Chapter 703: Who kissed me (4)

This totem is very special. It has been passed down from generation to generation in their family for many years. It is said that each stroke painted on the totem represents a generation of their family.

The specific meaning has been passed down for so many years, and it has been somewhat vague to their generation. Everyone only remembers that it is a symbol of status.

Everyone in their family has this pattern to represent their identity.

Symbolizing his identity is a chain. This chain was polished from ivory, painted with family patterns by his own hands, and then processed.

Quan Dongming's tattoo... Everyone in the family has this totem, but they express it in different directions.

Quan Nanzhai handed the necklace symbolizing his identity to the young Ran Baobao.

First, I hope that I can grow up with her in another way.

The second is that she hopes that one day she can find him with this unique totem.

If things really developed as he planned, not a single step was wrong, but... something went wrong on his side.

"Brother Lie, are you surprised by Ranran?" Qin leran looked up at him and asked cautiously.

Because he is very tall, probably about the same height as her father, and she is about 1.69 meters tall, which is a full 20 centimeters shorter than him. She has to raise her head to talk to him, which is very hard.

Talk to him with your head raised...

Qin lelan sensitively discovered the abnormality. The "brother lie" who accompanied her not long ago was not so tall. When she talked to him, she only had to raise her head slightly and was not so tired.

The height difference between the two "Brother Lie" is so big, it can only mean one thing, they are not the same person.

In other words, the person who had been accompanying her tonight was Quan Dongming. When Quan Dongming went to the bathroom, another person accompanied her.

So who is this man who is not Quan Dongming?

Why did he make her think that he was her brother?

What is going on?

"How could I blame my Ranran?" He said, his voice was very low, so that she could not hear his real voice, as if he did it deliberately.

Realizing that there might be fraud in this matter, Qin leran calmed down a lot. She looked at him and asked, "Are you Ranran's brother lie?"

She was still staring at him, but her gaze changed, no longer looking forward to brother lie, but with a bit of prying eyes.

This time, it wasn't his words that answered her, but his actions.

He slowly reached out and covered her eyes with his hands. He leaned down and placed his hot lips on the spot where there was a plum blossom mark between her eyebrows, and kissed her softly and tenderly.

He told her with his actions that he was her brother.

She knew clearly that this person was probably the fake brother lie, but when he kissed her, she didn't resist.

She even felt that such a kiss was not unfamiliar. When she was very young, brother lie liked to kiss him like this.

Qin lelan looked at him with wide eyes, trying to recognize who he was? Why play mystery with her?

But the light was very dim and she couldn't see clearly, and suddenly she heard him say: "Of course!"

He only called her two words, which was her name. Only the closest and dearest people would call her that.

She could hear that his voice seemed to contain too many emotions and too much reluctance.

"Are you Ranran's brother lie?" She asked again, determined to get a positive answer.

"Follow your heart, your heart won't lie to you." He raised his hand, touched her cheek, and squeezed it like he did when he was a child.

She has lost a lot of weight, and the hand feeling when pinching her face is not as good as when she was a child.

Qin leran stretched out his hand and hugged his big palm, and looked down slightly. There was no tattoo on the tiger's mouth on the back of this man's left hand. He was indeed not Quan Dongming.

So who is he?

Why did he talk to her in a fake voice but imply that he was her brother lie?

Just when Qin leran's mind was active and he was thinking about things, another thing happened.

He kissed her.

This time he didn't kiss her forehead, but her lips, and he kissed her hard and domineeringly, as if he was announcing his ownership in this way.

"Well... you..." Qin leran looked at him with wide eyes and pushed him instinctively, but when her familiar and loving breath floated into her breath, she stopped struggling.

In her subconscious mind, she was willing to let her brother kiss her any way she wanted.

When his kiss became more and more domineering, she instinctively closed her eyes, tightly grasped the corners of his clothes with both hands and leaned against him.

Just when she felt that she was about to suffocate from his kiss and her body was so weak that she could no longer stand, he reached out to hold her waist to keep her balanced and deepened the kiss again.

This kiss lasted for a long time, as if it lasted for centuries.

She also hoped that he would not stop, just hold her and kiss her like this, so that they could be together forever and never be separated again.

"Brother Lie..." After how long, he let her go. After she was free and breathed fresh air, her first words were to call his name.

"Of course!" Looking at her swollen red lips from his kiss, he hated himself for being rude and almost hurt her, but he didn't regret kissing her.

"Brother Lie..." She threw herself into his arms again and held him tightly. "Brother Lie, I finally found you. I will never leave you again."

She put her head on his chest again, rubbing against him in circles. Her brother Lie recognized her, and they would never be separated again.

"Of course..." He called her name, but hesitated. He had thousands of things to say to her, but he didn't know how to say them to her.

"Brother Lie, just say what you want to say to Ranran, Ranran is listening." She blinked at him, her eyebrows turned, and she looked forward to it.

"Of course, let's go to a place with brother lie, okay?" At this moment, he didn't think about his identity or whether she would recognize him. He only had one idea, that is, to bring her to where he was the only one. Where you can see it.

"Brother Lie, are you willing to follow you no matter where you go?" Even if it's Daoshan Youguo, as long as Brother Lie takes her there, she won't flinch at all.

"Of course..." She did not hesitate and had no hesitation, but he hesitated. Now that the situation was complicated, he could not put her in the center of a dangerous whirlpool just to satisfy himself.

The reason why he was able to successfully climb to where he is today is because he has no weaknesses. Once Qin lelan appears next to him and her identity is known to more people, she may be in danger of death at any time.

"Brother Lie, what's wrong?" She seemed to be aware that he had many reluctances. He obviously wanted to get closer to her, but he was gradually alienating her.

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