My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 657 The Eve of the Wedding (3)

Chapter 657: The Eve of the Wedding (3)

"Little aunt, I miss you so much." Xiao Ran ran into Qin Xiaobao's arms and rubbed her little head again and again.

"Little aunt misses our baby Ran very much." Qin Xiaobao just arrived last night and was busy greeting the guests when he got up today. He hasn't seen baby Ran yet.

Lie Ruju's eyes looked at Xiao Ranran quietly. They hadn't seen him for more than half a year. Did she not remember him anymore?

Thinking that the little guy didn't remember him, Lie's eyes darkened, and there was an indescribable pain on his face.

After all, Xiao Ranran was still so young. When he left, she had just celebrated her fourth birthday, so it was normal not to remember him.

He didn't expect her to remember him, he just took a secret look at her and knew that she was having a good time and was growing up healthily and happily.

However, he didn't really think so in his heart.

If he really thought so, he would not come to this place at such a tense moment in the country.

He wanted to hear the little guy softly call him "Brother Lie".

He wanted to hold the little one in his arms, kiss her pink face, and tell her that she must come to him when she grows up.

However, she couldn't see him.

Not only did Xiao Ranran not recognize her with makeup on, but even an adult like Qin Xiaobao couldn't recognize him. This was the effect he originally wanted.

But at this moment, he wished that he looked like his original self. Maybe the little guy would be able to recognize him at a glance when he saw him.

If he didn't wear makeup, could his Xiao Ran recognize him at a glance?

Before seeing her, he was very sure, but at this moment, he was not sure at all.

Compared with the last time he saw Xiao Ranran when he visited Jiangbei last year, she had grown much taller, but her big, watery eyes remained unchanged.

Her eyes are clear and bright, and she has the unique innocence and cuteness of a child. Even a heinous person will involuntarily want to be nice to her when he sees her.

She is such a lovable child, innocent and cute but also sensible. Time and again, she will make him want to abandon all responsibilities and stay by her side to take care of and accompany her.

It took some effort for Qin Xiaobao to pick up Xiao Ran, who had grown taller: "Oh, our baby Ran is getting taller and taller, and my little aunt can hardly hold you anymore."

"Little aunt, of course you can walk by yourself." Her mother and grandmother could hardly hold her anymore, but fortunately, she still had her father, grandfather and uncle, who could hold her.

If brother lie is still there, he should be able to hug her, because brother lie is a hero in her heart who can rival her father.

"Little aunt wants to hug Ranran." Although he can't hold Xiao Ranran anymore, Qin Xiaobao still wants to hug her because he likes the little guy.

"Ranran likes my little aunt." Despite her sweet words, Xiaoran also gave her a soft and fragrant kiss in time. The kiss made Qin Xiaobao hug her and didn't want to let go.

"Ran baby, would you like to go back to the hotel with your little aunt?" He was originally depressed to the extreme, but when he saw Xiao Ran, Qin Xiaobao put his worries aside and was ready to take this pistachio with him at all times.

"Okay." Xiao Ranran nodded cutely.

Seeing that they were leaving, Pei Xuanzhi became anxious. The purpose of their coming this time was to see the apple of their eyes, which everyone in the Qin family held in their hands.

No, it's not their purpose, it's the purpose of his immediate superior. The third prince wants to see this young ancestor.

He didn't expect to be so lucky. He saw people just as he arrived at his destination. If he had just let them leave like this, he would have suffered again in a while.

At this time, Pei Xuanzhi's diplomatic wisdom accumulated in daily life can come in handy.

He said with a smile: "Miss Qin, this little doll must be Mr. Qin's daughter. She is so cute and pink, and she can't help but make people feel distressed just by looking at her."

He understood the problem in his heart. If he wanted to get closer to someone, he would be right to praise their child.

But when he said this, he didn't say it out of hand. This child was really likeable, otherwise his master wouldn't have thought of changing his identity to see the little guy when the domestic situation was so dangerous.

Hearing him mention Xiao Ranran, Qin Xiaobao hugged Xiao Ranran tightly and looked at him warily: "Pei, you don't want to take advantage of our baby Ran."

Tomorrow is the day for Qin Yue and Jian Ran's wedding. If something happens to Xiao Ranran, then the wedding preparations will be in vain.

Therefore, when Qin Yue and Jian Ran were not with their two children, they entrusted them to the care of Xiao Qinghe, the most trustworthy person.

"Qin Xiaobao, even if I have the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, I don't dare to take her idea." He was really unjust, because he was inferior in status and was about to be pushed out to be a gunman of various kinds.

"I don't have the guts to measure you." Qin Xiaobao and Pei Xuanzhi had interacted before. This man was a little self-righteous and a little shameless, but he really never thought about what he would do to them.

She added: "If you have nothing to do, just leave and I'll contact you tomorrow."

Pei Xuanzhi said again: "Miss Qin, why don't you take the children and let's have dinner together."

If he can accomplish this, their master will definitely reward him heavily when he returns. In the future, when his master takes over, his road to promotion will be smoother.

However, his sweet dream was not over yet. Qin Xiaobao's words were like a basin of cold water, completely waking him up.

Qin Xiaobao glanced at him: "If you want to eat with us, go and line up. If you wait in line for a few years, it might be your turn."

After saying that, she got on the sightseeing car driven by Xiao Qinghe, and the others walked away.

"This little temper is still so arrogant, it's really endearing..." Pei Xuanzhi looked at Qin Xiaobao's back and thought to himself, "It's a pity that such a good cabbage was lost to that pig Zhan Nianbei."

As he talked, he always felt a little cold on his back, and he shivered suddenly.

The weather is very good today, the sun is shining and the wind is gentle. Why do you feel cold all of a sudden?

Is something going to change?

When he turned around, he knew why it was so cold, because his "sky" changed its face.

The master next to him was looking at him with dissatisfaction, and his eyes wanted to eat him alive.

"Third Young Master, um, I..." Damn it, how could he forget that the master's matters are the most important.

He looked at Qin Xiaobao and became obsessed with him. This was not to make his master hate him.

Pei Xuanzhi said quickly: "Third Young Master, we are very lucky to be able to see the apple of President Qin's eye as soon as we arrive here."

Lie didn't speak, and looked at Xiao Ranran who was going away. He didn't look back until he couldn't see her anymore.

Pei Xuanzhi wiped a handful of cold sweat and said, "Third Young Master, don't be impatient. The wedding will be held tomorrow and we will definitely be able to sneak in."

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