My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 699 Another brother comes (2)

Chapter 699: Here comes another brother (2)

"Then let's stay with him tonight." Qin leran couldn't get any news from Lin Xiaoxiao, so he had to find a way to get some clues from Quan Dongming's mouth.

"Leran, you don't think he is also your brother, do you?" Lin Xiaoxiao is usually confused, but she really made this sentence accurate.

"Don't ask too much, just do as I say." I don't know if it's because Quan Nanzhai denied it before, but Qin lelan has a grudge in her heart. She feels that brother lie loves her so much that she should never admit the wrong person. of.

If this Quan Dongming is her brother lie, but she mistakes Quan Nanzhai for brother lie, brother lie will definitely be sad when he finds out.

She didn't want brother lie to be sad, so she didn't mention the mistake of admitting the wrong person, and she also didn't want Lin Xiaoxiao to mention it.

For so many years, Qin lelan always wanted to appear at brother lie's side in the best possible way and throw herself into his arms - telling him that she missed him very much.

"Xiao Xiao, there are a lot of people here. You two are coming with me tonight and you are not allowed to run around." Quan Dongming took the initiative to approach them again, his tone was full of authority, like a full brother.

"Thank you, brother Dongming!" Lin Xiaoxiao was worried that he couldn't find a way to get close to brother Dongming, and now he came to his door.

It's just strange that the brothers who used to say hello to her the most when they met are all very enthusiastic towards her these days.

Their president Mr. Nanzhai is like this, and this brother Dongming is like this as well. What happened to them?

Why should we form a group to treat her well?

This feeling of being suddenly held in the palm of someone's hand is a bit overwhelming.

"Brother Dongming, wait a minute." Lin Xiaoxiao took Qin leran to a deserted corner, took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, turned on the front camera, and took photos again and again, "Leran, look at me these two days Has there been any change? Have you become more beautiful or smarter?"

At this moment, Qin leran could only think about this man named Quan Dongming. He didn't even have time to glance at Lin Xiaoxiao, and said Hu: "There is a pimple on the right face, which proves that you have really grown up. "

Lin Xiaoxiao was very confused: "Yes, I don't look good, and I still have acne, but why are brother Dongming and the others suddenly being nice to me? Even the tone of their words is gentler than usual."

Qin leran immediately grasped the key to the whole sentence, and grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's clothes excitedly: "Xiaoxiao, you mean that Quan Dongming didn't have a very good relationship with you before? Is it just today that he suddenly treated you well? "

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously: "In the past, when I greeted him, he would nod at most. How could he be as gentle and enthusiastic as today, and he would let us follow him."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiaoxiao's confused mind finally thought of the key person. She looked at Qin leran with wide eyes: "Leran, it couldn't be because of you. In the past, they only had friendship with me to say hello. It was because of me. I don’t have you by my side.”

Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's words, Qin lelan looked up and looked at Quan Dongming not far away. He was also looking at her, and her eyes collided with his in the air.

When he saw her looking over, he did not look away, but nodded to her generously and smiled very politely and gentlemanly.

Qin lelan also nodded and gave him a smile, but her smile looked much panicked compared with his.

"Leran, I understand." Lin Xiaoxiao opened his mouth wide, as if he suddenly understood, "Leran, he doesn't want to be nice to me, I think he wants to be attentive to you."

"Xiaoxiao, don't talk nonsense." Lin Xiaoxiao was not allowed to write novels, but Qin leran thought so too.

If this person is her brother, then his abnormality today may be because of her.

Quan Dongming has a totem and calls her Ranran. He hesitates to talk about what happened a few years ago. He also cares about her... All these clues indicate that Quan Dongming is her fierce brother.

Qin lelan is confused, confused, confused... No, no, she has to rationalize it and take her time. She can't make any mistakes this time no matter what.

"Dong Ming, you're here!" Pei Xuanzhi, the host of today's banquet, appeared. Of course, he had to greet the important guests on the list he invited.

"Well, here we come." Quan Dongming punched Pei Xuanzhi on the shoulder, "If you don't come to the banquet hosted by Mr. Pei, it would be a great regret in life. How could I not come to such a mysterious banquet."

"Hey, isn't this Xiaoxiao from the Lin family?" Pei Xuanzhi seemed to have just seen Lin Xiaoxiao and said in surprise, "Xiaoxiao, your brother won't let you attend such a banquet, why are you here?"

People like Pei Xuanzhi, who followed Quan Nanzhai and saw big winds and waves, have seen more things than Lin Xiaoxiao and the others have eaten.

It's not surprising that little girls like Lin Xiaoxiao would come to the banquet. Children all have a rebellious heart. If you really don't let her do anything, she will do it for you.

His surprise was just for them to see. Whether the fish took the bait or not would be revealed soon.

Lin Xiaoxiao once again became the "focus" and habitually raised his hands to scratch his head: "Uncle Xuanzhi, I..."

"Stop, stop, stop... what did you just call me?" Pei Xuanzhi stopped in time, "Why do they call Dongming and others brother and call me uncle? I'm only a dozen years older than them, why do they call me that? old?"

Haven't you heard that as long as a person is not married, no matter how old they are, you have to call them brother or sister when you see them?

In this life, he will never meet someone he wants to marry, so let these young brothers accompany him.

"My brother also calls you uncle..." Lin Xiaoxiao is so sincere that people want to beat her up. It's just a title, so why can't she just turn around?

Pei Xuanzhi really wanted to kick this honest and silly girl out, but forget it today, he had more important things to do.

After Pei Xuanzhi joined, Qin lelan didn't say another word. Her whole mind was on Pei Xuanzhi.

In her memory, she had never seen Mr. Pei before, but why did she always feel kind-hearted when she saw Mr. Pei, as if she had seen him somewhere?

The little girl Qin lelan stared at him and looked at him, and he also let her look. His purpose was to let her find some familiarity in his face.

After a long time, he felt that it was almost done and asked: "Miss Qin, what are you looking at me for?"

Qin leran asked directly: "Mr. Pei, have we met somewhere?"

Mr. Pei smiled and sighed: "Maybe I have seen him before. Maybe I saw him many years ago, but because my memory is so long, I can't remember clearly."

Pei Xuanzhi's words sounded like denial to others, but Qin leran didn't think so. Instead, she thought he meant something.

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