My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 779 So indifferent that he doesn’t even know her

Chapter 779: So indifferent that he doesn’t even know her

After coming to country A to find brother lie, it can be said that Qin lelan never missed Mr. President every time he appeared on TV.

She was worried that she would forget about today's forum meeting, so she made a special memo, but she didn't expect that she would still miss it.

She patted her head in annoyance and quickly turned on the TV. The default setting on her TV was always the Central News Channel.

As soon as the TV was turned on, the TV station was broadcasting the economic forum live, and the camera happened to cut to Brother Lie and the leader of a certain country.

Brother lie is still wearing the black suit he usually wears, with a white shirt underneath and a black tie, looking more calm and reserved than usual.

Just when Qin lelan was staring at brother lie, the camera suddenly switched to the perspective of the entire meeting.

Even among so many national leaders, even though everyone was wearing suits, Qin lelan still saw her brother lie at first sight.

I can see Brother Lie not only because of his outstanding height and aura, but also because he is the youngest leader among the leaders of various countries. He took the position of president before he was thirty years old. He is the number one in the world. indivual.

Her brother lie is not only good-looking, but also so outstanding that any woman who wants to marry her brother lie would probably circle Linhai City several times.

This is not an estimate. Qin leran saw an online vote two days ago on who the man across the country most wanted to marry. The president's voting rate was far ahead, and other candidates could not compare with him.

So many people are thinking about Brother Lie, but what do Brother Lie think?

No matter how you think about it, brother lie still found time to reply to her message during such an important meeting. Does this prove that she is really different to other people to him?


It was Lin Xiaoxiao who called.

Qin leran answered and heard Lin Xiaoxiao's excited voice: "Leran, I'm waiting for you downstairs at your house. Come down quickly."

Qin lelan looked at brother lie on the TV, wondering if he had time to go downstairs: "Xiaoxiao, come up, I don't have time to go down."

Lin Xiaoxiao: "Leran, I tell you, you must come."

Qin leran: "why?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "Because sister Lingxi invited us to dinner."

"Forget it, I just had dinner." To be honest, Qin lelan doesn't want to see brother lie's fiancée at all.

We bumped into each other for dinner yesterday. It was purely an accident.

"Leran, sister Lingxi sincerely invited us, and she really regards us as her sisters. If you don't come, she will definitely be sad." Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Then just tell her that it's okay if you can't contact me." Qin lelan has never been a person who is stupid enough to take into account other people's mood and wrong himself.

"Leran, it's rare for sister Lingxi to get an appointment with you, so why don't you give me a favor?" Shen Lingxi's call came from her mobile phone, which made Qin lelan extremely embarrassed and wanted to beat that girl Lin Xiaoxiao hard.

Isn't that girl her little friend?

When did you collude with others?

Now that Shen Lingxi said this, Qin leran was unwilling and embarrassed to shirk, so he had to agree to have lunch with them.

Still a long way away, Lin Xiaoxiao shouted and waved to Qin leran: "Leran, we are here."

She is not deaf or blind, so does she need to shout so loudly?

Lin Xiaoxiao, why can't she change her erratic personality? After all, she was born into a famous family.

"Hello, sister Lingxi!" Qin lelan greeted Shen Lingxi politely.

"Leran, get in the car quickly." Shen Lingxi smiled at her.

Why did Shen Lingxi suddenly come to pick her up for dinner in person?

Qin leran thought dullly.

Is it because Shen Lingxi knows the relationship between brother lie and her, and knows that brother lie stayed at her house last night. Is Shen Lingxi coming to her today to declare her sovereignty?

If this is the case, what should she do?

Just as Qin lelan was thinking about it, the car they were riding in had arrived at Beigong.

Lin Xiaoxiao: "Leran, we're here."

Qin lelan got out of the car and took a look: "Is this Beigong?"

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes, yes, sister Lingxi specially brought us here to see the big scene where the leaders of various countries meet."

Logically speaking, Qin lelan should refuse rationally, but thinking that she could see brother lie up close and witness his charming style up close, she couldn't refuse.

When Shen Lingxi entered the North Palace, she naturally had a special passage. She greeted the guards, and then took Qin lelan and Lin Xiaoxiao into the restaurant where leaders from various countries were received.

Shen Lingxi said: "The morning meeting is almost over. At noon, the participants will have dinner together in the VIP room. I asked someone to reserve a seat for us."

Lin Xiaoxiao: "Sister Lingxi, you are so great that you can bring us to a place like this."

Shen Lingxi smiled and said nothing.

She knew very well that it wasn't how great she was, but her status as Mr. President's fiancée, which gave her a lot of convenience.

Once she loses this identity, then she is nothing, and she cannot even control her own destiny.

Qin leran didn't speak, and looked around quietly. She was very interested in anything related to brother lie.

Lin Xiaoxiao kept chattering and asking: "Sister Lingxi, are we going to sit at the same table with Brother Nanzhai later?"

Before getting an answer from Shen Lingxi, she continued: "I have never attended such a state banquet. I think there must be a lot of delicious food."

Shen Lingxi smiled softly and said, "Xiaoxiao, I really envy you."

She envied Lin Xiaoxiao for having a brother who loved her so much, and she envied Lin Xiaoxiao's simple life where she didn't have to think about anything except eating.

Lin Xiaoxiao was surprised and said: "Sister Lingxi, have you made a mistake? What do I have to envy you? You are the most envious person in my life. You are gentle and beautiful, knowledgeable and courteous, and you will still be able to do so in the future. Will marry brother Nanzhai."

What Lin Xiaoxiao envied most was that Shen Lingxi could marry Quan Nanzhai. She had fantasized more than once that it would be great if she was the one engaged to brother Nanzhai.

But she is so bad, not only does she look average, she is not smart, she also loves to eat... why should she stand next to brother Nan Zhai.

Shen Lingxi didn't answer anymore. Everyone's living environment is different, so they want to pursue different things, and their definition of happiness is even different.

"Leran, why don't you say anything?" Lin Xiaoxiao asked again.

"I heard you say it's good." In front of strangers, Qin lelan never talks much. Many people who are not familiar with her will think that her personality is like her father, and she is aloof.

"Brother Nanzhai! Look, brother Nanzhai is here!" Lin Xiaoxiao was the first to notice Quan Nanzhai walking towards them.

Qin leran looked in the direction of Lin Xiaoxiao's finger, and sure enough she saw her brother lie. Surrounded by a group of people, he walked with a slight smile on his face, walking elegantly, and talking.

Feeling brother lie's demeanor at such a close range, Qin lelan couldn't look away once his eyes fell on him.

Watching him talk with leaders from various countries, his every move showed the majesty and domineering power of the president.

They were walking in their direction. Seeing him getting closer and closer, Qin leran clenched his fist nervously, wondering if he should say hello to him?

Who knows, she is overthinking it.

When Mr. President passed by her, his eyes only glanced lightly at her body and then looked away, as coldly as if he didn't know her as a person.

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