Chapter 738: The same room

"Lingxi, don't forget, our every word and deed is being watched. As the president's fiancée, after receiving foreign envoys, what reason does the president have for not sending you back in person?" Quan Nanzhai said solemnly. .

He has endured it for so long, and he doesn't care if he endures it for a little longer. If he wants to act for others, of course he has to act in full, otherwise a lot of his previous energy will be wasted.

"Okay." Shen Lingxi didn't say anything more, but looked at Quan Nanzhai with worry and concern in her eyes.

On the way to send Shen Lingxi back, their car was driving in the middle. There was a car leading the way and an escort car behind. The road was so majestic and eye-catching.

"Look, it's Mr. President who is sending Miss Shen back to the Shen family again." Someone pointed on both sides of the road.

"Yes, yes, Mr. President is really considerate to Miss Shen. He would personally send Miss Shen home every time." passers-by said in admiration.

"Well, if you ask me who I have envied in my life, I only envy Miss Shen. Not only is she beautiful, but she can also find a fiancé who loves her so much. They will definitely be a loving couple in the future." Passers-by envied. sound.

In the eyes of the people of country A, Mr. President Quan Nanzhai and his fiancée Shen Lingxi are a match made in heaven. They are both eye-catching and a perfect match together.

The most enviable thing is that Mr. President takes great care of Ms. Shen. The two of them occasionally mess around in front of the camera, which has attracted a large number of their CP fans.

But the scene in the car is completely different from what people see. Quan Nanzhai and Shen Lingxi are sitting in the back seat together, but one is on the far left and the other is on the far right. The distance is as wide as two complete strangers. stranger.

He was looking at the front of the car, and she was looking out of the car window. Neither of them looked at the other. There was no such intimacy as the two of them had received foreign guests and played in front of the camera during the day.

Not only were the two of them sitting far apart, but no one spoke to each other along the way. They were strangers than strangers.

When she was about to arrive at Shen's house, Shen Lingxi thought again and again, and finally broke the silence: "Nan Zhai, did something happen to that little girl?"

Although Quan Nanzhai's performance in receiving foreign envoys today was still remarkable, Shen Lingxi could tell that he was pretending to be something.

There are not many things that can affect Quan Nanzhai's emotions, and there are even fewer people who can affect his emotions.

Over the years, he has learned many things. Among them, emotional control and tolerance have been practiced to the point that almost no one can compare with him.

Quan Nanzhai is very good at controlling his emotions and feelings, and he can always greet people with a smile.

Others couldn't see it, but Shen Lingxi could see that although he kept smiling when receiving the foreign envoys today, she saw his distraction in that smile.

Apart from the little girl from the Qin family, Shen Lingxi could not think of anyone else who could distract him on such an important occasion.

"We're home." Quan Nanzhai retracted his gaze from the front and looked sideways at her, "It's been a tiring day today. Go to bed early when you get home."

Quan Nanzhai did not answer her words and continue because he didn't want to say too much about Qin leran in front of outsiders.

"Nan Zhai..." Shen Lingxi bit her lip, "If the little girl has a misunderstanding about our relationship, I can ask her to explain it to her."

"No. I will handle her matters myself. No one needs to step in to help." Quan Nanzhai refused directly.

Not to mention that the little girl doesn't know his identity now, even if she does know one day, he is the one who should explain it to her, not anyone else.

Shen Lingxi's face turned pale: "Then I'll go back first."

Quan Nanzhai nodded: "Well, rest early."

Shen Lingxi got out of the car and looked back at him: "Nan Zhai, if our engagement..."

Quan Nanzhai interrupted her and said sternly: "There is no if, this matter will be done as we agreed. No one can disrupt the plan before the matter is settled, no matter what the reason."

Shen Lingxi was worried: "But what if the little girl can't..."

"She won't." For some reason, Quan Nanzhai believed in that little girl so much. He believed that she would understand him and would never leave him.

Even if she leaves him, he will find a way to catch her and keep her by his side. No one can take her away from him in this life.

She came to him, and in just a few days, she disturbed his calm heart.

Now that she has disturbed his heart, she should take responsibility. He will never let her go in this life.

"Okay, I'll leave first." Shen Lingxi covered up the helplessness in her eyes, smiled politely at him, turned and left.

"Mr. President, should we go directly to Miss Qin's place?" Qiao Min, the driver, asked.

Qiao Min is the driver who drives for Quan Nanzhai. He has been with Quan Nanzhai for many years and is a person that Quan Nanzhai trusts very much. Therefore, Qiao Min knows about Qin leran.

"Go back first." Quan Nanzhai said.

He wished he could grow wings and fly to that little girl immediately, but he couldn't be so willful.

Now he still has many things to deal with. He still has his fiancée and can't recognize her, so he can't tell her today that her brother lie and the president are the same person.

He wanted to go back and change his clothes and look, and asked the makeup artist to put makeup on him, so that Qin lelan would not recognize who he was even when he saw him.

On the way to the airport, Qin lelan thought about it. In the end, she regretted it. She raised her head and wanted the driver to turn around and go back to the city. Only then did she realize that the direction of the car was not the airport at all.

"Who are you? Where are you taking me?" Qin lelan soon realized that this taxi driver was not a real taxi driver.

"Miss Qin, I won't hurt you. Please sit down and follow me to a place." The driver said politely.

The other party did not reveal his identity, but only said that he would not hurt her, and his tone and attitude were very good, and it did not sound like he was kidnapping someone.

Qin leran looked at him in the rearview mirror and saw that there was nothing unusual about his face, and the direction he drove was not a remote place where no one went, so she boldly guessed that this person might be the person sent by brother lie to keep her.

But how could brother lie know that she bought a plane ticket and was going back to New York?

If it wasn't Brother Lie, then it was most likely Qin Yinze, the bad guy. No matter where she went, he knew her whereabouts very well.

But it's not right. If the taxi driver is Qin Yinze, he should call her "Miss Qin" instead of "Miss Qin".

It's not brother lie or Qin Yinze, so who else would be so polite as to invite her to be a "guest"?

"Who sent you here?" She couldn't figure it out, so she'd better use the most direct method. Maybe the other party would tell her accidentally.

The driver said nothing.

"I'll ask you for the last time, who sent you and where are you taking me?" Because he couldn't guess who the driver was instructing, and he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, Qin leran felt slightly flustered.

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