My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 734: Be jealous of yourself

Chapter 734: Be jealous of yourself

Quan Nanzhai's voice has always had a bass bubble effect, especially when he said these words, it was simply the bass bubble within the bass bubble.

His voice was already so beautiful that it was overwhelming, and the content of this sentence could make people fascinated.

At this moment, all Qin leran's pain, all injuries, and all grievances disappeared in an instant when he heard brother lie's words.

It turned out that her brother lie didn't dislike her, nor did he think she couldn't help, nor did he think she was causing trouble for him. The real reason was that he felt sorry for her and cared about her.

He feels sorry for her!

He cares about her!

Just because of these words, she forgot the pain in her body and the pain in her heart, and her heart was filled with pink bubbles of excitement.

She had long forgotten that she had just told herself that as long as he did not see her as brother lie in the future, she would never pay attention to him.

She wiped her tears and said a little arrogantly: "You are not my brother lie. How do you know that my brother lie will feel sorry for me?"

Hum hum hum… Let’s see how he replies to her?

Otherwise, he should admit it openly and admit that he is her brother. In this case, she will be happier.

Quan Nanzhai stretched out his hand to gently wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, caressed her little head, and his tone became gentler: "Remember what I told you before, I also have someone I like."

"Of course I remember." Because the person he liked was her, how could she not remember what he said.

Thinking that she was the person he liked, Qin lelan couldn't help but blush, but also thought that he suddenly mentioned the person he liked again at this time. Was he going to recognize her?

Thinking that brother lie may openly admit that he is her brother lie, Qin leran's heart was as excited as the waves rolled up by a typhoon, so violent that it was difficult to control himself.

He added: "If the person I like gets sick and injured, I will feel sorry for her and worry about her. Your brother lie is as good as you said, so of course he will be sad if you get sick."

Also your brother lie!

Qin lelan stared at him. He was obviously Ranran's brother lie, and he pretended to be so serious. But no matter what, she just knew that he was worried about her.

She hugged him, rubbed in his arms, and wiped away the remaining tears on her face: "Mr. President, you are right, my brother Lie feels sorry for me. If I get sick, he will definitely be very sad. of."

"Then you know what to do?" He pushed her away from his arms and held her shoulders instead, "Little girl, when no one is by your side to accompany you, you have to take better care of yourself. Don’t let people who care about you worry about you, you know?”

"Well, I understand. I will eat well and recover well, and I will never let my brother lie worry about me." As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly approached him, put her pink lips together and kissed him on the face. one time.

Her lips were soft and fragrant, and seemed to still have the soft and cute sweetness of her childhood.

The moment she touched him, Quan Nanzhai felt the blood rushing to his forehead. He wanted to grab her with his backhand, hold her in his arms and kiss her hard.

But... fortunately, he realized clearly in time that he was not her brother at this moment, and he could not do what he wanted to do to her.


Quan Nanzhai suddenly realized that this girl was kissing a man other than her brother lie.

She is kissing a man other than her strong brother!

Quan Nanzhai's brows furrowed, his face suddenly darkened, and the jealousy in his heart hit him like an overwhelming force.

damn it!

How could she kiss a man other than her strong brother.

Even though his true identity was her brother, she didn't know that he was her brother and kissed him.

"Little girl, do you know who you are kissing?" His eyes were dark, as if he wanted to eat someone.

"Of course I know." She blinked her big, beautiful eyes at him, her eyes overflowing with hope and hope, which was fascinating.

She was kissing her brother, is there anything wrong with her?

"Who is it?" He suddenly grabbed her head, as if if she said one wrong word, he might twist her head off.

"It's you." No matter how scary he looked, she was not afraid at all, because her brother would never hurt her.

"Who am I?" he asked again, his voice getting darker and darker, and his breath sprayed on her face like fire.

"Who do you think you are?" she asked in a naughty and cute tone, not taking his anger seriously at all.

With a dark face, he warned in a deep voice: "Little girl, answer my words carefully, otherwise you can't bear the consequences?"

"Consequences? What consequences?" She smiled innocently and cutely, and stretched out her hand to pat his chest. "Mr. President, if I don't answer your question well, are you going to eat me?"

Facing his increasingly gloomy gaze, Qin leran spoke more and more enthusiastically: "Mr. President, I know that I am beautiful and cute, and I look very attractive. Many people want to eat me, but I only want to be my fierce partner." Brother’s snack.”

She wants to make brother lie's "little snack"!

This girl is using her innocent look to deceive people again.

Quan Nanzhai's face gradually looked better: "Then what did you mean by kissing me just now?"

Qin lelan suddenly realized, and looked extremely surprised: "Mr. President, I have told you, I really have no interest in you, please don't think too much about it."

Quan Nanzhai: "..."

She even kissed him, but she still dared to say that she wasn't interested in him. Did she have to sleep with him to be interested in him?

"The kiss just now was just to express gratitude. You should know that European and American people often kiss each other on the cheek when greeting each other." Her explanation is very reasonable. Although she is not European or American, she grew up in the United States and has received Education is more of a Western education.

"Don't do this again, especially to other men." Even if he was just saying hello, he didn't want her to kiss others.

"Mr. President, you are taking too much care. Even my brother lie may not care about me so much." Brother lie will definitely take care of her. Hey, hey, he just wants to anger you and provoke you. , it depends on what you want.

"Who said he won't take care of you?" Wasn't he taking care of her?

"You know what?" Qin lelan saw that his expression was wrong and immediately added, "Mr. President, don't use the reasons you just used. I don't want to hear it."

Quan Nanzhai: "..."

He was really about to use the excuse he had just used, but who knew that this girl was like a roundworm in his stomach, blocking his mouth earlier.

"Mr. President!" Qin leran touched his flat belly, "I seem to be very hungry. Can you please help me get something to eat?"

In the world, the little girl Qin leran is probably the only one who dares to ask Mr. President to get herself food.

"Well, just wait, I'll come as soon as I go." What's even more frightening is that the president didn't feel anything wrong when he was sent to do things.

Watching his tall back as he left, Qin lelan rolled happily on the bed. Brother lie's jealous look was so cute, so cute that she even wanted to bully him.

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