Chapter 760: Disgusted to Death

Qin leran had just finished listening to the recording when Quan Nanzhai called again. He said softly: "Of course, do you want such a recording?"

"Brother Lie, let me hang up the phone first. You can call back in a minute." This is the exclusive ringtone that Brother Lie recorded for her, and she wants to use it immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Qin lelan immediately opened the ringtone setting of his mobile phone and set the recording just made by brother lie as his exclusive ringtone for incoming calls.

One minute passed quickly. When the time was up, almost exactly one second, the exclusive ringtone belonging to Brother Lie rang - [Of course, what are you doing? Brother lie called! Answer the phone quickly! Answer the phone quickly! 】

Listening to it once was not enough, so Qin leran listened to it a second time. When she heard that she might hang up the phone automatically, she answered: "Brother lie, why does your voice sound so good?"

Hearing her cheerful voice, Quan Nanzhai's mood improved a little, and he asked softly: "Do you like the exclusive ringtone that brother lie recorded for you?"

"Of course I like it." Qin leran smiled and said, "I really hope it is brother lie's nice voice that wakes me up every morning."

Quan Nanzhai: "This is not simple yet."

Qin leran: "is this easy?"

"Wait." Quan Nanzhai hung up the phone again without even saying a word to her.

Soon Qin lelan received another voice file. She clicked to listen, and it was brother lie's pleasant voice again.

This time it was the exclusive alarm clock that brother lie recorded for her - [Of course, get up quickly! If I don't get up, the sun will burn my butt. 】

"Brother Lie, are you serious? Do you still think I am a four-year-old child? How can you record such a childish ringtone for me?" Talking about Brother Lie like this, Qin lelan felt happy.

The brother lie she likes is still the brother lie who loved her back then. After so many years, brother lie's intentions for her have not changed at all. He is still willing to accompany her to make troubles and pamper her in his own way.

Quan Nanzhai asked: "Ranran don't like it?"

Qin leran replied: "As long as brother lie prepares it for me, I like it."

Quan Nanzhai nodded: "Yes."

Qin leran raised his eyebrows: "huh?"

The two of them were speechless at the same time, and they were silent for a moment. No one knew what to say to break the silence.

After a long time, a call came in from New York, USA, which interrupted the silence of the two of them: "Brother Lie, my family has called. I will answer the phone first and call you later."

After saying that, Qin lelan hung up Quan Nanzhai's phone and answered the phone at home.

Because it was a landline at home, she didn't know who was on the other end of the phone, so she announced her name first: "I'm Ran Ran, who are you?"

"Sister, we are already home." The cute voice of Qin Yinjian came to Qin lelan's ears from the mobile phone receiver.

"Little cutie, I have been away from my sister for more than ten hours. Do you miss your sister?" Listening to the little guy's voice, Qin leran's hands were itchy and he wanted to pinch his face.

"I think." It's rare for the cute little Qin Yinjian to tell the truth.

"Little cutie, sister misses you too." When Qin lelan heard the little guy say that he missed her, Qin leran became more itchy and wanted to squeeze the little guy, but he was thousands of miles away in New York, and she couldn't pinch him.

She added: "As long as you get home safely. It's been a tiring day. You should go to bed early and let your parents rest early too."

Qin Yinjian said again: "Sister, grandma misses you and wants to talk to you."

"Ranran..." Calling her granddaughter's name, Qin's mother wiped tears from her thoughts, "Ranran, my dear, grandma misses you so much."

Qin lelan is the first grandchild of their Qin family. Everyone has held her in their hands and felt pain for so many years. She suddenly ran away from home. The older Qin mother missed her very much.

If it weren't for her poor health, she would have dragged her old man to Linhai City to be with her granddaughter.

"Grandma, I miss you too!" Qin leran felt extremely guilty when he thought about his older grandparents and that he had traveled so far away and not been with them.

However, she is already an older child. She can no longer stay in the arms of her grandparents and act like a spoiled child like she did when she was a child. She also has her own way to go.

"Ranran baby...why didn't you come back with your parents?" After her son's family went to Linhai, Qin's mother looked forward to them taking her granddaughter back every day. Today, she saw that they came back but did not bring back Qin lelan. Qin's mother was so sad that she almost fainted past.

"Grandma, of course I still have some things to do. Can I go back to accompany you and grandpa when I'm done?" Grandma is old, and Qin lelan talks to her like a child.

"Of course, you can't lie to grandma. Grandma is counting the days every day waiting for you to come back." Qin's mother wiped away her tears and said.

"Grandma, don't worry. Ranran will go back to accompany you after finishing his own business." Qin lelan said sweetly.

"Okay, it's getting late over there. You go to bed earlier and grandma will call you another day." Qin's mother said.

"Okay, goodbye grandma! Take care!" Qin leran took a deep breath after hanging up the phone from grandma.

Before she finished inhaling the cool breath, she found that there seemed to be someone standing behind her, and she was so frightened that she spit out the cool breath again.

She looked back and saw Qin Yinze standing behind her, looking directly at her, as if she was his prey: "You, why are you here? What do you want to do?"

Qin Yinze didn't say a word, but the two eyes staring at her were unpredictable and scary.

Qin lelan bit his lip and said, "Qin Yinze, here..."

"Remember to lock the door when you are alone at home from now on. If the person who just came in is not me but a bad guy, can you afford the consequences?" Qin Yinze's face was cold and his voice was gloomy, which made Qin Leran feel bad.

"I remember I locked the door... Besides, you don't have to worry about my affairs." She said guiltily.

"Since you locked the door, please ask my sister, how did you get in?" In order to take care of her conveniently, he lived next door to her. When he just came back, he saw that her door was ajar, so he came in to take a look. look.

Although the security work at Yuepan Bay is very good, ordinary people cannot enter. Please note that ordinary people cannot enter.

If someone really wanted to harm her, they would try their best to sneak in. If a bad guy happened to sneak into the community and she was careless enough to leave the door open, the consequences... He didn't even dare to think about it.

"Don't you know how you got in? Are you still asking me?" Qin lelan gave him a cold look, "Qin Yinze, you are not welcome here, please get out."

"Qin lelan!" Qin Yinze suddenly called her full name in a deep voice.

"What?" Qin lelan hummed.

"Do you know? You definitely don't know. Sometimes, I want to crush you to death." Kill her, and then kill himself. The two of them were reincarnated together, and their identities had changed. Maybe her attitude towards him would no longer be so bad, and then he could tell her openly that he liked her.

"Qin Yinze, you definitely don't know how much I hate you. I hate you so much that I want you to die and never appear in front of me." If you want to say harsh words, he is not the only one who can say it. She also has a mouth and she can speak.

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