My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 697 Don’t forget your identity

Chapter 697: Don’t forget your identity

Qin leran has been obedient since she was a child, not only for herself, but she also doesn't want her elders in the family to be worried about her physical condition.

"Girl." Dr. Li stroked Qin leran's head and said with a smile, "Grandpa will leave you two more days of medicine. Remember to take it."

Qin lelan nodded obediently: "I will definitely take the medicine well, thank you grandpa!"

"Well, good boy." Qin leran called grandpa, which made Dr. Li feel warm in his heart, and the smile on his face became more kind and warm.

After prescribing medicine for Qin lelan, before leaving, Dr. Li turned around step by step. His reluctance made people who didn't know think the child was his granddaughter.

"Grandpa Li is so kind. He is just like my biological grandfather." Qin lelan sighed, silently missing his grandparents, parents, and parents.

People are very fragile when they are sick, and they miss their parents especially. Besides, this is the first time in her life that she has been away from her family for such a long time.

After only about ten days, she felt that the outside world was not as simple as she imagined, and many things were not as she imagined.

Over the years, she had imagined various situations after finding Brother Lie, but she never thought that after meeting Brother Lie, he would be unwilling to recognize her.

Did she admit the wrong person?

Or does brother lie have difficulties that are difficult to express?

"Leran, there is a banquet tonight, you go with me." Lin Xiaoxiao tugged on Qin lelan's sleeves, interrupting her thoughts.

"Xiaoxiao, go ahead. I don't really want to go out." Being sick has delayed Qin leran's time to find evidence to confirm brother lie's identity. Now that he is getting better, all Qin leran can think about is how to confirm brother lie's identity. She didn't care at all.

"Leran, you should go out for a walk after staying at home for so many days, otherwise you will be exhausted." Lin Xiaoxiao thought for a while and then said, "I tell you, this banquet is very fun."

"It's not all banquets, what's fun?" Qin lelan has never participated in any kind of banquet since she was a child. She really has no interest in such activities.

"Leran, let me tell you, there are a lot of delicious food and a lot of fun things." Lin Xiaoxiao nodded while talking, worried that Qin lelan wouldn't believe her if he nodded hard enough.

Qin leran poked her head, looking like he hated iron and said: "I said Lin Xiaoxiao, besides eating, can you think of anything else?"

"I only know that food is the most tempting to me. Apart from food, I can't see anything else." This is definitely Lin Xiaoxiao's heartfelt words, and it is also her lifelong pursuit.

For a foodie like her, the happiest thing is to travel all over the world and eat delicious food all over the world.

Qin leran: "..."

Well, how can she talk to a foodie who hates eating?

Recently, her IQ has become increasingly inadequate.

I don’t know if people often say that if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black.

She used to spend a lot of time with her father. Her father was smart, so she was also smart and could understand everything at once.

Now that she is with Lin Xiaoxiao, a fool, every day, she has become confused, and she often cannot figure out simple things no matter how hard she thinks about them.

So she had to find brother lie faster and leave Lin Xiaoxiao, a fool, as soon as possible, otherwise she would become more and more confused.

Lin Xiaoxiao added: "Leran, actually the food this time is not that important. The most important thing is that this banquet is hosted by Mr. Pei himself."

"Mr. Pei?" Qin leran repeated the name. He seemed to have some impressions in his mind, but he couldn't remember anything. "Who is Mr. Pei? What does this person do?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "I don't know how to tell you who he is. I only know that whenever a banquet is held at his house, it must be the most fun in the city, so many people will rush to go."

"Since you said it is so fun, let me go and have a look." Everyone has curiosity, let alone Qin lelan, a curious baby.

"Third Young Master, the little girl from the Qin family has been actively working hard to cooperate with my treatment. Today she has recovered." After leaving the Lin family, the first thing Dr. Li did was to return to Beigong to report the situation.

These days, no one understands his hard work even if an old man like him, who is over half a hundred years old, is allowed to run back and forth.

But thinking about seeing such a sensible and cute child every day, Dr. Li really doesn't feel it's hard. When he thinks of her, he feels full of strength.

"Dr. Li, you have worked hard these days. You can go home and have a good rest." Quan Nanzhai nodded without any unnecessary expression.

In private, he is always like this. No matter when you see him, he does not show any emotion.

This kind of personal emotion is not exposed, which is also a very important lesson for them if they want to be elected president.

If a person cannot even manage his own emotions, then what ability does he have to manage a country?

Dr. Li added: "Third Young Master, there is something I won't say to you, and I always feel panicked in my heart. Can you understand me, old man, and let me say it?"

"What are you talking about?" Quan Nanzhai probably knew what he wanted to say, but he didn't reveal it to see what Dr. Li would say to him.

Dr. Li said: "The little girl of the Qin family is a sensible and good child. I have been with her for a few days and I like her very much. But no matter how good the child is, she also has her own life. Third Young Master, you too It should be your life. The engagement between Miss Shen and you was made in front of the people of the whole country. This fact cannot be changed. "

Pei Xuanzhi has been with Quan Nanzhai for many years, while Dr. Li has been with Quan Nanzhai since he was born, and he is also very senior.

Pei Xuanzhi and Dr. Li both like to nag around Quan Nanzhai. In the final analysis, it is because they see how difficult it is for Quan Nanzhai to walk step by step over the years, and do not want his bright future to be ruined if he is not careful. .

"Uncle Li, I know, please go back." It is precisely because he understands the powerful relationship between these events that he cannot recognize Qin leran.

"Third Young Master, don't forget how my wife died." Before leaving, Dr. Li added this sentence.

How the former president's wife passed away is the deepest pain in Quan Nanzhai's heart.

Watching his mother die in front of him, but he was powerless. Nothing could be more cruel than this.

It happened that he had experienced it, and now that he thought about it, his heart still felt like it was being cut by a knife, but his expression remained indifferent.

Yes, just indifferent.

In fact, the calmer he looks on the surface, the more turbulent his heart is, but he can only wait and wait for the time to come.

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