My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 741 Is she not as important as Shengtian?

Chapter 741: Is she not as important as Shengtian?

Not for a day or two, but for a lifetime, he will keep her here and will never let her go.

However, there are still many bumps in the road ahead, and none of them knows what will happen. They just tell themselves that no matter what happens, they should not give up their determination to be with each other easily.

In Qin leran's memory, he can no longer remember whether brother lie had dinner with her.

When brother lie sat next to her and ate with her, she forgot to move her chopsticks and just looked at him quietly.

She wanted to remember his actions and his appearance in her mind in case she was separated from him in the future, but no matter how long she was separated from him, she could never forget him again.

"Are these dishes not to your liking?" Perhaps her eyes were too focused and burning, which made him feel uncomfortable. Quan Nanzhai slowly raised his head and asked her.

"It's not to your liking." Qin leran shook his head and smiled like a blooming flower. "With brother lie, no matter what I eat, it is all delicacies to me."

"In that case, then eat more and don't lose weight in less than a month after coming to country A." Quan Nanzhai filled the bowl with soup and handed it to her, "I will try my best to spend time with you in the future. Have a meal."

"Really?" Qin leran looked expectant.

"Of course it's true." Looking at her smiling face, he also smiled, and put some vegetables into her bowl. "Don't go hungry again. If you're starving, everyone will worry about you."

"Yeah, yeah, I will never do it again." Qin leran nodded repeatedly and leaned closer to Quan Nanzhai, "Brother Lie, with you by Ranran's side, no matter what kind of difficulties are in front of you, Ranran We will work hard to conquer and never back down.”

Don't worry about your fiancée. Just stay with brother lie like this. All difficulties will be solved. They will be solved, Qin lelan told himself.

As long as the heart in her chest is firm, she will no longer flinch or hesitate. She will use the unyielding energy in her bones to overcome all obstacles and successfully stand by brother lie's side. Together he smiled and looked at the warmth, warmth and prosperity of the world.

Buzz buzz——

The mobile phone beside her suddenly rang. Qin leran looked sideways and saw the phone number displayed on the screen that she kept in mind but never called her again after she ran away from home.

After she ran away from home, her father never contacted her. She knew that he was angry with her and was very angry.

Why did dad suddenly call her today?

Was he unhappy when he found out that she was living in brother lie's house?

It would be terrible if that were the case!

"Who's calling?" Quan Nanzhai saw her brows almost knit together and asked worriedly, "Aren't you going to answer the call?"

"Don't answer." Qin lelan shook his head, slid the reject button on the phone screen and hung up the call.

Brother lie didn't even know how "terrible" her father was. If her father asked her to go back to New York, and she didn't go back, she would probably be picked up from the bed and taken back to New York tomorrow morning.

Her father is truly a person that makes people love, respect, and fear others.

"Is it your father who called?" This little girl can be so entangled. No one except her father can be like this. "He doesn't agree with you coming to country A to find me?"

"Yes." Qin lelan nodded honestly, with a nasal sound in his voice.

It's not that her father disagrees, it's just a million objections. Sometimes she even wonders if her father wants to marry her to Qin Yinze at home.

Because Qin Yinze is an adopted son who makes his father very satisfied. Whether in life or work, Qin Yinze performs extremely well and wins his father's favor.

If dad thinks that Qin Yinze can take on the important responsibility of Shengtian in the future, but does not want to completely hand over Shengtian of the Qin family to someone who is not related by blood, then letting her marry Qin Yinze is the best choice.

Thinking of this possibility, Qin leran was very upset and didn't want to believe that he was not as important as his Shengtian in his father's heart.

"Of course!" Just when she was worried, brother lie held her in his arms and said, "Don't worry, I still have everything. No matter who it is, including your father, he can't stop you from coming to me. around."

As early as many years ago, Quan Nanzhai knew that Qin Yue didn't like him staying with Xiao Ranran.

Otherwise, the news that he was not in trouble would not have reached the Qin family all the time, and the news that he had appeared in Jiangbei would not have been cleared up so cleanly.

Many things told him that Qin Yue did not welcome him to appear next to his daughter.

But what does it matter?

He wants his daughter, it's decided!

"Mr. Pei, I just received the news that our Mr. President has taken the girl to live at his residence in Tongda." Quan Dongming looked at Pei Xuanzhi worriedly after reading the new messages received on his phone.

Pei Xuanzhi drank all the wine in the glass. Because he drank too quickly, he choked on a sip and burst into tears. He shouted excitedly: "We all worked hard to help him. We have worked hard for more than ten years, okay?" It was easy for him to sit in this position. Now he is doing this to let that girl ruin everything for him?"

"Then what should we do now?" Quan Dongming gritted his teeth and wiped his neck, "No matter how beautiful things are, once they cause trouble to us, then this method will always be the best."

"Get rid of her? Do you dare? Anyway, I don't have the guts to touch her." Pei Xuanzhi filled up his wine glass, then raised his glass and took a sip, "That girl is not an ordinary person. If there is something wrong with her, don't talk about it yet. If our President can't explain it here, the Qin family will definitely not give up."

"Third brother, if you don't listen to the advice here, the girl can't move... Do we have to just watch things develop in a bad direction?" Quan Dongming asked loudly.

He admitted that he had a crush on that girl, but that girl didn't belong to him, and that girl might change many key things, so he felt that getting rid of her was the best way, but he ignored the power behind the girl. .

The President insisted on having his own way, and they couldn't start with this girl. For a moment, both of them were silent. Quan Dongming looked at Pei Xuanzhi, who drank one glass after another.

After drinking several drinks, Pei Xuanzhi slowly said: "There is another person who can help us."

Quan Dongming: "Who?"

Pei Xuanzhi said: "Now he is in charge of part of Shengtian's business. People in the industry are very optimistic about the young master of the Qin family who is also very capable."

"Qin Yinze?" Quan Dongming has heard about this adopted son of the Qin family, but he doesn't know much about him. It's not clear whether he has the ability to help them.

Thinking of Qin Yinze, Pei Xuanzhi suddenly felt much more relaxed and said with a smile: "As far as I know, just a few hours after the eldest daughter of the Qin family arrived in Linhai City, the eldest young master of the Qin family also came with someone. ”

Quan Dongming didn't react for a moment and asked, "What does his coming have to do with us?"

Pei Xuanzhi smiled and said: "His purpose is obvious. He wants to take that girl from the Qin family back."

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