My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 731 Why can’t I see him?

Chapter 731: Why can’t I see him?

Turning on the news on his mobile phone, Qin leran's attention jumped to a hot news about the disposal of the bodies of the dead in the disaster area.

One after another, the entire news page is almost overwhelmed.

The weather in Longjian in September is not very cold. Too many people died in the earthquake, and the bodies will rot quickly.

Once a corpse decomposes, viral infection is likely to occur. Once a viral infection breaks out, it is difficult to control, so proper disposal of the corpse is a very urgent matter.

After discussions and listening to the opinions of the people, the country's top leaders decided to cremate the body.

Although the death of life is a pity and sad, the more important thing is to let the living people live well.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this news came out, some people jumped out to express their opposition.

Some relatives of the deceased were far away in other places, and for many other reasons, many people were unable to come back to see their family members for the last time.

Some opposition parties seized on this incident to incite the families of the deceased in the disaster area, hoping to make the incident bigger and destroy the image that the president had just established among the people.

Many people know that even though the president issued an order in the end, the matter was discussed and the opinions of the masses were sought.

Then those reactionaries just want to take advantage of the loopholes regardless of the facts.

"These people are such bastards!" Qin leran cursed in anger.

Her brother Lie worked with the people in the disaster area to rescue and rescue people, and went deep into the disaster area to rescue people.

What he did was watched by the people in the disaster area, and there were actually people who fanned the flames and wanted to remove him from power.

What's even more hateful are those trolls who follow the trend without thinking. They don't know what's going on. When someone says something, they follow suit, as if they have seen it live.

"Leran, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Qin leran so angry, Lin Xiaoxiao poked her head over. When she saw this, she said, "These news are all rumors spread by some reactionaries, and everyone with a discerning eye knows it. Besides, , The President has his own way of handling things, and it’s not the turn of these clowns to do anything in front of him.”

Lin Xiaoxiao was able to say these words because she knew their President to some extent. Could it be that someone else allowed the President to reach this position step by step?

Of course it's impossible!

It's one thing for the president to be able to handle it, but it's another thing for him to be wronged like this.

From the bottom of her heart, Qin leran couldn't bear to see her brother lie being criticized and wronged.

"Xiaoxiao, has Mr. President come back from the disaster area?" Qin lelan was so anxious that he jumped out of bed, but was stopped by Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao hugged Qin Leran: "Leran, your feet and legs are all injured. The doctor has cleaned and bandaged them for you. Don't move around for now."

"Is Mr. President back?" Qin leran asked.

"Back, my brother rushed to Beigong to attend a meeting." Lin Xiaoxiao thought for a while, "Leran, you are getting close to brother Dongming now, and you are interested in our Mr. President the next time. Do you think they are all Is it your brother lie? Don’t forget that there is only one brother. "

"Of course I know that there is only one brother, my brother." It is precisely because of knowing that she cherishes him even more.

"Xiaoxiao, tell me, Mr. President, has he..." Qin leran swallowed the word injured.

Even if her brother was injured, he wouldn't say anything.

Just like the injury on his shoulder, he would quietly let the doctor handle it briefly and would never announce it to the public.

Lin Xiaoxiao said worriedly: "Leran, have something to eat."

"Okay." She really needs to eat. She has been hungry for so many days. If she doesn't have a full stomach, how will she have the strength to continue helping brother lie.

Maybe it was because he hadn't eaten for a long time. Qin leran just took two bites, and his stomach felt as if it was burning. He felt like vomiting after eating.

She drank another glass of water: "Xiao Xiao, I can't eat any more."

Lin Xiaoxiao: "Leran, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Qin lelan shook his head, "Xiaoxiao, you go out first, I want to rest for a while."

"Okay, then you can sleep a little longer and I'll bring you lunch." Lin Xiaoxiao knew that she had something to do, but he didn't know how to persuade her, so he just let her think about it on her own.

As soon as Lin Xiaoxiao left, Qin lelan picked up his mobile phone to read the news about Mr. President on the Internet.

Several people kept slandering him, and they all said the same thing, probably saying that he burned the body to cover up certain facts.

There was an ID who spoke, and Qin lelan was particularly impressed by what this person said online two days ago to make Quan Nanzhai never come back and return the position of president to a truly capable person.

Qin lelan clicked on this person's profile picture to check more information about him, but he didn't fill in any information, obviously because he didn't want others to catch him.

Qin lelan gritted her teeth. She had to find a way to find this man. She must not let him be so arrogant.

To find out this person, the only person who can help her is Qin Yinze, who is at odds with her.

Although a hundred thousand people were unwilling to call him, for the sake of brother lie, Qin lelan once again gritted his teeth and called Qin Yinze.

When she called, the call was connected almost immediately, but the other party didn't speak. Qin leran pursed his lips: "Why don't you speak?"

"I'm waiting for our Miss Qin to speak and listen to her instructions so that I can do my best to carry them out." Qin Yinze still has the same unhurried tone.

"Qin Yinze, do you have to talk to me like this?" So, she didn't want to talk to him. Their auras were not harmonious, and his attitude also played a big factor.

"Don't you want to do something with me?" Qin Yinze asked.

Qin lelan stammered: "I..."

Qin Yinze smiled bitterly: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask you to help me check someone out." After all, he was asking for help, and Qin leran's attitude was quite polite.

"Qin leran, do you think your brother lie is just a child of a few years old, and he has to ask you to do everything for him?" Qin Yinze suddenly became angry.

Qin leran was confused by it: "what do you mean?"

He added: "Those people you want me to investigate, he has already found them out, so there is no need for you to worry about them."

Qin lelan doesn't quite believe it: "is it true?"

Qin Yinze suddenly changed his tone again: "Of course, I just want to tell you one thing, whether you like it or not, I will say it. Your brother lie, he is far more powerful than you think. He can climb to the position of the top leader of a country, do you think he is stupid?”

"Of course I know he is very powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, I still want to help him and share some tedious things for him, isn't it okay?" She has never felt that her brother lie is not powerful.

"Of course..." Qin Yinze took a deep breath, as if muttering to himself, "What's so good about him? Is it worth doing so much for him?"

He has been with her for fourteen years, and he has been with her much longer than her fierce brother has been with her.

He stayed with her, took care of her, and loved her. As long as it was something she asked him to do for her, he would care more about it than doing his own things.

Why, her eyes could never see him who was always by her side?

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