My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 679 Give birth to a second child

Chapter 679: Having a Second Child

Jian Ran's due date is just a few days ago. As early as a month ago, Qin Yue forced her to put down her work so that she could stay at home and wait for the birth.

Qin Yue also handed over the work to the subordinates a month ago, and he never left Jian Ran's side, for fear that she and the child would have a mistake.

Their first child, Xiao Ranran, was delivered by Caesarean section.

The second child, Jian Ran, was injured and lost her life.

This is their third child. Qin Yue insists on staying with Jian Ran, waiting for their child to be born together, and will not allow any accidents to happen.

Originally, Qin Yue didn't plan to have any more children, and even followed his father's example in having a ligation operation, so he went into the operating room. Who knew who leaked the news, so Jian Ran came to stop her.

After they got married and returned from their honeymoon, Jian Ran worked hard to take care of her body, thinking about giving him another child day and night.

He dared to carry her behind his back to have a ligation, but Jian Ran was so angry that he ignored Qin Yue for half a month.

At that time, Jian Ran broke into the operating room without saying anything, but just looked at him with tears in her eyes, and Qin Yue obediently got off the operating table.

"Mom, Ranran is here." Xiao Ranran came back to the hospital immediately after returning from school to see her mother and the baby in her womb.

"Well, come here." Jian Ran waved her hand gently.

Xiao Ranran immediately threw herself into her mother's arms, put her little head on her mother's round and convex belly, imitating what her father would do every day, and listened carefully: "Mom, the little baby is talking to Ranran."

"What did TA say to Ranran?" Jian Ran asked with a smile.

They didn't check the sex of the baby, so it's not known if it's a boy or a girl?

"The baby said that my sister is so beautiful, I want to see my sister soon." Well, she will be a big sister soon, and thinking of a little guy who can make her round and squishy in the future, just thinking about it makes me feel very happy.

"Did the baby ask her sister to forward the message to her mother, saying that she wants to see her parents?" Jian Ran smiled and rubbed Xiao Ranran's head.

A few years have passed in a flash, and now their natural baby is already ten years old, and it is even more beautiful and cute.

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also sensible and sweet-mouthed. She coaxes her grandparents into laughter every day, and she can't think about her even if she doesn't see her for a day.

"Well, listen again." Xiao Ran listened carefully again, and then said to her mother playfully, "Baby said he only wanted to see his sister."

"The baby doesn't even want to see mom, mom is so sad." Jian Ran made a sad look, but involuntarily raised the corners of her lips and smiled softly.

When she was pregnant with this baby, she was still very worried that Xiao Ran would not accept it. Who knew that the little guy was happier than anyone in the family when he heard that he would have younger brothers and sisters.

Before the baby was born, Xiao Ranran had already bought many toys in advance, saying that they would give them to her younger brother or sister.

"Mom, I'm teasing you. The baby said that he wants to see his mother first. Mom has had a hard time conceiving in October." Look, this is Xiao Ranran of their family. At a young age, she speaks clearly and knows that her mother is ten Monthly pregnancy is the hardest.

"Mom, of course..." Ozawa also came back.

Now he is sixteen years old, and he has transformed into a big boy early. He is 1.8 meters tall. Although he is a little shorter than their father, he is definitely the best among his fellows.

In particular, he is also good-looking, and he is the adopted son of the Qin family. He is only young, but he has already been targeted by many people.

"Ozawa, you're back." Jian Ran waved her hand and said with a smile, "Come and sit with my sister and my mother."

"Brother, I'm back." Xiao Ranran called out very officially, and when Xiao Ze was about to sit down, she got up quickly, "Mom, let me see what Dad is doing in the study?"

Seeing Xiao Ranran running away, Qin Yinze's eyes darkened. This girl is good to everyone, but she is awkward with him.

In these years, he has worked hard to improve the relationship between the two, but Xiao Ranran's attitude towards him has not changed at all.

In front of the elders, in order to maintain a cute and sensible image, she would obediently call him brother, and when only the two of them were around, she would always talk to him with hi-hey.

I'm afraid, she never regarded him as an older brother.

"Xiao Ze, thank you for allowing Ran Ran to let you go all these years. Ran Ran is sometimes a little self-willed, and mother says sorry to you on her behalf!" They are all her own children, and the children's little thoughts, how could Jian Ran, a mother, not agree clear.

"Mom, but it's my sister, and I'm my brother, shouldn't I let her go?" Yes, he kept telling himself that he was the brother, so he should let her go.

"Xiao Ze, you are our child. In the eyes of father and mother, you are the same as Ran Ran, so you can say what you have, and don't let yourself be wronged." Jian Ran and Qin Yue have always regarded Xiao Ze as their own She hoped that Ozawa would also see them as his biological parents.

Between brothers and sisters, if there is anything to say, Ozawa must not be wronged.

"Mom, I know, don't worry." Ozawa has always been a sensible child in front of his parents.

"Okay, then go and get busy with your affairs." Jian Ran propped herself up on the head of the bed, her stomach suddenly ached, and she quickly sat back down.


"Xiao Ze, hurry up and call your father, mother may be about to give birth." The due date is still a week away, is the baby so impatient to come out to meet everyone?

"Jian Ran, don't move. I'll ask the doctors and nurses to take you to the delivery room immediately." Qin Yue dared not go far. When he was working, he was also in the office outside the ward. If there was any movement on Jian Ran's side, he would know immediately.

He immediately called the doctor, and the medical staff who were in charge of Jian Ran's delivery were always on standby outside the room, waiting for Sheng Tian's wife to give birth.

The doctors and nurses are very experienced professionals, and they pushed Jian Ran to the delivery room at a professional speed.

"Jian Ran, don't be afraid, I will always be with you and the child." This time, Qin Yue was excited but worried to be able to be by Jian Ran's side and see their child come to this world with his own eyes.

Although he had made all the preparations, he was still worried, worried that if Jane could not stand the pain.

Before, he suggested a caesarean section, but Jian Ran felt that the caesarean section was not good for the child and had a shadow on the caesarean section, so they chose a normal delivery.

Soon after reaching the delivery room, the doctor looked at Qin Yue: "Boss Qin, please go out first, this..."

Qin Yue shot a cold gaze over him, and the doctor immediately shut up. How could she forget that the president loves his wife like his life.

It is absolutely impossible for his wife to suffer here and let him wait outside.

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