Chapter 755: Love is poison

"Baby, of course mom believes in you." Jian Ran patted Qin lelan's back gently and comforted, "as long as it's the path you choose, go boldly. Your dad and I, our grandparents and our little cutie My brother and I will support you.”

"Mom, thank you!" Thanks to her mother for always supporting her, so that she could embark on the journey to find brother lie without any worries.

"Silly boy, don't forget, you are our baby. Seeing you happy and happy is our joy and happiness." Jian Ran took Qin leran's face and stroked it gently.

This may be the voice of every parent who loves their children. They work hard to raise their children, and they do not want to ask their children to give them anything in return. As long as the children are happy, that is the best reward for their parents.

"Well, I won't forget it." Qin lelan showed his face and smiled brightly, "Mom, I will definitely make myself happy."

Jian Ran smiled softly: "That's right, go and wash up quickly, everyone is waiting for you to eat."

"Mom, I love you!" Qin lelan kissed her mother on the face, smiled playfully at her, and then turned and went to the bathroom.

Looking at Qin lelan's frail back, Jian Ran felt extremely distressed. Their daughter had been proud and confident since she was a child, and she had never been like this before.

As people say, love is really a poison. Once you get it, you can never quit it, even for the rest of your life.

She only hopes that the man Qin leran has been obsessed with since childhood can pretend to be Ranran just like Ranran has pretended to be him in her heart.

When Qin lelan came out of the wash, everyone was waiting for her: "Dad, Mom, I've finished washing."

"Well, come over for dinner." It was Jian Ran who spoke. Qin Yue still looked cold and said nothing.

Qin leran sat down next to the little cutie and pinched his cheek habitually: "little cutie, I told you not to follow dad, why don't you listen to your sister? Could your sister harm you? "

"Sister, don't pinch the boy's face casually!" Qin Yinjian didn't know how many times he had said this matter seriously to his sister.

But no matter how many times he said it, he could not escape the tragic fate of being kneaded into dough by her when they met.

He dislikes her very much!

"Ranran pinches you because she likes you and wants to get close to you." It was Qin Yinze who spoke, and it was not difficult to hear some envy in his tone.

He wants Qin leran to kiss him and want her to act coquettishly with him, but she doesn't know how. When she sees him, she always avoids him like a poisonous snake.

"Brother, help her too." Qin Yinjian was a little disappointed. Strictly speaking, he was the child in their family, but everyone doted on his sister.

"Because she is the only girl in our family." Qin Yinze reached out and stroked Qin Yinjian's head. "Dad often tells us that we are boys who have to protect the girls in the family. Xiaojian, don't you think so? "

Qin Yinjian nodded cutely. In fact, he loved his sister very much.

This time when he heard that his parents were coming to Laihai, he put aside his favorite studies and traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers, just because he missed his sister.

However, his personality is like his father, with a cold appearance, and he is not very good at saying nice things, so he can only put on a cool appearance.

"I don't need anyone to speak for me." Qin lelan glanced at Qin Yinze and saw him sitting upright with a calm expression, as if nothing had happened just now.

Seeing him like this, Qin leran hated him even more. Why could he disturb her heart, but he was still so calm and composed.

He was the one who made her sad just now, and now he said such nice things in front of his family. He must have done it deliberately to show off to his parents.

"Okay, okay, it's almost time to eat." Seeing the smell of gunpowder among the children, Jian Ran quickly diverted everyone's attention.

Qin Yue and Jian Ran never helped anyone with the minor conflicts between the children, they always let them handle it themselves.

They don't care about things like Qin leran choking Qin Yinze just now, because they really regard Qin Yinze as their own child, and they won't go out of their way to help him speak because he is not their child.

There is a conflict between Qin leran and Qin Yinze, but she is sensible and will never bring this conflict to the dinner table.

The little disturbance just now passed, and the family happily had lunch together.

After the meal, several members of the family divided the work and worked together, washing the dishes and clearing the table, so the house was quickly tidied up again.

In fact, these things can be solved by maids, but they don’t want others to disturb them when they are together as a family, so they often do things together.

"Of course." After cleaning up, Jianran pulled Qin leran to sit down on the sofa in the living room. "Mom, dad, and the little cutie are going back to New York first. You have to take good care of yourself in the future. If anything happens, remember to ask your brother for help. .”

"Mom, are you going back so soon?" Why are they going back and not Qin Yinze?

Qin leran turned around and glared at Qin Yinze, as if to say, do you want to stay here to ruin my affairs and add trouble to my heart?

Jian Ran added: "Well, dad is busy with work, mom also has some things to deal with in her studio, and our little cutie also has to go to school, so we have to go back first."

"Hmm, then I'll take you to the airport in a moment." Qin leran was really reluctant to leave as soon as his parents arrived.

But she is already an adult, and she has chosen this path by herself. No matter how hard and tiring she is, she has to grit her teeth and complete it.


"Mom, why doesn't he go back?" Qin leran didn't want to mention the word Qin Yinze anymore, and indicated with his eyes who she was talking about.

"Shengtian has several projects to be developed in Linhai recently. Your brother is the general person in charge here." It was Qin Yue who spoke.

When Qin lelan heard the news, he was like a thunderbolt. Why did Shengtian want to develop a project in Linhai City at this time?

Shengtian has its own industries in many places around the world. It is not a problem for dad to occupy the market of country A, but he wants Qin Yinze to take charge of the work.

In other words, during the next days in country A, she may bump into Qin Yinze from time to time, and this person may cause some obstacles for her.

"You guys come in." Qin Yue spoke again, and as his voice fell, two young men and a middle-aged woman who looked exactly the same came in from outside the house.

"Mr. Qin!" the three of them said in unison, respectfully.

"Yes." Qin Yue nodded and said, "Please introduce yourselves to the three of you."

The woman took a step forward and spoke respectfully: "Hello, Miss! I am Chang Huan, a native of Linhai City. If you need anything in country A from now on, you can come to us."

"Hello, Aunt Chang!" Qin lelan looked at Chang Huan a few times. Her sensitive intuition told her that this woman should not be an ordinary person.

She speaks powerfully and moves powerfully. Based on Qin leran's Taekwondo experience in elementary school and the ability to look at a person psychologically that she secretly learned from her uncle, Qin leran can be sure that this woman is definitely not an ordinary person.

The woman nodded, said nothing more, and retreated back to the three of them. Another man stepped forward with the same respectful attitude: "Miss, my name is Chang Li, and I will work by your side from now on."

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