.

Such a big "light bulb" suddenly appears in front of the couple who are kissing each other inseparably. Even if they invest again, they will be blinded by this big "light bulb".

Jian Ran pushed Qin Yue and ran away from his arms in panic. It was really embarrassing. Xiao Ran was still here, and the two of them actually...

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